New AD

One other thing. No one knows sh** about her and yet the typical BS that Pitt blew it. She may well be the best hire in years. Lets see what she does before rendering some uninformed opinion of her being a bad hire.

I thought you just said fifteen minutes ago in this thread she accomplished a lot and checked all the boxes. Now, nobody knows anything. Which is it? Or are you just having a hard time defending the hire?
Unbelievable (or not, given the Yinzers who post).
None of you apparently have daughters, wives or women friends. A "diversity" hire? Go tell that to your daughter.
How has Pitt done over the last 40 years hiring old white guys?
Get real.
Any hire should be based on merit and accomplishments so lets hope this one is!
My wife is an accomplished small business owner and cant stand diversity initiatives for woman, race, or any other reason. In her mind it compromises the selection and the accomplishments of those same people
She made it on her own as a woman, competes and beats men and women everyday in her business!
It's true that PITT hasn't done well with "white guys" but all that shows is how incompetent PITT is as a university attempting to run an athletic program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Other universities have done just fine hiring " white guys" or any other person who's able to be exceptional at the job they're hired into!

I don't know this new AD nor have a read a sentence about her accomplishments except for whats in this thread.

If this hire based on the fact that she's a woman and not on her abilities this will be another "train wreck" and maybe the last " train wreck" for PITT athletics!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My "gut" feel as a business person is that this might not be the right hire for this time in the history of PITT athletics ( Eastern Michigan etc. ) but we'll see!

It won't take long to figure this one out!
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One other thing. No one knows sh** about her and yet the typical BS that Pitt blew it. She may well be the best hire in years. Lets see what she does before rendering some uninformed opinion of her being a bad hire.

If only she had the red meat of a curly font logo to throw out to the wolves.

People panning this right off the bat are as clueless as those who were calling Barnes' hire a home run. We'll find out in due course. Until then, it makes no sense for fans to place artificial obstacles in her path before she even sets foot in Oakland.
"HailToPitt725, post: 1846016, member: 38562"]I probably sound a bit contradicting.
No kidding!

Yes, football and basketball drives the revenue train, but at the same time there's glaring facility needs that need to be fixed such as the T&F and tennis facility (or should I say a lack of one.)
No one disagrees with that goal so how having to put Tennis & Track and Field that makes no money is going to reach your goal helping Pitt Football & Basketball to win and make more money to build help those facilities when FB & BB need to rebuild FIRST????

I would just like to see progress in all sports, which they now have the ability to thanks to the ACC money.
Well, hiring this Blowfart Bio of AD that worked at at Non-Urban Campus at EMU is not looking like she can handle it. this is a terrible Bio and a sign she is all about herself. In her is all about her Vision and no credit to EMU President nor Coaches that won and every top Athletic director that is built a Successful Football Programs always syas it Start having the right Chancellor & President that has that VISION First and Foremost and then finds the Right People that make it happen, this is another Pederson, selfish, and slow minded looking to upgrade herself and she left EMU is just a few years. :(

You bring up a good point though about how these sports are built off of football and basketball. This is probably why I wasn't chosen for the AD position;)
I just feel Narduzzi needs all the money can get to rebuild the Football Program like Clemson did and we make about the same. However, Pitt must put more omeny into staffing and recruiting and coaches salaries for FB until it is a solid Top 25 Program. :cool:

Bama, USC, ND, OU, TEXAS, MICHIGAN, OSU, WVU, VT, OSU, built great Olympic Sports but only after making sure Football & Basketball stayed competitive. Stanford, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, Temple are far smaller Urban Schools and just coming into rebuilding FB & BB with B-10, SEC, and P-12 Money.:rolleyes:

But who knows she may turn it all around and as I have said for a long time, Up To Pitt To make Pitt is It and looks like another mistake just like Barnes...:eek:o_O:oops::confused::mad::(
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Unbelievable (or not, given the Yinzers who post).
None of you apparently have daughters, wives or women friends. A "diversity" hire? Go tell that to your daughter.
How has Pitt done over the last 40 years hiring old white guys?
Get real.
I am certainly honest to my daughter.

