ND Single Game Tickets


Dec 13, 2010
A friend of mine, who hasn’t been a season ticket holder for years, got an email from Pitt this morning asking if he wanted to purchase up to 10 single game ND tickets. Said he was a panther club member.

I’ve had season tickets and been a Panther Club member for years but got nothing from Pitt.

Anyone else get one?
Yes. I got one. I didn't renew my tickets since fans won't be allowed to attend so maybe they only sent this to PC members who arent season ticket holders.
There is a 0.00000% there will be fans attending college football games in the fall. I am happy to take bets on this.

If school isn't in session come September the educational system in this country is guilty of educational malpractise.

Even the best, most responsible parents are struggling with the virtual process of education.

As a local School Superintendent said we all need to get back to the classroom asap.

We'll be on our way to being a second rate nation if the those afraid to go outside convince educators to stay home!

You appear to take joy in predicting bad news for PITT athletics, sports, and the world in general.

There will be fans at games in some conferences. The BIG10, BIG12 have discussed this and they are pushing for fans.
If a team in their conference cant have fans tough luck. Franklin mentioned something to that effect recently regarding Rutgers.

When is the DJIA hitting 6k. I need to know so I can tell the investment bank I deal with. They would love to be tied directly into your forecasts. For sure!

I told them all about you and they want to hire you.
They need a clown for the kids at their summer outing and think you'd be perfect!
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There is a 0.00000% there will be fans attending college football games in the fall. I am happy to take bets on this.
Seriously SMF, the way you toss figures and odds around is incredible. At least say 0.00001%. And if you say zero percent, one zero is sufficient and the rest of the zeros are unnecessary and redundant.
How much do you want to wager on fans attending? Ask your financial advisor what he thinks and let me know.

BTW, this is BuffetParrothead/PittFamily2's new alias.
Seriously SMF, the way you toss figures and odds around is incredible. At least say 0.00001%.

It just takes a tiny amount of common sense. Germany, a country of 84 million had 555 cases and 20 deaths yesterday, yet their soccer league will be playing without fans until season's end on June 30. Can you imagine if US totals were that low adjusted for population in September? #1 they aren't going to be. #2 even if they are at those very low levels, there still is no guarantee there will be fans as Germany is showing.
There is a 0.00000% there will be fans attending college football games in the fall. I am happy to take bets on this.
I'm not saying there will or won't be. It's just that you seem to think it's important to bring it up every day. So, if that .000001% happens, and there are games next fall, I'll be happy to not see you post here any more.

That is all.
I'm not saying there will or won't be. It's just that you seem to think it's important to bring it up every day. So, if that .000001% happens, and there are games next fall, I'll be happy to not see you post here any more.

That is all.

You could put me on ignore now. Why wait? And I said I am taking bets.
If school isn't in session come September the educational system in this country is guilty of educational malpractise.

Even the best, most responsible parents are struggling with the virtual process of education.

As a local School Superintendent said we all need to get back to the classroom asap.

We'll be on our way to being a second rate nation if the those afraid to go outside convince educators to stay home!

You appear to take joy in predicting bad news for PITT athletics, sports, and the world in general.

There will be fans at games in some conferences. The BIG10, BIG12 have discussed this and they are pushing for fans.
If a team in their conference cant have fans tough luck. Franklin mentioned something to that effect recently regarding Rutgers.

When is the DJIA hitting 6k. I need to know so I can tell the investment bank I deal with. They would love to be tied directly into your forecasts. For sure!

I told them all about you and they want to hire you.
They need a clown for the kids at their summer outing and think you'd be perfect!
John Wayne Gacy.
How much do you want to wager on fans attending? Ask your financial advisor what he thinks and let me know.

BTW, this is BuffetParrothead/PittFamily2's new alias.

My financial advisor is the bartender at the Polish Club, he's pretty good too.I called him and he said bet that nut a whole case of Natty Light that there will be fans at Wvu's home games. Reason being we're not afraid of no damn virus down here.If we get it we'll kick the shit out if it,case closed.
A friend of mine, who hasn’t been a season ticket holder for years, got an email from Pitt this morning asking if he wanted to purchase up to 10 single game ND tickets. Said he was a panther club member.

I’ve had season tickets and been a Panther Club member for years but got nothing from Pitt.

Anyone else get one?
Yes, I am both season ticket holder and Panther club member.
I’m optimistic that there is a football season this fall. But wait till someone has COVID because of attending a football game.....Back to March 16 all over again. Hoping it doesn’t happen, but realistically I think we have COVID phase 2.......Man, I hope I am wrong....