Nitwits ripping on Pitt again!!!

Pitt is #1

Head Coach
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2009

You would think starting almost exclusively 4* recruits. Having large fan support. An endless well of money from their fans. Paying a coach over $4M a season. THEY WOULD HAVE A BETTER RECORD THAN 6-6!
And water is wet. BFD.

We have the chance to shut them up again in 2016. Until then, it's all just noise.
I never understand the need of posters who feel the ongoing need to go over to their site and then report back.. Who gives a crap about what they are up to and do. We just need to do our thing better and the rest will fall into place. Give yourself a piece of mind and quit torturing yourself.
You make a good point.
Looking at the way they spend money on football you have to wonder how truthful anyone is about their books.

Ped State spent 60 million on settlements, 60 million on fines, and how much more on attorneys, consultants, lost how much on big 10 revenues, no post season and yet they still come up with 4million for an unproven coach? This from a school that has a smaller endowment than Pitt and waaay more overhead. Sure they take in more money than Pitt - but Pitt had none of those costs.

I guess "Football First and Only" is worth it.

This post was edited on 3/10 8:46 AM by mbe 34
I don't care. They go to a football factory. They have among the worst Return on Investment of any football program in the country. If this was a company, their stock would be tanking and their would be major layoffs/firings.
They are right. PSU could easily get triple that number

for the Free Jerry rally.
Re: They are right. PSU could easily get triple that number

their thread is great. Attendance! Attendance! Attendance!
DRP I completely agree that Pitt needs to put it together on the field. The reason for bringing it back here is simple. I can't respond directly because like everyone...I am band on their site.
Re: They are right. PSU could easily get triple that number

Originally posted by Taft's Baby Hook:
their thread is great. Attendance! Attendance! Attendance!
God forbid I measure my self worth by my willingness to attend sporting events.
Originally posted by drp1tt:
I never understand the need of posters who feel the ongoing need to go over to their site and then report back.. Who gives a crap about what they are up to and do. We just need to do our thing better and the rest will fall into place. Give yourself a piece of mind and quit torturing yourself.
I agree with this. Thanks for letting me know! I was really worried about what they're saying about us over there!!!
UPS - a school that has lost its way.

All that I know is that every night, I see a barrage of ads on my television for UPS, with the theme being "Penn State is in Pittsburgh!!!".

The fact that they're spending so much money on advertising tells me that they've got a huge mon$ter, and the mon$ter has to eat, and that they've gotten desperate. [/I]Their standard for acceptance into one of their many branch campuses isn't much better than that of a community college, and (according to their ad) they've even eliminated their application fee.

They've lost their vision, and their mission. They're goal is no longer to educate; it's to sustain itself. They're no less a business than Apple or McDonald's, except that their only product is the manufacturing and selling of diplomas.

They need butts in seats - both in the classroom and in their football stadium - simply to survive. Too many jobs depend on the very existence of the University of Penn State (sic).
Re: They are right. PSU could easily get triple that number

LOL! As sad as it is the cult would come from all over to be a part of that!
Re: Owtie Nails It....These Type Of Fans Can't Stand Themselves!

Originally posted by recruitsreadtheseboards:

Originally posted by Taft's Baby Hook:
their thread is great. Attendance! Attendance! Attendance!

God forbid I measure my self worth by my willingness to attend sporting events.
These type of Penn State Fans lack confidence within themselves and have to seek out condescending remarks towards others not just Pitt. Everyday, on BWI they put down someone or bring up a scandal, failure, or mistake of someone else?

This type of Penn State behavior started against Pitt, but has included Michigan, Ohio State and any other University that they usually attack as the result of a defense mechanism used by their subconscious mind in order to prevent further criticism about them and their belief that Penn State Football has always been pure. Nonetheless, the world knows the truth about Penn State, Paterno, and Football more today from facts under oath rather than Penn State mottos and slogans of yesterday?

These Penn State pounding on the chests Posts are nothing more than a way to cover their feelings of personal inferiority they experience when dealing with someone else or another school as they think are a threat to their own psyche. It seems they feel better when they tear others down.

This reflects on many that type of post on BWI Boards and why banning happens more than meaningful discussions. These Nittany Liars truly believe their single-minded value comes from thinking they are superior. This is why they are shocked to find out Penn State University Culture is not accepted by the outside world.