Other than that, don't you see that others have presented facts with their arguments?
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Leaving this Post for the Media when PItt Introduces her to ask her Questions this time unlike when Pederson or Barnes were hired.
Looks Like Heather Is Leaving EMU Just Like Stallings Left Vanderbilt
Took Three Post of 10000 Word Limit To Put Up All Her Big Bio?
It Is Her Bio & Reflect On Her & she Can Answer Questions from It:
It Is Only Fair To Point Them Out:
More Weasel Words & Repeats Only About Herself:

Other Can Disagree But Can't Change Her Words:
During the spring of 2015, she and her administrative team also has also begun designing the future of the EMU Athletics footprint. Lyke EMU Athletics has contracted with construction design firm, AECOM, to create an Athletics five year facility master Championship Building Plan which will sets forth the vision and priority plan for all facility improvements in the next five years. (But She Left EMU High & Dry Now Sound Familiar?) Her Vision What About President of EMU Vision?)

Lyke’s penchant for facility trend-setting and creative branding was on full display almost immediately with the installation of college football’s first gray Revolution Field Turf football field in 2014. As phase one of a for EMU Football and Rynearson Stadium, the new turf received immediate recognition as a USA Today fan vote ranked EMU’s new field #2 in the nation behind only the University of Tennessee. (This Is An Advertisement not an Accomplishment, Pitt Rents Heinz Stadium Is She Going To tell Rooney's What To Do??? This can't help Pitt at all!)

With a field designed for players ‘tough enough to play on a parking lot,’ Lyke and her team have embraced South East Michigan’s blue collar roots and automotive history, inspiring an organic re-branding of Rynearson Stadium to become “The Factory.”
(First the Problem at Pitt unlike EMU is there are little to No Parking Lots on Campus and why Pitt plays at Heniz So That Branding Won't Work? what Inspiring will she do and is Pitt going through another Re-branding after Barnes worked hard to remove Pederson's Old Branding before he left???)

This comprehensive (Used Many Times In The Bio Weasel Word Pure Fluff) campaign has included Factory signage upgrades throughout the stadium, a re-design of the football team’s student-athlete lounge, Factory driven merchandise options and in-game team and fan elements.
(This was said above already and she repeats it again and does not it make it an accomplishment just the words from a brochure on the people that sold and put it in at EMU expense)

The campaign is emboldened by the ever-present slogan ‘Champions Built Here.’ Now a fixture throughout EMU facilities, social media and marketing materials, Champions Built Here aggressively pronounces that at EMU, and in The Factory, we build champions on the field, in the classroom and in life.

(Now Does Sound Like Pederson's Re=Branding Creation By Consultants By Way..."Panther Tooth", "Pitt To Pittsburgh", "DinoCat", "No More Pitt Script", "No More Black Shirt At Nebraska" and all Pitt Fans wanted was stick to Pitt Traditions? Is Pitt going to spend Millions more on Re-Branding again under Lyke's Consultants and then ask Boosters for more money?) The last thing Pitt Needs is Re-Branding and this is her Highest Accomplishments she touts herself on her Bio?

In just the third year of her tenure, Champions were built at Rynearson Stadium as Eastern Michigan’s football program finished the regular season 7-5 and received an invitation to the Popeyes Bahamas Bowl, EMU’s first bowl invitation in 29 years.
(Once again some more puff and another repeat from above??? EMU going 7-5 in Non-Power Conference like MAC really....."Champion" that only had 5 of 12 Teams with Winning Records and EMU actually went 7-6 and JUST In HER THIRD YEAR, and she did all that it?) Pitt Played in the Toughest Conference In CFB last year and went 8-5? Now go to MAC for an AD like they did Barnes's Mountain West & came and is gone, and went to SEC to keep Stallings employed???)

The team defeated two schools that played in their respective conference championship games and set school records for total offense, passing yards, total points and touchdown passes.
(Pitt Football had the Highest Offense in Pitt History due To Narduzzi & Canada & Staff & Players. Her Bar is not that high if she brags about EMU at 7-6 and never mentions the Coach or Players) Pitt not stepping up if she touts this stuff about herself?)

