Maurice Ffrench

Jesus, you are literally trying to make your point by referencing talking to people 35 years ago and equating it to the current game/leagues.
Is that best you can do??? Is that an answer? Once again, there is difference in TODAYS Game between Freshmen starting in CFB and Rookies Starting in the NFL, and just admit you don't know? LLOL!

If you know it show us?
No, just pointing out how you don't know the difference and only you are stupid not knowing it, does that upset you, and name calling won't educate you anymore than BAMA did? LLOL!
You can't put together coherent thoughts or sentences. I know you are old, so you really might want to get it checked out. You may be having an episode.
Here I will help you because I respect your post because you speak your mind and make good comments, but clearly in your posts above you just lack some knowledge important to uedrstand the game and that is OK if you get upset by it!

Once gain, the Most talented Players do not always make it in the Pros and the ones that play often are the ones that make the least mistakes and that was true 35 years ago,and true today?

In addition, there is a reason why Freshmen in CFB that do start are special players even being new to faster game
You can't put together coherent thoughts or sentences. I know you are old, so you really might want to get it checked out. You may be having an episode.
Sure, I can and did, you can't answer the difference and now you keep showing how stupid you are, that is not a just a coherent thought but fact you are proving too and all can see it here to read, LLOL!

Are You going to keep crying and whining like a child or can you act like an adult?
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The Links will make you think and no need to thank me on educating you on what you thought you knew and could not post it?

I tried to give you a Hint with how Tom Osborn actually made Nebraska great in 1990s with large Walk-Ons allowing far more Snaps into 4 and 3 or 4 Units on Offense and Defense with bigger Rosters. Practicing Snaps for all First and Second Teams with limited 20 Hours was a big advantage for NU. But you missed it too! The Military Academies have large Rosters too permitted by Law, Navy a has had as many 169 Players on their roster and why they are more competitive now.

Now onto educating you without any whining.....One of the Big Difference I was alluding to, is the time for Players Practices in the NFL versus limits in CFB to 20 Hours a week. it makes a world difference in adjusting to the tougher NFL without making big mistakes in deciding if you play or are benched.

In the NFL prior to 2012 they did not have much limits on Formal NFL Grueling Practices until the Concussion Era put such concerns into the CBA Agreements. Today, the NFL within the designated times of the day that are mandated for working out does not restrict a Player's Free Time like College Players limited to 17 Hour + 3 Hour Game Day week.

NFL Players can use their Free Time working out on their own even with Coaches without Pads so they can learn catching techniques, passing routes, and other details to adapt to the game.

The smart Players do it, study and prepare for Games with their Free Time and can increase better performances with less mistakes. CFB NCAA Rules won't allow this and that frustrates Former NFL Coaches that would love to spend more time with their Players on working on techniques to teach and learn.

Once again, the Pros in the Know, will tell you the Most Talented Players even with more speed or size won't play if they make mistakes like drop passes, miss tackles, go off-sides and so forth. Even produce or go sit on the bench. The Players that play often are the ones that make the least mistakes and that was true 35 years ago,and true today?

The Best NFL Pros that start know that training and devotion to the game must be absolute in order to sustain success for a long period of time in the NFL. This is requires much of their Free Time devoted to preparing for the games even outside NFL designated practices.

Smart NFL & CFB Coaches know this is one the most crucial difference between CFB and the NFL. Players that work more on techniques learn faster to make less mistakes? Now you do too, since you were too stupid to know it and thought it was more about Roster Size & Salary Caps? They influence decisions on who makes the Team, but not much once on the Team. The Smart Start and the Smart works hard to play better even if slower and smaller at times!

Additionally, this is a reason why Freshmen in CFB that do start are special players by having to adjust to a Faster Game with Bigger Players than they saw in High School. Freshmen must learn to prepare to play with less coaching unlike Rookies or Players in the NFL.

In CFB, Recruits are contending alongside youngsters fresh out of high school who are just starting to build up their physiques. Many were the finest players on their High School Teams and very good athletes. All-Stars, Blue-Chippers, and now competing with All Americans mixed with Walk-ons and Mid-Level Players that show promise.

