Did you ever have a bad stretch at your job or profession? Maybe you made a mistake, gave some bad advice or whatever. If you did, was you inclination to withdrawal, become less assertive than usual, ask for time off, something like that? I doubt it.
One gets stronger overcoming adversity, not shrinking from it.
What is best for this particular kid, will be best for the team. You think your approach is best, I think mine is. I guess we agree to disagree.
Ok here goes....I totally agree with your logic when it comes to dealing with
problems in life. I also like what you said about "one gets stronger overcoming adversity, not shrinking from it."
With that said, the shooting slump in which McGowens finds himself has only
worsened the harder he tries. If he were a defensive lineman, or maybe just
a rebounder in basketball....trying harder as your're suggesting would
undoubtedly work. Forcing the issue as he's doing obviously is not working.
I can tell you this for sure....when you're hitting your shots it just seems
so easy and the rim seems bigger than it is. When you can't hit em, the rim
looks like an impossibility. Thus the saying..."he can't put it in the ocean."
The mental part of all this is clearly getting the best of him, and that's why
so many of us see it as a confidence issue. What really compounds this
is the fact that he's a key part of our offense and our success. His performance
is instead making him a key part of our failure lately, and I feel that is
playing with his head.