Local Pittsburgh radio how do they still have jobs

you need a mix of local and national. I am not talking about a cheap knock off Dan Patrick but someone who can do a national show format with a local twist. that dude who went to NY, the guy who was doing the morning show before Dunlap, someone like that would have been perfect.

I think a Zeise and Bendel show would be cool. yeah, they are both yinzers but both can talk about topics outside of AB, Cutch, and Tomlin..

You and I would love this, as would a lot of others on this forum. Unfortunately there aren't as many of us as we would hope.

This post is intended for the rarified excellence of some of the posters who prefer to like what they like and not have what is most popular define what is the best quality.
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How do college fans know when the dopes on the Fan are going to talk about the subject ?If there was a set program time with a host who knows something I and many woul tune in. I have to listen to all the continuos boring subjects that repeat all day and all of a sudden they say the next segment is College Ball. Pitt fans or any College fansare probably not listening. There are College fans. Have a programming schedule.
well they bring it up, introduce the segment.. You want a set time, every day, when a show will talk about college sports? Like every day at 8:30am, the segment will cover college football? Not sure that is very likely or possible but hey, what the hell do I know..
Well again, I think one thing nice would be a Pitt centric and college centric show an hour or so each week hosted by a Zeise or Chris Peak. Not those ridiculously produced Pitt shows by Bill Hillgrove which are nothing more than alot of noise and overselling of sponsors, with no real information and discussion.

Have it at a defined time so we all know when it would be on and call in. I do think this market seriously missed this.

I hope this posts finds everyone in agreement. Again, I know I am the most polarizing figure on these forums for some reason, but really I am on your side.
well they bring it up, introduce the segment.. You want a set time, every day, when a show will talk about college sports? Like every day at 8:30am, the segment will cover college football? Not sure that is very likely or possible but hey, what the hell do I know..
Start with an hour twice a week and they will have a following. I dont care what station its on. Chris Peak would be great. None.biased and knowledgeable.
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The Pitt fanbase is not big enough for them to care about. If Pitt didn't want to work with them, they'd carry Penn St. instead. Pitt will never come close to what Ohio St. is in Columbus. That's just reality.
No pro football team in Columbus and then you have the other pro teams in the area-Cleveland and Cincinnati-need I say more ?
well they bring it up, introduce the segment.. You want a set time, every day, when a show will talk about college sports? Like every day at 8:30am, the segment will cover college football? Not sure that is very likely or possible but hey, what the hell do I know..
They can still do their uninformed sarcastic general commenting but thats for their normal yinzer listeners
Im talking about College fans who cant listen all day to the constant subjects over and over
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Media negativity shouldn't be the program is perceived is very important to how the university is treated overall. I think it's highly underrated by Pitt itself how incredibly helpful it would be if Pitt's sports were highly successful. It's absolutely wrong and ridiculous that it is this way, but this region, more than most, is unduly influenced by sports success and it truly bleeds over into the "real world".
Pitt the university, which should be revered or at least respected, gets treated like garbage locally, and a big reason ... I'll even say the biggest ... is the sports teams with the school name on it go splat in the bed so much.

The effect is undeniable. The next time you drive past the Consol and the huge arena site that the Penguins were handed and have total control over (and have botched to high heaven with no ramifications) ... or take the T (for "free") to the North Shore and trek over the land and establishments the Steelers were handed to develop at their pleasure ... then think of Pitt, and the hostility it gets to build things Pitt pays for itself! Do you expect to see a relatively tiny change like closing off Bigelow Blvd to happen in your lifetime? I don't, in mine. But if Pitt won a couple NC, you'd see that, and a bunch more.
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All good points but the hosts no little about the game so Pitt fans or any other schools fans dont listen. The only callers when Pitt is a topic are the same folks who listen all day to talk of Joey Porter, Nutting sucks, and should the Pens trade a goilie.
I live in Columbus Ohio and try to listen to 93.7 the fan to get my Pitt fix and every time I turn it on it is negative Pitt talk. How do Ron Cook and Andrew Filliponi still have jobs in Pittsburgh.
If that happened here in Columbus and people talked that way about OSU they would be fired. Ask the guy in Pittsburgh who came from Columbus a couple of years ago.
Why don't Pitt people go to the sponsors.
I guess it's the same reason Pitt fans don't go to the games, they don't care.

I don't want to sound like a broken record... when will someone man up, woman up and pay the show a visit..
I'm ready just waiting for the nod for someone to join, can bitch about it.. time for actions.

I've canceled the PG with a note about the dickweed cook.
Mentioned this before, born and raised in Pittsburgh, and every time I return home am shocked at how bad sports talk radio is. The most uninformed hosts I've ever heard, other than local subjects have no clue what is going on nationally.

