What are the terms? It better have been for a lot of money ($900,000 +), or I will be upset at the Panther administration.
Congrats Coach Canada. Now you are playing with the Big Boys.. Good Luck

Yep, much like Tennessee I guess.

Hey, we tried to keep him, I think once you accept a job interview it is already a bit too late, isnt it?

But, making probably upwards of 1.5M per year, and not having the worry of having the HC job has to be hard to pass up, I know I wouldnt have passed it up. Much like Conner going pro, it is no different for coaches. He has a ton of talent to work with there, but he is still going to be measured against Alabama, Auburn and all those teams
IDK. Can't blame the guy for chasing the dollars. However, I don't think hitching his wagon to Orgeron is going to be wise for the long term - stability wise. In 2-3 years he'll be moving on to another job. As long as the Canada family is OK with that, then more power to him. Turnover in the college ranks happens all the time. Hopefully Narduzzi finds a good OC replacement.

Thank God this isn't going to be a search for a new HC.
Anytime PITT gets momentum, something like this happens. Probably looking at a bowl game loss now, no max Browne either, no wade who probably goes to Psu also.
While I wish Pitt could have matched, I understand why they didn't at that price.

per LSU site says 1.3 mil, 3 years/4 M?

We tried to match, I think the Ass. HC position was a step up, and the money, and went. This isnt a lateral move like Shoop at PSU took at Tennessee.

I am happy we didnt match, would have thrown our entire coaching salary structure into an area we could never compete at. Paying a coordinator a million a year?? ridiculous frankly, and any 'school' should be ashamed at themselves for doing it.
IDK. Can't blame the guy for chasing the dollars. However, I don't think hitching his wagon to Orgeron is going to be wise for the long term - stability wise. In 2-3 years he'll be moving on to another job. As long as the Canada family is OK with that, then more power to him. Turnover in the college ranks happens all the time. Hopefully Narduzzi finds a good OC replacement.

Thank God this isn't going to be a search for a new HC.
Probably after next year narduzzi will bolt. Would not surprise me at all. Who knows, maybe narduzzi and Canada had a talk already and Canada knows narduzzi isn't staying long term
my anger is at our never ending bad luck more than at Pitt. coaching turnover happens everywhere but we seem to be the industry leaders. We get a coach last year off the chopping block and a year later he is the most coveted coordinator in College football? I mean great but f*ck..
How do you think NC State feels?
Anytime PITT gets momentum, something like this happens. Probably looking at a bowl game loss now, no max Browne either, no wade who probably goes to Psu also.

A bowl game loss...because of this? Is he leaving immediately or finishing out the bowl? Even if he leaves I don't see any problems with our offense in the bowl game. Its the defense I worry about.

As for Browne, he could still very well be coming here considering the opportunity he would have to compete for a job on a top 25 team. Not sure why this would concern Wade on the other side of the ball.
If HCPN leaves that means he had a good year or two and that is what we are looking for ..... continued improvement. He took over a program in better shape from Coach Chryst and I am thankful for what he did for our program. I swear some of you guys complain constantly!

Probably after next year narduzzi will bolt. Would not surprise me at all. Who knows, maybe narduzzi and Canada had a talk already and Canada knows narduzzi isn't staying long term
A bowl game loss...because of this? Is he leaving immediately or finishing out the bowl? Even if he leaves I don't see any problems with our offense in the bowl game. Its the defense I worry about.

As for Browne, he could still very well be coming here considering the opportunity he would have to compete for a job on a top 25 team. Not sure why this would concern Wade on the other side of the ball.
If he leaves immediately who is calling the plays? I would be highly surprised if Browne comes here without a OC. That would be dumb on his part.
If he leaves immediately who is calling the plays? I would be highly surprised if Browne comes here without a OC. That would be dumb on his part.

Again, I don't think it matters. Its not like the rest of the offensive staff was wearing blindfolds and didn't see what Canada was doing. Tim Salem can run the offense for a game if Canada isn't sticking and for the bowl.

As far as Browne goes, who knows. I wouldn't think he'd cross Pitt off the list at this point. Hopefully Narduzzi has already lined up a few names to contact. I mean, he's had several days where he knew Canada might be leaving. Heck, make a call to Ty Helton (qb coach at USC w/ OC experience at WKU). He was a name thrown out there last year and could be looking to make the next step. He did great things this year with Darnold and their passing attack.
That's all people care about is money.

