Last Chance U

This season is like watching a train wreck.
Looks like the bright lights of stardom took its tool on these dudes.
I dont really root for people to fail but that Bobby Bruce just rubs me the wrong way.

Bobby was never taught how to be an adult. Grew up in a horrible area and only learned the street. He never had a chance.

The guys I couldn't stand were Malik and Kingston. Both from decent families. Both had all the ability in the world. Malik was soft, lazy, and a liar. Kingston was probably the laziest dude on the team. To go from Michigan to being a third-stringer (behind a literal walk-on) at a JUCO is unreal.
Is is a train wreck that is interesting to watch or just dumb?

I watched it because its about football. I cant give a better reason than that. Most, not all but most, just never take responsibility for anything. They skirt classwork, cry when they have to compete. They dont respect coaches or coaching. Its a 3 car wreck. You cant help but watch
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Ill admit to looking up the cast and being certain I would find Matt House was their D Coordinator
I am a few episodes in on season 4. What a disaster! Shows how quickly a team loaded with comparable talent can go down the tubes quickly. Their coach is so bad. The one assistant with the young family—I really hope he gets some opportunities coming up.
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Very entertaining. Very sad to watch though. The head coach leads a very depressing, lonely life and many of the players waste opportunity after opportunity.
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