Now compare that to Rookies and Every Day Players in the NFL, up against the unqualified paramount 32 Team's Players in America. This collections of Players are prime, toughest, hard-hitting various all-around athletes that are fighting, biting, and studying to keep their jobs.

On the other hand, CFB Freshmen are just learning to train better under even better coaches and trainers developing their minds and body into both a weapons and shields as maturing growth of the is concurrently filling itself into learning even a faster game than High School and against Players 3 to 4 years older and experienced.

Nevertheless, that precise part of the progression is far from heighten and why the NCAA restricts practice, coaching, staffing, and conditioning hours and require classroom. Fundamentally, virtually all CFB players are likely just beginning to emerge from the adolescence stage, a process and does not mature physically until Mid-20s and even mentally much later and why limits on Practices can cause a difference in making mistakes versus NFL Free Time Practices trying to prevent them.

Elite Coaches like Saban and Meyers know how to make them perform with just 20 hours of practices a week. Wannstedt one of the coaches that Coach in NFL & CFB said it too just when Lovie Smith got the job this year? When Wanny was coaching in 2005-10 he said it is tougher to get the Players that need more practice to become better because you have limits on time you can spend with them by NCAA Rules, not 35 Years ago!

Being able to Practice with Coaches in the NFL even before or after Team Practices can really improve a Player's Performance to adapt to the game sooner and with fewer mistakes.

Below one can see what happens to Programs that exceed over 17 hours and 3 more the Game a week and makes that a non-compliance competitive advantage.
CoachRod got WVU & Michigan is some trouble when he violated that NCAA Rules on exceeding practices.
Excerpts & Links:

Michigan Violations On Practices:
After 130 years of rule-breaking virginity, the University of Michigan football program admitted to four major NCAA rule violation allegations, while disputing a fifth allegation. In accepting responsibility, the University of Michigan, its athletic director Dave Brandon, and head coach Rich Rodriguez, have imposed self-sanctions, mainly recommending two years of probation (explanation and other self-sanctions listed below).

Second Link WVU Turns Itself In To NCAA:

When the NCAA began investigating allegations at Michigan that Rodriguez had too many coaches on the practice field and was exceeding the time limit for preparation per week, WVU was included in the investigation. Obviously, that's because Rodriguez was the Mountaineers' head coach before leaving for Michigan. So, the NCAA wanted to determine if Rich Rod committed the same transgressions at WVU. What the NCAA discovered, according to sources with knowledge of the situation, is those practices have continued at WVU.

I agreed with you where I could, but you had no idea what the Smart NFL Pro's know and you can't run from it now.

To sum up, for your future benefit.

In the NFL the Players that start for their Teams, do study how to cut apart their challenger’s and their game long before they take the GridIron. The NFL in general is far more balanced in bodily capability. Smart NFL Players swiftly comprehend they can no longer rely solely on their physical gifts to prevail and stay on Team. They can practice, study, and increase their aptitudes for the game far easier than limited CFB Players. This is just as important as making the plays instead of mistakes that cause the Team to lose. Coaches get fired by such dumb lazy thinking Players and Owner's dump them, and why extra prep time and practice free time are major differences than CFB! Most talented wash out will tell you why they washed out too.

In comparison, CFB is much more steady and an equal preparation opportunity. Mainly due to all CFB Programs are limited to 17 hour weekly practices plus 3 hour games, that limits time to Practice and Study FB in-depth. This cuts down the Student Players time and abilities to improve their techniques and basically put every player on a fairly even playing field in terms of preparation unlike in the NFL.

Now you can go back to name-calling or thank me and go sin no more! On what you clearly could not display in any modicum of Proper Football Thoughts on this particular subject area?

So, be a BAMA Man, and keep posting what you do know, I enjoy reading them?

But that's on you to choose?
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Here I will help you because I respect your post because you speak your mind and make good comments, but clearly in your posts above you just lack some knowledge important to uedrstand the game and that is OK if you get upset by it!

Once gain, the Most talented Players do not always make it in the Pros and the ones that play often are the ones that make the least mistakes and that was true 35 years ago,and true today?