When you go on an interview... like I said... it is already a bit too late. In your mind you are looking to be wowed.

It is about money, but to put it in laymans terms, if you making 70K a year and someone offers your 150K a year to bolt a job you love... you take it. I did it before, and I regretted it... SOME. I mean, loved making that extra money, and putting me into a new salary history bracket, but the job sucked, more pressure, and ultimately the company moved. You can say you arent all about money, but when it is presented to you, its too hard to pass up.

I cant blame Canada, I blame the system for allowing some team that most likely gets booster money for coaches to pouch coaches from other teams, the SEC is notorious for it. It is like baseball, and if they ever pay college kids to play sports, the sport will be ruined.
When you go on an interview... like I said... it is already a bit too late. In your mind you are looking to be wowed.

It is about money, but to put it in laymans terms, if you making 70K a year and someone offers your 150K a year to bolt a job you love... you take it. I did it before, and I regretted it... SOME. I mean, loved making that extra money, and putting me into a new salary history bracket, but the job sucked, more pressure, and ultimately the company moved. You can say you arent all about money, but when it is presented to you, its too hard to pass up.

I cant blame Canada, I blame the system for allowing some team that most likely gets booster money for coaches to pouch coaches from other teams, the SEC is notorious for it. It is like baseball, and if they ever pay college kids to play sports, the sport will be ruined.

Well, past a certain income, there's no reason for more money, IMO. If you're living in Pittsburgh -- where many say it's one of the top, most affordable places to live -- I don't see a reason for needing a higher income, especially if you're already making around 500k. You're either a miserable person in need of material goods and/or your wife's a gold digging low-life.
That's all people care about is money.
How do you surmise that's all he cares about?

And even more so, how do you surmise that "people" only care about money? That's quite broad statement.

But I will surmise that it's just you being emotional. Just like a lady.
my anger is at our never ending bad luck more than at Pitt. coaching turnover happens everywhere but we seem to be the industry leaders. We get a coach last year off the chopping block and a year later he is the most coveted coordinator in College football? I mean great but f*ck..
You nailed it.

And anyone who thinks Narduzzi is a lifer here is in denial. The Pitt job is a stepping stone to the bigger time, period. When the big dawgs come calling for him, he will be all ears, just as anyone would be. On the other hand, if we keep changing offenses every year, we will never be good enough to get him his next level job.
You nailed it.

And anyone who thinks Narduzzi is a lifer here is in denial. The Pitt job is a stepping stone to the bigger time, period. When the big dawgs come calling for him, he will be all ears, just as anyone would be. On the other hand, if we keep changing offenses every year, we will never be good enough to get him his next level job.
every job is a stepping stone. even USC in their prime lost Carroll to the NFL. Not one college football job is save from "stepping stone" status..
I didn't even see his title, did he get one of those "associate head coach" job titles? Love that new trend..
How do you surmise that's all he cares about?

And even more so, how do you surmise that "people" only care about money? That's quite broad statement.

But I will surmise that it's just you being emotional. Just like a lady.

So only women are emotional..."that's quite [a] broad statement" (pittiswhereiamfrom2, 2016)?
A bowl game loss...because of this? Is he leaving immediately or finishing out the bowl? Even if he leaves I don't see any problems with our offense in the bowl game. Its the defense I worry about.

As for Browne, he could still very well be coming here considering the opportunity he would have to compete for a job on a top 25 team. Not sure why this would concern Wade on the other side of the ball.
I highly doubt he would stay. He earns nothing from staying.

I doubt we are a choice for Browne anymore, especially if Canada wants him at LSU.
Well, past a certain income, there's no reason for more money, IMO. If you're living in Pittsburgh -- where many say it's one of the top, most affordable places to live -- I don't see a reason for needing a higher income, especially if you're already making around 500k. You're either a miserable person in need of material goods and/or your wife's a gold digging low-life.
If you double or triple your salary? Yeah, there is always a significant difference when you are talking about "salary" at all and not just the kind of people living off of investment income.

There is no secret that Canada wants to be a HC so yes, the money plus a title may have swayed that order.
A title we could easily give him? No. Hah.