It's literally like listening to a couple old codgers sit around the bar talking sports and you have to get up and change seats because it's so annoying how wrong they are about everything.
93.7 is damn near unlistenable. And I'm not even talking about the talent on air. There is literally 33 minutes of programming each hour. And that might be generous. There are three segments that are eight minutes long. There are also three segments that are three minutes long. In eight minutes segment, they can realistically take 2–3 calls, because they have to set up each segment with "witty banter". No segment ever get the chance to really get going. Zeise is, by far, the best they have. And he is the least "radio guy" there is on their staff. It definitely helps all of us that he is willing to talk college sports. I actually like the morning show. Dunlap and Colony seem to be friendly towards Pitt. The midday, and afternoon drive, not so much.
It is interesting, yesterday they were talking about WVU's win over Baylor in Morgantown. Andrew Filaponi went to the game (wife is a WVU grad) and noted Pitt hater took off on WVU storming the court. IN fact, he mentioned 2-3 times, "I admire the Oakland Zoo because despite all the big home wins they have had, they never have stormed the court".

I notice that nobody reported this on these forums. Perhaps our antennas are way too dialed in and sensitive to negative, anti Pitt stuff. In fact, I have seen on here complete misrepresentation of what some of them say, and just assume it is a slam or negative against Pitt.

I do agree that Pitt needs to dial up its pressure to be more positive. We don't need every football article a referendum on attendance. But again, those yellow seats just draw your eyes to them. But Pitt also is its worst enemy, losing the bowl game, in other wise would be a fairly celebrated season. Pitt needs to convince media and casual fans that it is a serious sports entertainment option.
Im a Steeler and partial seain ticket holder to Buccos and quite frankly cant stand listening to them talk about them. I love sports. The game. The personalities and personal life are of no interest. I love learning something about the real games. Football Basketball etc. Pitt needs to buy 1 hour slots 2 times a week. Chris will be the host . Panthers Peak
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Said it 5 years ago, and it got worst and still glad i tune in only to the Zest of Zeise , Starkey at times (but his Co-Host Talks about Himself, Wife, and Admits he "Hates Seedy CFB" but they keep him on the Air), and then Chris Peak is on once in a while giving the Best News on Pitt.

It is a station that should play in Guantanamo Prison to reduce the Terrorists Populations by Suicide if they had to listen to it all Day and Night long, it is that horrible it should be at least used as an instrument of National Security against ISIS, Taliban, and Al Qadea!
Classic Yinzer. Talk show hosts, PG, Trib, Refs - all against us. Good Greif...Yoi!

check out the twitter and/or bio's of some of the local "unbiased" media. Kevin Gorman, Adam Bittner, Rob Biertemfels, Chris Adamski, Jerry Micco. And those are just the obvious ones, not including subtle idiots like Cook, Filliponi, Starkey and Benz.

Still think we are being paranoid?
check out the twitter and/or bio's of some of the local "unbiased" media. Kevin Gorman, Adam Bittner, Rob Biertemfels, Chris Adamski, Jerry Micco. And those are just the obvious ones, not including subtle idiots like Cook, Filliponi, Starkey and Benz.

Still think we are being paranoid?
Shhhhh.....SV might be Fillibaloney and that is real para-anoyning !
Write to their sponsors and tell them why you've tuned-out.

I would not patronize their sponsors if I knew who they are. However, I have never listened to a single minute of The Fan, so I do not know who it is I should not be patronizing.

Maybe somebody could list the sponsors on here. And maybe someone could let the sponsors know that they are on a list to be boycotted.
I would not patronize their sponsors if I knew who they are. However, I have never listened to a single minute of The Fan, so I do not know who it is I should not be patronizing.

Maybe somebody could list the sponsors on here. And maybe someone could let the sponsors know that they are on a list to be boycotted.
I listen most mornings and all I remember is zerorez and some law firm that sticks up for fathers' custody rights. I am sure baeirl is one too, and if any pitt fan cares about pitt-friendly businesses, you'll support baeirl. they did more for pitt sports than any one person or group of people in the history of the university..
I listen most mornings and all I remember is zerorez and some law firm that sticks up for fathers' custody rights. I am sure baeirl is one too, and if any pitt fan cares about pitt-friendly businesses, you'll support baeirl. they did more for pitt sports than any one person or group of people in the history of the university..

Dunlap is one of the more reasonable hosts, but his schtick and constant tweets about Colony is getting pretty tiresome.
check out the twitter and/or bio's of some of the local "unbiased" media. Kevin Gorman, Adam Bittner, Rob Biertemfels, Chris Adamski, Jerry Micco. And those are just the obvious ones, not including subtle idiots like Cook, Filliponi, Starkey and Benz.

Still think we are being paranoid?
Adamski, Bittner, Biertempfel, Micco are official Cult members - Not even a question.
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Dunlap is one of the more reasonable hosts, but his schtick and constant tweets about Colony is getting pretty tiresome.
did something happen with colony today? I heard something about him leaving but didn't listen to the next segment. is this another one of Colon's dumb and false teases?
Adamski, Bittner, Biertempfel, Micco are official Cult members - Not even a question.