In addition, there is a reason why Freshmen in CFB that do start are special players even being new to faster game

Sure, I can and did, you can't answer the difference and now you keep showing how stupid you are, that is not a just a coherent thought but fact you are proving too and all can see it here to read, LLOL!

Are You going to keep crying and whining like a child or can you act like an adult?
You think those are coherent, complete, and close to correct thoughts/sentences?

You have serious issues. I do wish you good luck with solving those things, whatever they may be, and a smooth recovery. I've seen dementia and stroke issues first hand and both/either are tough. Add to that being ornery and a stick in the mud, stuck in the past, and it makes interactions difficult.

As for the issue at hand, you are quoting early 90s and early 80s opinions to refute the claim it is an old and antiquated adage...And you are now trying to turn it into the "smart start"? Ok. That really doesn't have anything to do with the antiquated logic that "for every rookie you start you will lose another game" idiocracy. Of course success and careers are determined by work ethic and willingness to learn, so as to avoid mistakes. That is true for rookies and 2nd year players and 5th year players. It is why sometimes a walk on becomes a more successful player than a 5 star or a 7th round draft pick ends up one of the best QBs of all time, while a top 10 pick busts. But there are plenty of examples of rookies being the best option as rookies and multi year vets never figuring it out. A vet isn't better than a rookie just because he is a vet and that is what that adage tried to put forth. Rookies are played more and counted on more than ever in both NFL and NCAAF. Roster limitations (via recruiting/scholarship caps and salary/pick caps) drive a big reason for that. And trying to practice more (beyond the rules) doesn't do anything to disprove that. I'm sorry you missed the discussion by such a wide margin, yet again. Congrats on your blocks of text and go nowhere links, though.

Just FYI, the NFL and NCAAF are nothing like they were 35 years ago.
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"Jpripper88, post: 1600518, member: 2044"]You think those are coherent, complete, and close to correct thoughts/sentences?
No, let me correct you again, I don't think I know am coherent ad showed it by what you did not know and that upset you! These are sentences enough for a Poor Poster that can't argue content like you on your level not knowing certain aspects of Football, and that is on you! Quit crying and quit lying! Man up!

You have serious issues.
No I don't only you do, you are emotionally upset because you did not know what you called stupid and now know only you were stupid, and now upset further. Did you get an education at Bama?

I do wish you good luck with solving those things, whatever they may be, and a smooth recovery.
I hope you work out your emotional issues of not being able to admit when you had to be corrected and go back to school.

I've seen dementia and stroke issues first hand and both/either are tough. Add to that being ornery and a stick in the mud, stuck in the past, and it makes interactions difficult.
Well, try reading some details on football Information and quit looking into a mirror on your ignorance, get better, just because you were stupid on not knowing what Pro's Know does not mean you have Dementia?

As for the issue at hand, ..
Woe, you just said, you could not understand coherent sentences on the subject on Football you did not know about now you are saying you did understand after all, well is that a sign of your poor education or do go to and from Dementia Post to Post, LLOL! are quoting early 90s and early 80s opinions to refute the claim it is an old and antiquated adage.
Nope I am not at all, I have outright refuted that your Rosters & Salary Caps claims show only you were stupid on the subject and did know the difference between Freshmen Recruits and NFL Rookie challenges.

Not opinions at all confirmations you weer too stupid know about, Wannstedt said it in 2000s not 1980-90's, CoachRod needed more time to make his Players better so he broke rules at 2 schools, and that was in 2000s there are also articles that can be link on those differences too from Players that know and recent I might add.

Only you are arguing Opinions because you have no Factual Knowledge until I taught it to you! Get that straight since you suffer from your overblown ego of ignorance and not is name-calling that is an outright fact that you proved about you above, in your own word too.....LLOL.

Let me be more "coherent for your level of education" are stupid on a this subject and proved it!

And you are now trying to turn it into the "smart start"? Ok.
Nope again, I did not turn it around, i just educated you on a subject you did not know anything about and you are upset about it now? You can't run away showing what you did not know now, that is a person with serious issues upset he did not know about Football?