All the while the team led the MAC in Team GPA for the second consecutive year, and the fans came out to watch, with a 100% increase in total season ticket growth from 2014 to 2016.

(This Is Just Plain Misrepresentation & Expect More From Academic Hiring)
Actual Numbers:
EMU Stadium Capacity: 30,000
Year Games Average 2015-16 Capacity
2016 6 17,677 +261% 59%


NCAA Year-Games-Attendance-Average Attendance
2015 6 29,381 4,897 EMU 1-W 11 Chris Creighton Rank 127th Attendnace
2014 5 75,127 15,025 EMU 2-W 10-L Chris Creighton
2013 5 20,255 4,051 EMU 2-W 10-L Ron English

Bowl History


This is not going to be an easy Press Conference for Pitt again??? We shall see!

More Analysis Below:
"Champions Built Here" doesn't win games?

Maybe we all need to say that over and over in our heads until it starts working.
Analysis Last Segment From Above:
Heather IS A OK!

But Needs to Be Prepared!
Why Some Reconsideration's By All, Just Being Fair!
Revisions Accepted & Will be Corrected!

A truly living document, EMU coaches and staff literally walk past the Blue Print’s key concepts each day at work, as they were incorporated into the EMU Convocation Center’s graphic re-design in 2015.
(But No Longer Applies to her whatsoever did not see it through like Pederson left Pitt right when he was most needed on ACC Expansion, Pitt Fans don't want another Steve Or Scott??)

An ardent proponent of growing the profession, Lyke is a sought after national speaker, presenter and leader in the business of college athletics. In 2014, she became the first woman ever to chair the NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Committee, and led the Mid-American Conference as chair of their Cost of Attendance Task Force. She is an active member of the NACWAA Board of Directors, Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan Board of Directors and the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Convention and Visitors Bureau Sports Commission.
(All good things but can she Rebuild Pitt Athletics or just give Speeches??)

Lyke came to EMU after working for 15 years at The Ohio State University where she was a member of the athletic department’s executive team and responsible for the assessment, design and development of the department’s strategic plan.
(Ohio State Football needed No Strategic Plan Jim Tressel & Urban Meyers did that and so she pushed papers.)

She directly oversaw 10 of OSU’s 36 athletic programs and managed/supervised 31 full-time coaches and staff. She also had oversight over all facets of the athletic councils involving budget oversight, revenue generation and facilities as well as the golf course operations. Additionally, she supervised the sport performance division of the department, which includes the strength and conditioning coaches, athletic training staff and sports medicine staff. In 2013, she developed the first ever student-athlete internship program within the Department of Athletics, ‘Bucks Go Pro.’
(Administrative Assistant But Gone By 2013 After Ohio State's Self Imposed No Bowl Game? Be prepared for some questions on what happen back then, and how it helped you learn.)

Her previous roles at OSU included associate athletic director for sport administration (2002-12) and associate athletic director for sport administration, compliance and camp operations (1998-02).
2002-12 The Ohio State University Associate AD/Sport Administration,

1998-02 The Ohio State University Associate AD/ Sport Administration, Compliance and Camp Operations
(Woe, so Heather Lyke's was right there when Ohio State Tatoo For Cash Scandal broke out and Jim Tressel had to resign and cited by the NCAA? Heather left in 2013 for EMU right after Urban Meyer's was hired in 2012? This needs a required Due Diligence Check remember how Pitt hired Haywood and had to pay him off after firing him. It goes with the territory.In addition, this was when NCAA Sanction Penn State 2012 Athletic Integrity Reform happen. It was discovered a few Big Ten Schools did not have all Athletic integrity Officers and had to make sure the Clery Acts and Title IX Compliance's had to be updated at many Big Ten Schools too. I know because some Penn State Lawyers cited them. This better had a big background check. I am by no means she did anything wrong just warning the Media is going to be asking such questions so be prepared.