Micco is somewhat reasonable for a nit, although he had a supposed beat writer stationed in State College and didn't investigate anything regarding Sandusky and wrote about the creamery instead. Adamski, Biertemfel & Bittner should have their privileges revoked, they are not journalists but deranged fanboys.
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I listen most mornings and all I remember is zerorez and some law firm that sticks up for fathers' custody rights. I am sure baeirl is one too, and if any pitt fan cares about pitt-friendly businesses, you'll support baeirl. they did more for pitt sports than any one person or group of people in the history of the university..

Agree about Baeirl. Never heard of zerorez. Been happily married for 31 years. I guess I wouldn't make much of an impact.

That lawyer is funny, if it's who I'm thinking of. Sounds like he's sticking up for fathers, but I suspect he's a bitter divorcee himself who wants to do battle in court with every woman in the world who files for divorce.
Agree about Baeirl. Never heard of zerorez. Been happily married for 31 years. I guess I wouldn't make much of an impact.

That lawyer is funny, if it's who I'm thinking of. Sounds like he's sticking up for fathers, but I suspect he's a bitter divorcee himself who wants to do battle in court with every woman in the world who files for divorce.
zerorez is carpet cleaning company. spell it backwards or forwards, it says the same thing. Catchy ad.. love the law firm ads too, their commercials are advice about changing your social media passwords and suspending any credit cards so your wifey doesn't rob you blind, f***ing women, cant live with them.. pass the beer nuts...
check out the twitter and/or bio's of some of the local "unbiased" media. Kevin Gorman, Adam Bittner, Rob Biertemfels, Chris Adamski, Jerry Micco. And those are just the obvious ones, not including subtle idiots like Cook, Filliponi, Starkey and Benz.

Still think we are being paranoid?

Are Cook and Starkey the same person? I see Starkey now has a column in the P-G, and if I didn't see a name I wouldn't be able to tell their columns apart. Not just the stupidity and miserable attitude, but the actual writing style seems exactly the same.
Are Cook and Starkey the same person? I see Starkey now has a column in the P-G, and if I didn't see a name I wouldn't be able to tell their columns apart. Not just the stupidity and miserable attitude, but the actual writing style seems exactly the same.
Weird thing is, Starkey is actually a big pitt fan. you wouldn't know it from his show or his columns but he is..
I don't want to sound like a broken record... when will someone man up, woman up and pay the show a visit..
I'm ready just waiting for the nod for someone to join, can bitch about it.. time for actions.

I've canceled the PG with a note about the dickweed cook.

And shockingly he is still employed and the PG still publishes!

I would not patronize their sponsors if I knew who they are. However, I have never listened to a single minute of The Fan, so I do not know who it is I should not be patronizing.

Maybe somebody could list the sponsors on here. And maybe someone could let the sponsors know that they are on a list to be boycotted.

And all three of you potential boycotters likely have those sponsors squirming.

Pitt is number four in a three horse town. And that is true even among some of the three thousand or so hard core Pitt fans. Now if you could get the tens of thousands of Nitter trolls that call themselves Pitt fans to join your crusade, you may actually gain some influence.
The people who make the decisions on The Fan are idiots.

They want ratings? Let's name the three most popular sports broadcasters in Pittsburgh radio history: Bob Prince, Myron Cope, and Mike Lange.

And what do those three have in common? All are, or were, blatant homers.

Most Pittsburghers like their announcers biased, rooters, and pro-Pittsburgh, just like they are. Why The Fan has hired the clowns whom we dislike so much is a mystery.
I don't think The Fan is nearly as bad as some make it out to be. There are probably some better hosts out there, but I enjoy listening. As far as the negativity, it's what drives ratings. Ratings are better and there are more calls when things go wrong. Same thing on message boards, Twitter, news articles, etc. Just compare the action after a win vs. a loss.
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I would rather listen the opera music than Cook and Filliponi. Luckily I have Sirius in my truck and can switch between college talk, NHL and NFL.
Micco is somewhat reasonable for a nit, although he had a supposed beat writer stationed in State College and didn't investigate anything regarding Sandusky and wrote about the creamery instead. Adamski, Biertemfel & Bittner should have their privileges revoked, they are not journalists but deranged fanboys.
Did you all catch Biertempfel's twitter feed during the Rose Bowl? Was going back and forth trashing Pitt fans. So professional!

Dude is a joke. Have heard he's an arrogant a-hole as well.
I would rather listen the opera music than Cook and Filliponi. Luckily I have Sirius in my truck and can switch between college talk, NHL and NFL.
You listen to hockey on the radio? Dear lord, how painful is that. I like hockey and that sounds torturous to me.
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This goes back to what I've said countless times: local media don't talk college football because they know nothing about it. They duck in on Pitt and Penn State but don't pay any attention to any other teams or leagues. I would bet a sizable chunk have no idea didn't even know Alabama lost their star running back in the second half.

I'll be honest, outside of a handfull of teams, I don't care about college football either. College football was imo at it's peak when they had about 8 elite teams and the rest knew their place in college football. Now they have maybe 1 or 2 and the rest are all about even. Who the hell has time to keep up with 40 teams and watch 20 games on a Saturday? IMO, college football parity is a BAD thing and hurts the sport.

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