That really doesn't have anything to do with the antiquated logic that "for every rookie you start you will lose another game" idiocracy.
Really, only you think so and that is just your opinion, go link some facts to back you up, and tell me how you know more the Pros that play game? You have undercut your own post's opinion, and that is what an idiot does?

Of course success and careers are determined by work ethic and willingness to learn, so as to avoid mistakes.
Nope, that not anything you said above! It is also not germane to the subject you called stupid, and it Contradicts what you said was just an Opinion above?

It is a Factual Reality that there is major difference between CFB Limited Practices and NFL Free Time Practices that help them prevent mistakes so they can play and stay on a Team. You did not know it and only you were stupid on the subject and called it an Opinion???? You have problems!

That is true for rookies and 2nd year players and 5th year players.
Well, thank you for confirming you now agree with what I taught you!

It is why sometimes a walk on becomes a more successful player than a 5 star or a 7th round draft pick ends up one of the best QBs of all time, while a top 10 pick busts.
Wow, so you are confirming my Information, thank you again, welcome to learning through sharing. Good to see you are coherent now on a subject you did know earlier!

But there are plenty of examples of rookies being the best option as rookies and multi year vets never figuring it out.
Yep, and there are plenty of examples of other rookies that wash out because they did not work on practicing and just kept making mistakes in the Pros because they did not have to learn to do it in CFB as much? So, I already know what you just posted!

A vet isn't better than a rookie just because he is a vet and that is what that adage tried to put forth.
Well, that is what my post says in summation and thank you for confirming it! Pro Competition is more than physically equal it is mental preparation with practice to prepare for all games and the best players play because they avoid mistakes.

Rookies are played more and counted on more than ever in both NFL and NCAAF. Roster limitations (via recruiting/scholarship caps and salary/pick caps) drive a big reason for that.
Outright stupidity gain on your part, they are played to see if they can play and contribute to a Team to win, make mistakes and cut and traded or need more time.
Again you are just stupid, CFB Freshmen are different from NFL rookies, and you need to read more and just can't understand how you lump together is just Wrong!

And trying to practice more (beyond the rules) doesn't do anything to disprove that.
Again, dumb comments by you lack of knowledge, It is not just practice it the ability for the NFL Rookie 7 Player to use his free Time to learn to beat his opponent and help win the game without making mistakes that could lose the Game. As pointed out and what you can't understand to due to your poor education disabilities, CFB FOOTBALL PLAYERS HAVE LIMITS ON PRACTICES AND PREPARATION for Games!

I'm sorry you missed the discussion by such a wide margin, yet again.
You are sorry, you lack the education to admit you did not know and now just are wrong!

Congrats on your blocks of text and go nowhere links, though.
Thank you for posting your diatribe of contradictions and confirming what you did not know!

Just FYI, the NFL and NCAAF are nothing like they were 35 years ago.
Nothing you stated today shows you know anything on the topic! Pros are still playing that are smarter by not making mental mistakes, due to physical abilities being so intensely equal, and CFB are not even grown until Mid-20's and are not given more time to prepare and that was true 35 years ago and is still true today. AND NOT ONE OF YOUR UNINFORMED OPINIONS HAVE BEEN ABLE TO REFUTE Coaches, Players and Team Executive, that know far more than you or me, but just a fact about you, not me!

You are stupid on the subject and proved it again as you contradicted your own postings and and refuted yourself, and acknowledge in your own ignorance what I posted from the start, LLOL!!

Thank you and grow up and get a real education. Bama failed you and you make Bama Posters look bad!
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Thank you and grow up and get a real education. Bama failed you and you make Bama Posters look bad!

You posted this:
Again, dumb comments by you lack of knowledge, It is not just practice it the ability for the NFL Rookie 7 Player to use his free Time to learn to beat his opponent and help win the game without making mistakes that could lose the Game.