Consultants suggest OSU hire ethics czar: College Notebook:

Prior to Ohio State, Lyke was at the University of Cincinnati for two years, serving as the assistant athletic director for compliance as well as the senior woman administrator.
1996-98 University of Cincinnati Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance/SWA

(Woe again, this is during the Bob Huggins Years at UCincy and NCAA Violations and Compliance issues taking place at the same time? There is no way one worked in Athletics at UCincy 2 years and not hear about what and why Huggins was being investigated by the NCAA. The Media will want to know her thoughts on the investigation too before she left?) again no recriminations just do some preparation unlike Barnes was caught without answers!
Huggins, Cincinnati Charged With Major Rules Violations
May 09, 1998|By Stephen Nidetz.


(This must have been vetted but Pitt is known of hiring Executive Search Firm Consultants that did not do a proper background Search. Heather was at UCincy and Ohio State working in Compliance Office and maybe it is that experience Pitt need to continue on Compliance's. Heather Resume has the same years when trouble happen at UCincy and Ohio State and the Media will asking questions. Just like did with Barnes connections to his old Boss Consulting Firm and hired Stallings his Old Boss Client. Heather having a Law Degree is big plus as in today's Compliance Challenges as well as working at places that did had some trouble and knows how to enforce such compliance's. Again, Heather should be able to handle it, in my opinion. Just want Pitt looking good as possible.

Lyke began her athletics administrative career at the NCAA national office as an intern in the enforcement and student-athlete reinstatement department. She also has worked for the Big Ten Network as a color analyst for softball games for five years.
I like this very good because this shows Heather had a big interests in Athletics right doing Law School and chose to work at the NCAA as an Intern. These are good backgrounds to have both in knowing how the NCAA Works and how Big Ten Network Works when she was an Analysts. Clearly, Heather is way better than Pederson and Barnes in smarts and jobs. Just working at Ohio State while being a Michigan Alumnus had to have some rubbing and banter fun too.

Lyke grew up in Canton, Ohio, and attended the University of Michigan on a softball scholarship. While at U-M, she was a four-year letter winner as a first baseman, two-time team captain, Big Ten champion and Academic All-Big Ten honoree. She earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Education from University of Michigan and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Akron School of Law. She was admitted to the Ohio Bar in 1995. Lyke and her husband, David Catalano, have three children, Elle, Sophie and Eli.

Heather is also from the same area and knows our region and how Pitt is up against OSU, MSU, Michigan and Penn State. She also knows what it is like trying to improve Athletic Programs from bottom to up, while being in a top one at Michigan, and working at two others at in UCincy and Ohio State all 3 Great Basketball Programs. She also knows how to keep Pitt out of problems she saw had to hear about at UCincy & OSU and that should be put on the Resume as Assets versus repeated weasel words that her look smaller like inspire, comprehensive, highest, first, and other adjectives when her own credentials speak for herself and can be said better.

I changed my mind, Heather is good selection especially of Pitt has plans to build new facilities in and around campus as we all know are needed but not much space.

Welcome to Pitt Heather!

One other thing. No one knows sh** about her and yet the typical BS that Pitt blew it. She may well be the best hire in years. Lets see what she does before rendering some uninformed opinion of her being a bad hire.
Upon reflection, and to be fair, the problems has been with Alumni Posters and Fans rightly upset with Pitt Hires that have often been embarrassments, and not so unhappy with some of them, but how Pitt messed up many of the Hires and making Pitt look stupid. Heather may not be a FB-BB AD, but she is qualified. How Pitt wants to handle its future is what we all doubt more than Heather as i see it now.
The best predictor of future actions is past performance. Theres no evidence she can raise money. 80 percent of her athletic budget Is subsidized by the school and she's been there for four years.
And MAC schools get some money--not a lot--but some--for TV, bowl games, ticket sales. So the level of fundraising at EMU has to be the equivalent of a hoagie sale.
As such, saying she "set a record" for fund raising at EMU is kind of misleading. They are LAST in the MAC in terms of the level of school subsidy to an athletic department.
All good points and well thought out and cannot disagree, but that has been Pitt Problem since 1990s after Bozo Bozik was fired, Oval James overrated, even Pederson's Poison & Barnes Old Boss Consultants have let Pitt down and tougher to raise Least Heather is better qualified and has a Law Degree but we shall see?
Is there any chance they hired her to basically just do what she knows how to do well and other than that just stay out of the way? Basically be the anti-Peterson who wouldn't give wanny chump change to spend on assistants and such. If narduzzi has full control of the football program and she'll sign off on the program spending whatever it needs to, I think we could definitely make this work.
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Too Much Fluff Huff & Puff Like Pederson,
Again, Not A Football AD:
Look At The Number Of Weasel Words Her Bio?

