When you go on an interview... like I said... it is already a bit too late. In your mind you are looking to be wowed.
It is about money, but to put it in laymans terms, if you making 70K a year and someone offers your 150K a year to bolt a job you love... you take it. I did it before, and I regretted it... SOME. I mean, loved making that extra money, and putting me into a new salary history bracket, but the job sucked, more pressure, and ultimately the company moved. You can say you arent all about money, but when it is presented to you, its too hard to pass up.
I cant blame Canada, I blame the system for allowing some team that most likely gets booster money for coaches to pouch coaches from other teams, the SEC is notorious for it. It is like baseball, and if they ever pay college kids to play sports, the sport will be ruined.