NCAA President


Jan 22, 2020
I just read where the NCAA President declared that there would be no fall sports unless college campuses were opened to all students. Who the hell is he to make demands? Really the NCAA reminds me of the European Union in Brussels.
I just read where the NCAA President declared that there would be no fall sports unless college campuses were opened to all students. Who the hell is he to make demands? Really the NCAA reminds me of the European Union in Brussels.

It makes sense. You can't say it's not safe for students but then say it's safe for players and support staff.
I just read where the NCAA President declared that there would be no fall sports unless college campuses were opened to all students. Who the hell is he to make demands? Really the NCAA reminds me of the European Union in Brussels.
I’m no fan of the NCAA but this ‘declaration’ sure sounds reasonable to me.
I’m no fan of the NCAA but this ‘declaration’ sure sounds reasonable to me.
Consider a player going into their senior year and they have a legitimate shot at the next level something they worked their whole life to get to and you could play the sport with a reasonable level of safety why not? You can take a math class virtually you can’t run cross country virtually.
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I’m no fan of the NCAA but this ‘declaration’ sure sounds reasonable to me.

It is reasonable, in my opinion.

The point is that somebody needs to take the lead. Who is in charge here? Mark Emmert, in his way, is trying here.

Tim Brando has been pushing for a college football czar.

If the NCAA president is not effective in their leadership abilities then somebody needs to be. Now would be a good time.
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I just read where the NCAA President declared that there would be no fall sports unless college campuses were opened to all students. Who the hell is he to make demands? Really the NCAA reminds me of the European Union in Brussels.
I think we need to accept there isn't gonna be a finish to the NHL season, there isn't gonna be a mlb season this year and there most likely isn't gonna be a college football season either. Maybe the NFL happens but to me that's still up in the air too.
I just read where the NCAA President declared that there would be no fall sports unless college campuses were opened to all students. Who the hell is he to make demands? Really the NCAA reminds me of the European Union in Brussels.
Like it or not, he is right. Remember we all have the option to attend or not. Go to google and look up Georgia Tech 1918 football picture during the Spanish Flu. You will see a full stadium with fans wearing masks. It has been done before. If you don’t open the schools then how can you field teams? Where do you draw the line? Also if schools don’t open it could be the demise of many colleges. Why pay $40,000+ per year to attend when I can just go online for a lot less? There are some pretty important decisions followed by repercussions. The decisions are not easy and absolutely will not please everybody.
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Big 12 commish Bob Bowlsby says otherwise. He told
: “Going to class in an online sense is satisfactory” for student-athletes to compete w/out general student body on campus.
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Like it or not, he is right. Remember we all have the option to attend or not. Go to google and look up Georgia Tech 1918 football picture during the Spanish Flu. You will see a full stadium with fans wearing masks. It has been done before. If you don’t open the schools then how can you field teams? Where do you draw the line? Also if schools don’t open it could be the demise of many colleges. Why pay $40,000+ per year to attend when I can just go online for a lot less? There are some pretty important decisions followed by repercussions. The decisions are not easy and absolutely will not please everybody.
It is 102 years later. We have online classes. I am during my master in data science online with UVa I don’t need to be on grounds.
This isn’t a decision that’s going to be made by a conference commissioner, or the NCAA.

Governors have to allow the schools to open. Presidents and Trustee boards have to allow it.

Classes are the easiest part. You need training facilities, dorms, dining facilities, transportation, and all the staff that support those things (most of which are not funded or managed by athletics)
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In Birmingham they love the Governor, boo, boo, boo
Now we all did what we could do
Now Watergate does not bother me
Does your conscience bother you? Tell the truth
Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you, here I come Alabama
Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers
And they've been known to pick a song or two (yes they do)
Lord, they get me off so much
They pick me up when I'm feeling blue, now how 'bout you?
Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you
Sweet home Alabama, oh, sweet home, baby
Where the skies are so blue and the governor's true
Sweet home Alabama, Lordy
Lord, I'm coming home to you, yeah yeah
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It is 102 years later. We have online classes. I am during my master in data science online with UVa I don’t need to be on grounds.
True. But lets look at an MBA degree. Most of the reason u attend is to meet people and connect. An MBA is an MBA right? What if u attended Harvard versus say an Edinboro? The degree is basically the same but I doubt u get the connections and opportunities. How medical or dental school and the training? Not that simple.
I just read where the NCAA President declared that there would be no fall sports unless college campuses were opened to all students. Who the hell is he to make demands? Really the NCAA reminds me of the European Union in Brussels.
This guy is an”answer” in search of a “question”.
These pronouncements are useless because August is still pretty far off. I also don’t understand why people keep forgetting that college football depends on the small, non-blue blood programs too much to forget about the NCAA or just act on their own.
No fall football. Chalk up another for SMF.

