name the rat.

I'm sure he would rather not have but missing 2 practices is nothing. To save several million (potentially), it would be worth missing a few games in my opinion.
He should watch practice from the building and communicate with a series of buzzers taped to an assistants chest. Worked well for the Astros.
this is the most intelligent thing you have posted. I'm sure this is how it went down, Lyke was able to use this against Stallings to get out of the contract. Stallings & co ratted football out as revenge.

I never thought I would see an AD/coach approaching Jaynes/Hackett/Bozik levels but the whole Barnes/Stallings fiasco was pretty darned close.
Kind of a low bar on that intelligence thingy.
He should watch practice from the building and communicate with a series of buzzers taped to an assistants chest. Worked well for the Astros.
Save the tech dollars. Hit a garbage can using Morse code. Dumb it down a bit like the dumbass jocks did playing for the 'stros.
Per zeise pitt self reported the basketball violations to hurt stallings and is buyout . It backfired when the hoops asst ratted football out to the investigators . Lol
This jibes with the way I heard the story. Heather wanted Stallings gone so she looked for violations.
Stallings also missed some practices to see his son play baseball which is a violation.
She offered a buyout of less than $1 million.
His council apparently believed that Pitt’s case was strong so he accepted the under $1 million rather than fight for the $9 million that he would have been owed.
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