Old Saying In Personnel Selection To Much Puff......Look At More Stuff!
First Ever Is Tokenism And Did not Stay Long?
But To Be Fair She Has Better Backgrounds Stevie & Barnes!

More Bio On Pitt AD:
Eastern Michigan University’s first ever Mid-American Conference (MAC) Cartwright Award for all-around athletic department excellence (2013-14)… EMU’s first ever MAC Jacoby Award for female athletic excellence (2014-15)… A National Championship for Excellence in Athletic Management (2015-16). (Did She Coach Them? Caution For Heather.....Pederson was once Voted Athletic Director of the Year by his Peers, then got Fired twice with Buyout$ that left Barnes with problems)

The Football program’s first bowl game in 29 years (2016-17)… The highest overall GPA in EMU Athletic History (3.259)… The highest term (3.238) and cumulative (3.266) Athletic Department GPAs in EMU history... The highest graduation rates in EMU Athletic History (81%)5000+ hours of student-athlete community service in a single year… ‘Champions Built Here’ has been more than an athletics mantra during the first two three years of Heather Lyke’s tenure as EMU Vice President and Director of Athletics, it has defined a new era.(All Done In Just in One Year???? Oh No, Smell Pederson? Not One Mention of EMU's President Vision?)

Lyke, the 13th Director of Athletics in Eastern Michigan history, and the first woman to hold the full-time athletic director position at EMU, oversees the MAC’s most comprehensive and one of its most successful collegiate athletics programs. The department sponsors 21 fully-funded varsity sports with more than 550+ student-athletes who have won the most Conference Championships, 137, since joining the MAC in 1973 regularly competing for MAC Championships and NCAA Championship selection. (Too Many HIGHEST MOST BOASTS!)

With a firm commitment to student-athlete experience and comprehensive excellence, (What Happen To Just Excellence?) Lyke has set about raising the bar for the MAC’s most dominant athletic program.

Under her leadership EMU Athletics has hired 10 head coaches, including Head Football Coach, Chris Creighton, and 13 key administrators. During her three year tenure, EMU coaches and staff have won 17 MAC Coach of the Year Awards, one National Coach of the Year Award, and mentored no less than 15 MAC Team Champions, 17 MAC Players of the Year, 79 MAC individual champions, 213 All-MAC student-athletes and 389 All-MAC Academic Award winners. (Why Leave All That You DID with The MAC?)

Lyke’s unwavering emphasis on academic achievement has supported student-athletes who have broken and re-broken EMU academic records under her watch. (Above They Are Describe As Firsts?) In 2013-14, EMU student-athletes turned in a then all-time high overall GPA of 3.159 in the fall, and followed it up with the second highest all-time GPA (3.145) (They Dropped?) in the winter. 67 student-athletes earned 4.0 GPAs during at least one term and 68% of all student-athletes had a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. EMU’s Graduation Success Rate of 77% and Federal Graduation Rate of 61% were also both new EMU records. (Are These Student Accomplishments She Is Taking Credit For?)

Not to be outdone, the 2014-15 EMU fall student-athlete GPA of 3.242 set another all-time record, only to be bested once more when the winter GPA registered at 3.259. The academic year included 73% of all student-athletes, and 16 of 21 teams, achieving a GPA over 3.0. An astonishing 67 student-athletes achieved a 4.0 GPA during at least one term for the second year in row. EMU also held steady at its record 61% Federal Graduation rate and achieved its second highest ever Graduation Success Rate of 75%. (This Is Pure Resume BS & Over The Top Brag With Average Results) The Teams went 10-37 over 4 years?