A winter/spring season is a fine alternative given the circumstances. Its really pretty stupid to force a fan-less college football season in a few months.
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Why will they be able to play in January if they can't play in September?
Don’t be asking rational questions like that. Reading SMF’s tea leaves, because he doesn’t want to attend games until ZERO CV, which will never happen, the games shouldn’t be played and those who want to go shouldn’t be allowed because....well....he doesn’t want to go. BTW, I am not jumping on him because there is a % of people who feel this way about everything CV. I feel a little differently and within reason not letting this dictate my life but I certainly don’t force people to my beliefs either. In the end I think we are playing because a lot of universities will be opening this fall.
Like it or not, he is right. Remember we all have the option to attend or not. Go to google and look up Georgia Tech 1918 football picture during the Spanish Flu. You will see a full stadium with fans wearing masks. It has been done before. If you don’t open the schools then how can you field teams? Where do you draw the line? Also if schools don’t open it could be the demise of many colleges. Why pay $40,000+ per year to attend when I can just go online for a lot less? There are some pretty important decisions followed by repercussions. The decisions are not easy and absolutely will not please everybody.

it’s been done before

and the second wave happened where most of the deaths occurred
No fall football. Chalk up another for SMF.

A winter/spring season is a fine alternative given the circumstances. Its really pretty stupid to force a fan-less college football season in a few months.

Your statement makes several assumptions with no conclusive proof.

1) it assumes there will be no therapies / adequate testing by September. Not a vaccine.....but tools that can go a long way towards determining if CFB is safe

2) you assume the governors of Southern States are going to stand in the way of the SEC


3) you assume there will be no precedent. Yet MLB will likely play and the NHL is going to open by late June.

I'm not saying you are wrong. Normally you are........

Here, you are just early.

You likely will be proven wrong in September when say Georgia hosts Vanderbilt.
No fall football. Chalk up another for SMF.

A winter/spring season is a fine alternative given the circumstances. Its really pretty stupid to force a fan-less college football season in a few months.

Hahaha! We'll remind you of your proclamation in September.... I'm saving this one...
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It is reasonable, in my opinion.

The point is that somebody needs to take the lead. Who is in charge here? Mark Emmert, in his way, is trying here.

Tim Brando has been pushing for a college football czar.

If the NCAA president is not effective in their leadership abilities then somebody needs to be. Now would be a good time.
The reality of it is, the "NCAA President", has no say into this issue UNTIL the governor of each state gives the okay to gather in large groups. Until that happens, Mark Emmert has no more power then the guy who is the president of your local bowling league.
All of these politicians carry a rather large ego with them and I just can't imagine some college chancellor, president or AD trying to bully one of them around.
As scary as it sounds, Governor Wolf will have the final say about whether any team sports are played this fall.
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Ok so all the SEC teams will just play themselves

watch people get sick

and everyone else who sits it out looks amazingly bright for having done so

Vanderbilt for one is a very strong school in the world of medicine so you might be excluding them as well.
Your statement makes several assumptions with no conclusive proof.

1) it assumes there will be no therapies / adequate testing by September. Not a vaccine.....but tools that can go a long way towards determining if CFB is safe

2) you assume the governors of Southern States are going to stand in the way of the SEC


3) you assume there will be no precedent. Yet MLB will likely play and the NHL is going to open by late June.

I'm not saying you are wrong. Normally you are........

Here, you are just early.

You likely will be proven wrong in September when say Georgia hosts Vanderbilt.

1. That's a pretty safe assumption

2. I could possibly see the SEC playing their own fall season outside of the NCAA.

3. Pro sports will start up in mid to late summer, yes, but there will be no fans allowed. College administrators have said 2 things which make a fall season for them nearly impossible:

a) they wont play without fans
b) they wont play without kids on campus

Could they change their stance on that? I guess but most have been pretty clear on that. And there is a 0.000000% chance that fans will allowed to be attend college or NFL games in less than 4 months.
1. That's a pretty safe assumption

2. I could possibly see the SEC playing their own fall season outside of the NCAA.

3. Pro sports will start up in mid to late summer, yes, but there will be no fans allowed. College administrators have said 2 things which make a fall season for them nearly impossible:

a) they wont play without fans
b) they wont play without kids on campus

Could they change their stance on that? I guess but most have been pretty clear on that. And there is a 0.000000% chance that fans will allowed to be attend college or NFL games in less than 4 months.

Are you kidding? P5 Commissioners are already changing their stance. NCAA leadership will be the last to know, as football will drive this.