Where did you get any kind of degree? Did you have to pass at least a rudimentary level of English? That isn't even remotely coherent or properly composed. Your best excuse is a stroke or TBI.
You posted this:

Where did you get any kind of degree? Did you have to pass at least a rudimentary level of English? That isn't even remotely coherent or properly composed. Your best excuse is a stroke or TBI.
You posted this:

Where did you get any kind of degree? Did you have to pass at least a rudimentary level of English? That isn't even remotely coherent or properly composed. Your best excuse is a stroke or TBI.
You understood what you didn't know and could not refute, and you got exactly what you brought upon yourself, your responses were as feckless as your knowledge on this particular subject, accept it.

I have read other comments on other subjects from you and enjoyed them and post when I liked them.

Stick to what you know and accept what you didn't know and you won't be spanked again on the Lair where we share to learn, is not a vice.

Quit crying and whining, everybody can read and see what you didn't know and now have been corrected.
You understood what you didn't know and could not refute, and you got exactly what you brought upon yourself, your responses were as feckless as your knowledge on this particular subject, accept it.

I have read other comments on other subjects from you and enjoyed them and post when I liked them.

Stick to what you know and accept what you didn't know and you won't be spanked again on the Lair where we share to learn, is not a vice.

Quit crying and whining, everybody can read and see what you didn't know and now have been corrected.
Those are not coherent thoughts or complete sentences.

From which University did you graduate? What kind of degree did you earn?
You are absolutely unhinged.
Go back to BWI.
Naw, you just got spanked and are upset you have been put in your place and are sucking your thumb in a corner! I am here huckleberry so be a better Poster and prove it! Up to you!
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You posted this:

Where did you get any kind of degree? Did you have to pass at least a rudimentary level of English? That isn't even remotely coherent or properly composed. Your best excuse is a stroke or TBI.
Apparently, based on your responses better than Bama! LLOL!
Apparently, based on your responses better than Bama! LLOL!
You posted one 8 word sentence and still couldn't compose it properly. You don't have a degree of any kind.

Naw, you just got spanked and are upset you have put in your place and are sucking your thumb in a corner! I am here huckleberry be a better Poster and prove it!
You posted two "sentences" and neither is remotely correct.
You posted one 8 word sentence and still couldn't compose it properly. You don't have a degree of any kind.

You posted two "sentences" and neither is remotely correct.
They are fine for your level and good enough to describe you! Accept you lack of content on Football you just displayed here, no one cares about your inability to respond, up to you?
They are fine for your level and good enough to describe you! Accept you lack of content on Football you just displayed here, no one cares about your inability to respond, up to you?
You are literally incapable of posting a coherent and complete sentence. You can't even come close. There is no chance you have a degree and have never had a TBI or stroke.
You are literally incapable of posting a coherent and complete sentence. You can't even come close. There is no chance you have a degree and have never had a TBI or stroke.
Again, you still cannot accept that what I told was by Coaches, Players, Team Executive, and Sports Lawyers who are still employed today except for Jim that died. WHO ARE YOU? You have not refuted them or me? If you lack the attention to comprehend for more than 8 seconds that on you and you did refute any of them or me!

To sum up, for your future benefit.
In the NFL the Players that start for their Teams, do study how to cut apart their challenger’s and their game long before they take the GridIron. The NFL in general is far more balanced in bodily capability. Smart NFL Players swiftly comprehend they can no longer rely solely on their physical gifts to prevail and stay on Team. They can practice, study, and increase their aptitudes for the game far easier than limited CFB Players. This is just as important as making the plays instead of mistakes that cause the Team to lose. Coaches get fired by such dumb lazy thinking Players and Owner's dump them, and why extra prep time and practice free time are major differences than CFB! Most talented wash out will tell you why they washed out too.

In comparison, CFB is much more steady and an equal preparation opportunity. Mainly due to all CFB Programs are limited to 17 hour weekly practices plus 3 hour games, that limits time to Practice and Study FB in-depth. This cuts down the Student Players time and abilities to improve their techniques and basically put every player on a fairly even playing field in terms of preparation unlike in the NFL.

Now accept it, and Even Bama's Great Saban failed at being a Head Coach in the NFL and he is one of the greatest Coaches in CFB History we all can learn from except maybe you!