2015-16 was distinguished by the number 81, with a record 81 student-athletes who earned a 4.0 semester GPA and a new record Graduation Success Rate of 81%. EMU’s 178 Academic All MAC Award winners were the most in the league by 37 over the next closest school. (It Is MAC Schools) (This Is Just Repeat Weasel Words From Above?)

However, the fall 2016 semester has already proven to be the most decorated in Lyke’s tenure and EMU Athletics history. EMU student-athletes achieved the highest term GPA (3.238) and cumulative GPA (3.266) in Athletic Department history, led by 46 student-athletes who earned a 4.0 GPA. Five teams also set program records for GPA, including football who broke their team GPA record in the classroom while they secured the university’s first bowl invitation in 29 years on the field. (This University Must Have Had The Dumbest Students Athletes Before She Got There? ONE BOWL GAME In 29 YEARS, 2-10, 2-10, 1-11, 7-6?)

Lyke is fond of saying great coaches and student-athletes need great teaching environments, and she has wasted no time spearheading a number of necessary capital upgrades, including: substantial completion of the EMU rowing boathouse, ADA improvements and restrooms at softball’s Varsity Field, bleachers and an ADA walkway at soccer’s Scicluna Field, a new Daktronics scoreboard, bleacher motors and electrical upgrades at swimming’s Jones Natatorium, an upgraded football student-athlete lounge area, new football turf field, new basketball and volleyball practice court, basket stanchions, ceiling and electrical upgrades (basketball and volleyball), remodeling and design of the EMU nutrition/fueling station, renovation of the gymnastics practice gym, renovation of the men’s and women’s basketball locker rooms, new loge seating and renovation to the athletic suite for football donors in Rynearson Stadium, a new baseball turf infield, upgraded scoreboard and outfield fence at Oestrike Stadium and a complete interior re-branding of the Convocation Center atrium, office suites, hallways and Eagles Nest suite with the Champions Built Here theme. (Hard to figure out if she is a Maintenance Engineer Designer or she is taking the credit for other people's work???) One Question, Is Eastern Michigan AN URBAN CAMPUS?....because Pitt Is and Fans Told No Space to Build Anything?)

All they talk about is GPAs and graduation rates and BS like that! I want to win at sports, I don't even care if the players can read! SO at least drop out of the ACC and join the Ivy if you're not planning to really compete.
"Champions Built Here" doesn't win games? Maybe we all need to say that over and over in our heads until it starts working.
EMU went 7-6, 4-4, in MAC, before that 1-11, 2-10, 2-10? Calling that Champions and then leaving is not winning over and over, just one year?????....And Heather's Bio is an attempt of over compensation she need not make, her Credentials are good on their own.
Two things. She has a very good track record, thus she has shown to be very capable based on the success at EMU. Secondly, correct no one knows sh** about whether she will be a positive AD at Pitt. That remains to be seen. At the very least with hold the anti Pitt blew it diatribe until she has been at Pitt for awhile. I hated the Chryst hire after watching him come in with no fire and sense of urgency. But understood the hiring was in fact to clean up dodge from Wanny and Fraudy time here. She certainly doesn't have the personal baggage that Barnes came with. The fact Pitt wouldn't give Tressel the time of day is a win.Yep, hire a 65 year old fart who should have been drummed out of college coaching after the Mickey Monus nonsense at YSU.
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Two things. She has a very good track record, thus she has shown to be very capable based on the success at EMU. Secondly, correct no one knows sh** about whether she will be a positive AD at Pitt. That remains to be seen. At the very least with hold the anti Pitt blew it diatribe until she has been at Pitt for awhile. I hated the Chryst hire after watching him come in with no fire and sense of urgency. But understood the hiring was in fact to clean up dodge from Wanny and Fraudy time here. She certainly doesn't have the personal baggage that Barnes came with. The fact Pitt wouldn't give Tressel the time of day is a win.Yep, hire a 65 year old fart who should have been drummed out of college coaching after the Mickey Monus nonsense at YSU.
Well said, her first test was being hired, her second will be the Press Conference and the PPG loves to bring on great questions upon Pitt Chosen Few that Flew too.....Time will tell?
From all appearances the school was NEVER considering dropping football, but the school does appear to have a block of professors who have made it their mission to get the school to drop football. Rutgers, to name a prominent example, has a group like that as well.

