Yes I would not be surprised to find out that we did in fact offer this title although we prob will not hear about this.

If you double or triple your salary? Yeah, there is always a significant difference when you are talking about "salary" at all and not just the kind of people living off of investment income.

A title we could easily give him? No. Hah.
Yes I would not be surprised to find out that we did in fact offer this title although we prob will not hear about this.
So why would it sway him to LSU then beyond the fact it is just a better job to be at LSU and they probably did offer more money? Pitt wasn't letting a title cost them Matt Canada.
Well, past a certain income, there's no reason for more money, IMO. If you're living in Pittsburgh -- where many say it's one of the top, most affordable places to live -- I don't see a reason for needing a higher income, especially if you're already making around 500k. You're either a miserable person in need of material goods and/or your wife's a gold digging low-life.

I love when fans presume to tell athletes and coaches what to do with their money.