Even for Saban, the Process sometimes sputters. In 2005, after a decade as a head coach in college and a national championship at LSU, Saban decided to jump to the NFL to coach the Miami Dolphins. He was impressed by Dolphins owner Wayne Huizenga, who had built both Waste Management (WM) and Blockbuster. And Saban had always had it in his mind that the pinnacle of achievement would be to win as a head coach in the NFL. It was time to test the Process against the best.

But after years of being able to control every detail of his football program and recruit as many elite players as he could fit on scholarship, he suddenly had to contend with a general manager, a scouting department, and the constraints of the draft. And it was harder to outwork NFL coaching staffs that prepared year-round. Saban put up a solid 9-7 record in his first season but won just six games in his second with a rotating cast at quarterback. He became the target of harsh media criticism when he first denied an interest in the opening at Alabama, then decided after the season to take the job.

Saban says that he missed the ability to have an impact on college players as people. Critics panned him as another college coach who couldn’t hack it in the NFL. Would Saban and his system have succeeded if he had stayed longer with the Dolphins? At least one peer believes so. “Sure. I don’t think there’s any question about it,” says Belichick. “He’s going to be successful in any football program.”

I agree with Belichick on Saban by the way, Saban sooner or later would be successful in any Program because I respect both Coaches that coached over 35 years ago and still today?

I just can't accept what you don't know and proved it in your own words. No name calling by you can change what Posters can read above what you could not refute from CFB & NFL Experts, again only on you? Calm down and accept being wrong!


Unbelievably obtuse? Check. Unable to construct coherent, on argument thoughts and complete sentences? Check.
That isn't a sentence.
Well if you can't understand it maybe you are not a person?

Some Poster like you create their own storms and then get upset when it rains.

If you’re tired of being a drama queen on boards, just quit being the actor.

Grammar won't change the fact NFL Players & CFB have differences you could not understand either, and we all can read it!
This is not a coherent thought or sentence.
It describes you to a "T" and the only thing not changed is your opinion not standing up to Facts by Coaches and Players.

I’m not saying your stupid, I’m just saying you have bad luck when it comes to thinking on subjects you know nothing about when being refuted!
It describes you to a "T" and the only thing not changed is your opinion not standing up to Facts by Coaches and Players.

I’m not saying your stupid, I’m just saying you have bad luck when it comes to thinking on subjects you know nothing about when being refuted!
I hope you aren't calling anyone stupid, as you misuse your/you're, in an absolute butchering attempt at a "sentence".

Did you even get into Slippery Rock?
I hope you aren't calling anyone stupid, as you misuse your/you're, in an absolute butchering attempt at a "sentence".

Did you even get into Slippery Rock?
Not a problem only you have it.

I welcome and challenge you to find any Link or Article that shows the difference between CFB & NFL Players Challenges that rejects what has been posted, and if it refutes the Coaches, Agents, NFL Executives I would call one of them and ask them how accurate they think it is, but you have not done it in anyway.

I easily refuted your opinions and backed up my own by what they told me, and plenty of Articles that back them up and none by you?

You have been shamed by your lame postings that have become downward spirals of Non-Sequential Opinions on a subject you never even knew about until I educated you on it.

None of your responses are on the level of any adults with an education and you are embarrassment to BAMA Graduates as you claim to be one, clearly, that is on only you.

I respect your post when you make some insightful ones on FB and have credited them with LIKED.

I also agreed where I could with you, but you can't accept what you said about CFB and NFL differences are just wrong today and 35 years ago that are backed up by father knowledgeable Experts than you or me.

I don't even know if Slippery Rock deserves to be put down by your example of crying and whining because you can't back up your poor opinion.