It is promising EMU had it most success on the football field in the last 30 years under her watch, and this is with a group actively trying to undermine her efforts. Look at Rutgers to see how effective that block of professors can be.
Wow, such negativism. I'll bet this just endears the new AD to the fanbase. Anyone that is confident of her future performance, positive or negative, is not being credible. Her background is sufficient at different levels of schools, but we don't know how this will translate to Pitt, and its specific characteristics. She did improve the fundraising in a very difficult situation, and did emphasize and promote the football program. EMich even made a bowl this year, after being a doormat for quite some time. She was hired by the same AD that hired Narduzzi, and some of the committee members were football people. I will not be like some who, without knowing any background, automatically did not like the hire after they saw 'Heather' as the name, or Eastern Michigan as the previous job. I will give her the benefit of the doubt to start and hope she brings additional life to the athletic program.
Unbelievable (or not, given the Yinzers who post).
None of you apparently have daughters, wives or women friends. A "diversity" hire? Go tell that to your daughter.
How has Pitt done over the last 40 years hiring old white guys?
Get real.
All I ever hope is that the person hired is well qualified. Funding raising is certainly important and the person asking hopefully is well-qualified with a proven track record and understands the dynamics of a major P5 conference. Man or woman shouldn't be the only factor.
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Obviously, have no choice but to give her a chance, but waaaayyyy to many corny slogans, etc. I agree with Captain, when I see soooo many slogans and fluff words it makes you worried. Hello, left lane gas down or whatever that shitty slogan was.

She has done some decent things but it is at EMU, which definitely isn't an easy place to do decent things at. However, with that said, when they go low level MAC school for a hire it worries me that it is the same old at Pitt.

With that said, I can see some potential with her, and it is not like the Stallings hire, a well known mediocre commodity. AT least she is an unknown commodity at this point.

What makes me really frustrated is even though I knew there was no way Jim Tressel would have been hired by Pitt, when someone of his stature is interested in the job, you at least have him be part of the final list of candidates. They were all underwhelming, and you had someone who could have made the nation take notice that Pitt was going to be serious about Athletics for once.

Ohh well, we have no choice but to support her, and like I said above, I can see a some positives about her, just waaaaayyy to many fluff, puff and 8th grade slogans going on in her bio.
Can't we just wait to get Gallagher in front of a mic and demand that he comes clean?
Has there ever been a successful female AD any where? Aside from the lady up at UPS, the only other female AD at a power 5 school I can think of is Yow at Maryland and NC St. and she's been a disaster.
If you needed any further evidence that Pitt is not interested in having a good sports program, this is it.

EMUs sports programs are some of the worst in the country.

This is a joke.

Gallagher just desperate to make a diversity hire?
EMU finished 2016 (26) spots higher than Pitt in the Learfield Director's cup standings. She was an Associate AD at Ohio State for 15 years. Pretty strong background it would seem.
If she gets rid of Stallings within the first couple years then I'll consider this a home run hire.

People know hardly anything about her and they're already up in arms.

The funny part is 80% of the opposition to her on this thread is for the simple fact that she doesn't have a penis.
Well if the PG article had all of four of the finalists, they were all diversity candidates. I would be curious if the process included a mandate to hire a diverse candidate or if the issue was a particular point of emphasis. That's something that a good journalist would investigate.

At this time in its athletic history PITT needs a really good AD.
The worst part of this is if all of the final candidates were Diversity candidates that means the target hire was a Diversity hire!

Do some of you know how many really good people that kind of search excludes?????? That's the problem with targeted Diversity hires its impossible to get the best person or even a really good one due to the limited search field!

Calculate the universe of minority and or women hires for an AD spot compared to a larger scope search looking for the best AD candidate not a Diversity candidate. The difference is HUGE!

Do the Math/ do some what if's. Based on the excluded candidates the chances / probability of PITT hiring the best AD candidate are limited.

