New Pat Signal!

If anyone has video, sound or quotes about Narduzzi saying "he doesn't like recruiting" please post them here.

I haven't heard that from him but have heard him saying- that he doesn't like what recruiting has become. That's a completely different statement than what's being attributed to him.

It's typically noted at this point that Narduzzi has made comments that he doesn't like recruiting. Maybe he did, because he tends to blurt things out at times. And maybe he truly doesn't (which would be totally understandable really, these guys who just wanna breathe x and o's 24-7 have to run around kissing tails of fickle 17 year reality no normal adult human would enjoy that).

Thing is though, he's worked hard at it. He has had fair results on the field too. It SHOULD be going better for him. I think it proves the inconvenient truth that recruiting takes much much more than the head coach, and sometimes he may be the LEAST important factor.

I think we all have heard and read enough about college recruiting to know what it often takes. And it seems like it takes that more than ever, not less. As even 3 star guys seem to be prima donnas, having handlers and open palms. And also, more guys than ever increasingly willing to go stand on the sideline for 4 years for a blue blood vs coming into a mid grade program and helping bring it up. Knowing they can transfer out for the 5th year, play right away, and try to salvage their career. That can help us, certainly. But typically those guys are like the dude we just picked up yesterday. Or our last two "5 star" QB transfers.

I don't know how we get out this forlorn cycle though. At this point, even if we suddenly wanted to amp up our cheating, it might attract a better grade of player momentarily but we'd never be able to keep up for long. The PSU, OSU, etc will just amp their own higher.
If anyone has video, sound or quotes about Narduzzi saying "he doesn't like recruiting" please post them here.

I haven't heard that from him but have heard him saying- that he doesn't like what recruiting has become. That's a completely different statement than what's being attributed to him.
I never did either, which is why I said "maybe he did", because, hey, he extemporates at times, so I could believe it. But even the qualified statement you attribute to him has been enough to cause the war drums to start beating.

People will usually cite guys like Franklin, or Gibson as great recruiters. Look under the scenes. Franklin got some guys to occasionally go to Vanderbilt. Sure. More than the "zero" that might be expected. But he wasn't exactly getting Alabama numbers. And then the world learned how he DID manage to get some... he was arranging sexual escorts, and running point to intimidate any that his players happened to get too physical with. Now at a school that wantonly commits everything it has to football, he predictably does well. But he's barely respected purely as a football coach, which is really all you can walk into a recruit with if you work for Pitt. So how well would his crap work at Pitt? I expect only as good as what our lunchpail coaches like Duz and Chryst have been getting.

Likewise a guy like Gibson seems to do ok at schools with dubious morals when it comes to football. He like the others in Graham's crew ran screaming after one year at Ivory Tower U.
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Has some starting experience. Got passed over by a former 4* recuit who declared the draft this year. Like I said above, they probably need to add another but worst case they added some depth.

I'm not a huge fan of pulling kids off of the secondary market to add depth but I don't know what else to make of this. Is this kid going to challenge Houy? If it comes down to a toss up, I think you have to go with the younger guy.
Agreed, you go with the younger guy. They need to get the point where they are not backfilling depth.

It's obvious that Narduzzi wasn't happy with the development and recruiting on the oline.

I'm not a huge fan of pulling kids off of the secondary market to add depth but I don't know what else to make of this. Is this kid going to challenge Houy? If it comes down to a toss up, I think you have to go with the younger guy.
I'm not a huge fan of pulling kids off of the secondary market to add depth but I don't know what else to make of this. Is this kid going to challenge Houy? If it comes down to a toss up, I think you have to go with the younger guy.
I agree that you go with the younger guy who has been here if they are close. We had 2 Seniors who did not play much until last year, and they did a good job. At the very least it provides depth.
Seems to me that our previous OLine coach went after size on the Oline, but didn’t have enough emphasis on quickness.

Warren and Drake are really impressive looking offensive linemen, but do they have the foot quickness to take on speed rushers or to pull?

The OL recruits for the last 2 years may be more promising with a bit of maturity...

Go Pitt.
Set the tone? For what? All of his big game experience? What it's like to play for a whack job coach? How to handle all of the criticism from a fan base that blames your position group for the team's failings?
To be fair, we're more apt to blame the QB or OC here. He'll likely feel good about that, anyway
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Set the tone? For what? All of his big game experience? What it's like to play for a whack job coach? How to handle all of the criticism from a fan base that blames your position group for the team's failings?

No idea what youre talking about.

Set the tone for having a good O-line next year and keep up our tradition of a strong line.

We recruited him before, and now we get a chance to have him back and offer much needed depth. Looks like a great pick up on paper
If he can get the coin toss right I'm all in for the guy!
He's from Michigan so there's a good chance he can.

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go PITT & CSU Rams!
If he can get the coin toss right I'm all in for the guy!
He's from Michigan so there's a good chance he can.

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go PITT & CSU Rams!
Careful. The first Pittsburgh related F up of a coin toss I remember was in Michigan (Steelers at Detroit). And wasn't it involving a guy from Michigan (the Bus, a native of Detroit).