Everybody can see and read here your current emotional ignorance over a Football Blog.
88 you remind me of some people I knew that portrayed intelligence but had very little of it.I'd like to know what sentence structure and grammar have to do with intellect on a college football message board?Heck my language arts aren't very good and I'm just an old jock who graduated from Cal State of Pa.The one thing I do know is intelligent people are smart enough to know to not try to show off their intelligence!bwdk
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88 you remind me of some people I knew that portrayed intelligence but had very little of it.I'd like to know what sentence structure and grammar have to do with intellect on a college football message board?Heck my language arts aren't very good and I'm just an old jock who graduated from Cal State of Pa.The one thing I do know is intelligent people are smart enough to know to not try to show off their intelligence!bwdk
Yep,Good Posters just back it up with some facts and experts to support their opinions and how he thinks he knows more than Players, Coaches, Sport Lawyers, and Team Executive that worked the business knowing the big differences between High School Recruits, CFB Freshmen, NFL Rookies and Players and of both HSFB, CFB & NFL organizational rules and practices by calling them stupid was on him?

Yet, I still enjoy and respect Jpripper88 viewpoints on CFB and all he did is show he did know the differences if you read any of his posts even after being told how they work.

Jpripper88 could not the refute content, because he did not know the content and made the mistake of keep showing he did not know, and so he went into arguing style and his non-sequential opinions backed up by nothing.

Jpripper88 did not even know the differences until I posted them in details.
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You guys do know that there's a "private conversation" option on these boards - right? :(
If you have some content responses and I welcome them from you, post it! I stand by my postings especially from those confirmed and known to be in the Sports FB Business and Coached, Played and Worked in the game.

Jpripper88 responses were feckless and are him, and do not require a private conservation. Thanks for the suggestion, but up to him to respond properly, not you?
Because he will next year and next year is the year HCPN moves this program to the next level, Top 25. These guys have 3 or 4 year goals. Not 5-10 year goals.
The Bama Saban Article in Fortune Magazine I linked is a great read above and shows how all CFB Coaches should follow many of Saban's Techniques, Philosophies, and Practices.

Bama's Saban are the Platinum-Red Diamond Standard of CFB with all trying to beat him. Ohio State Meyers too!

Narduzzi is following some of it too, from what I read, but Pitt needs to rebuild at the same time, just like Saban was doing at MSU going 35-24-1 from 1995-1999 while rebuilding the MSU Program and developing his own Coaching Program Process.

Saban in his first HC job at Toledo took them 9-2 until he left to learn under Belichick in Cleveland Browns.

When Saban came back to CFB taking over for Steeler's Perles, he went 6-5-1, 6-6, 7-5, 6-6, 10-2 at MSU and then off to LSU, then Dolphins, then found a Home & Throne at Bama!

Saban and Bear Bryant are the only coaches to win an SEC championship at two different schools.

Not bad for a Smart Fairmont, West Virginian that went to Kent State and learned under the Great Don James!
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88 you remind me of some people I knew that portrayed intelligence but had very little of it.I'd like to know what sentence structure and grammar have to do with intellect on a college football message board?Heck my language arts aren't very good and I'm just an old jock who graduated from Cal State of Pa.The one thing I do know is intelligent people are smart enough to know to not try to show off their intelligence!bwdk
There is no need or intent to show intelligence. Cap's post are incoherent blocks of text, which are all over the place and miles from the point of the discussion. This happens in every thread he enters. I'm guessing he overcompensates for the fact he was/is a Penn State fan but was booted from their boards, so he came to Pantherlair.

Pointing out the absence of intelligence (when that person is trying to call others stupid or uneducated) is not proclaiming one's own superior intellect. However, with Cap, it is hard to imagine there is anyone missing more screws or as brain dead.
Yep,Good Posters just back it up with some facts and experts to support their opinions and how he thinks he knows more than Players, Coaches, Sport Lawyers, and Team Executive that worked the business knowing the big differences between High School Recruits, CFB Freshmen, NFL Rookies and Players and of both HSFB, CFB & NFL organizational rules and practices by calling them stupid was on him?

Yet, I still enjoy and respect Jpripper88 viewpoints on CFB and all he did is show he did know the differences if you read any of his posts even after being told how they work.

Jpripper88 could not the refute content, because he did not know the content and made the mistake of keep showing he did not know, and so he went into arguing style and his non-sequential opinions backed up by nothing.

Jpripper88 did not even know the differences until I posted them in details.
1. You have presented 0 relevant facts.
2. You still aren't able to post coherent and complete thoughts/sentences.