Just looking at experience she doesn't have bigtime AD experience at a school that has had or wants Top 20 football and basketball programs! In fact she worked for a school that discussed dropping football.

And she will have to rub elbows with the bigtime experienced Duke, UNC, LU. UVA Southern AD's who will dominate business.

My wife and I who are both experienced business people. We discussed this at length ( half a bottle of Peach Schnapps) and concluded ( gut feel) the chances of this plan being successful are less than 50%. We even ran it by a few neighbors at a basketball watching get together and they gave us the look down eyes knowing PITTs athletic department struggles.

At this time PITT doesn't need a 50/50 shot at success they need an AD who has an 80/20 chance of being successful!

After all the football coaches, SP, Barnes, Stallings, and now this we're really disappointed in the stewardship of athletics at PITT.

We have kids who graduated from the U, we give money to the general and athletic funds, travel over 600rt miles to home games, buy three sets of Fball tickets ( two we give away to people who cant afford tics), share basketball tickets with others and we're really freaken Miffed with this one!

We decided a phone call is in order to discuss the future of our tickets, donations, personal money and time spent supporting PITT athletics.

The key question is: Are you people serious about PITT athletics or not!!!

If not just let us know! Or maybe this is our answer! If we get the answer that we think we'll get maybe we ask to give up the tickets and we'll see how this works out????????????????????????? It won't!
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I remember when Pitt lost John Majors to Tennessee after winning the MNC. They went out and hired a guy who had only been a HC for 1 year and finished with a record of 3-9 at Washington State. His name was Jackie Sherrill.
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EMU finished 2016 (26) spots higher than Pitt in the Learfield Director's cup standings. She was an Associate AD at Ohio State for 15 years. Pretty strong background it would seem.

Pitt Law 04 may be happy if she schedules all Mac schools for Pitt's ooc games.
I'm sure a lot of you Archie Bunkers also love the idea of a "girl" athletic director too.

Aha! Here we are. If you don't like the hire, then you're a sexist!

Can't defend the hire? Name call and accuse someone of being a bigot!

None of the criticisms of this hire in this thread related to the fact that she's a woman.

They deal with the fact that she's not a qualified and inspiring choice.

Either deal with the FACTS regarding her past performance and lack of qualifications that have been noted or be quiet. Because anyone with critical thinking skills can see that name calling is nothing more than a cheap way to try and shut down debate.
Aha! Here we are. If you don't like the hire, then you're a sexist!

Can't defend the hire? Name call and accuse someone of being a bigot!

None of the criticisms of this hire in this thread related to the fact that she's a woman.

They deal with the fact that she's not a qualified and inspiring choice.

Either deal with the FACTS regarding her past performance and lack of qualifications that have been noted or be quiet. Because anyone with critical thinking skills can see that name calling is nothing more than a cheap way to try and shut down debate.

Yup. You definitely went to law school with that word-twisting. Nowhere in what I said did I say THAT. All I'm saying is that some people aren't gonna' like her regardless of performance because she's a she. Kind of like certain morons hate Tomlin because he's one of "those people." Don't act like they're not out there.
Yup. You definitely went to law school with that word-twisting. Nowhere in what I said did I say THAT. All I'm saying is that some people aren't gonna' like her regardless of performance because she's a she. Kind of like certain morons hate Tomlin because he's one of "those people." Don't act like they're not out there.

I think you're the one trying to do the word twisting. Your comments speaks for themselves.

Either address the criticisms that have been made about her prior performance or say nothing.

Calling people Archie Bunkers just shows you have no argument to make in her favor.
Just from reading her history, she has worked in one of the largest athletic departments in the nation, improved one of the smallest, and also knows football drives the bus and will raise all ships if successful.

Time will tell if she is a successful hire. But from what I can see, she is qualified IMO.
If only she had the red meat of a curly font logo to throw out to the wolves.

People panning this right off the bat are as clueless as those who were calling Barnes' hire a home run. We'll find out in due course. Until then, it makes no sense for fans to place artificial obstacles in her path before she even sets foot in Oakland.

On paper, Jeff Long was a home run hire and we see how that turned out. The anonymous loons here have no clue if this is good or not.