Moreover they have come to hate others at "Dear Old Penn State," blaming them for taking corrective action to overcome the Non-Compliance of Laws, LOIC NCAA Rules, and Regulations that happen under President Spanier, Paterno, Curley and Schultz and this was not part of Gerry Sandusky crimes at all, just outright Non-Compliance and Lack Of Institutional Control and Clery/Title IX Regulations!

There was no Big Ten required Athletic Integrity Agreement, Integrity Officer, Code of Athlete's Conduct because they believed they never needed one? They were superior and are still upset when this is brought up, and they are truly ignorant people in not understanding those aspect about Paterno, Spnaier and Curley.

This type of post and those that follow it, is just a cover for their own feelings of inferiority they experience when dealing with someone else. It seems they feel better when they tear others down when they know their own university was caught in something no one can defend.

Pitt Posters, Alumni, and Fans all have experienced the ups and downs of Pitt Sports. But few to none believe that this makes them better or a failure based on Sports.

Pitt and other fans enjoy sports, competition, and the games themselves as entertainment and most people use it as a distraction, relaxation, and just having fun with friends.

Pitt, Michigan, USC, and other fans are confident people and high-minded, because they can feel good without having a desire to offend others. They usually see people's potential and can help them succeed in something and comes from positivity, optimism and mental steadiness.

Pitt cured Polio and did not wait and protect its discovery so they could gain mucho dollars with patents to make billions so they could help people immediately and those values were during Penn State not even being an University.

Penn State University built a great school and deserves much recognition, respect, and admiration.

Yet, today, these same Penn State Fans that post on BWI have turned on Penn State's Best and Brightest on what actually happen under Paterno, Spanier, Curley, and Schultz.

These 4 Men were always more concern with the money and wealth coming from Football and that did not care to protect Disadvantaged Children being molested by one of their own creations from Success with Honor and the Grand Experiment and actually employed as a Coach, Honored as a Professor Emeritus and ALL OF A SUDDEN IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH PENN STATE???

All happening over 40 years to Disadvantaged Children being used by a Penn State Non-Profit Charity continued to be abused as those 4 men could care less about them since they chose to protect Penn State Football?

Pitt cured Polio and saved Billions of Children and without worrying about making a dime! Pitt Administrators, Faculty, Researchers, Alumni and Fans accept and admire those deeds to succeed from their values taught and lived at Pitt.

Penn State protected Football making millions while covering up the molestation of children and when Trustees found out from Law Enforcement these Penn State Fans attacked the very people that took action to stop it, clean it up, and make sure it never happens again?

Ladies, Gentleman and Posters from Other Schools and Boards, I leave it to each of you to decide the superior values and no post running down Pitt can build up Penn State with that type of Penn State Fan that brings shame to Penn State's name?



This post was edited on 3/10 2:13 PM by CaptainSidneyReilly
Re: UPS - a school that has lost its way.

They've lost their vision, and their mission. They're goal is no longer to educate; it's to sustain itself. They're no less a business than Apple or McDonald's, except that their only product is the manufacturing and selling of diplomas.
Nailed it. Well said, Parrot.

Half of their graduating classes from University Park started at a branch campus. Think about that for a second...
Re: Taft's Baby Hook....

Originally posted by Taft's Baby Hook:
their thread is great. Attendance! Attendance! Attendance!
Except in Basketball Curtains, Curtains, Curtains!

Where curtains are used in BJC to cover up for lack of attendance, The Penn State Way is silence,, secrecy, and cover ups!

They just found out that Penn State paid the NCAA Legal Fees to get Joe's Vacated Wins Back, so Joe keeps costing them money even from his grave?

I salute Penn State Football Attendance but condemn Penn State Values!



This post was edited on 3/10 3:42 PM by CaptainSidneyReilly
My woman's ex keeps leaving me fake bad reviews on Yelp, Google, and every other rating site he can find. So what.
Pedophile U has a branch campus in every trailer park in PA.

They are a diploma factory / community college with 100% acceptance.

No shit they have tons of fans... Who cares, they will always be Pedophile U, and they will always be an embarrassment!
Re: Owtie Nails It....These Type Of Fans Can't Stand Themselves!

Originally posted by CaptainSidneyReilly:

Originally posted by recruitsreadtheseboards:

Originally posted by Taft's Baby Hook:
their thread is great. Attendance! Attendance! Attendance!

God forbid I measure my self worth by my willingness to attend sporting events.
These type of Penn State Fans lack confidence within themselves and have to seek out condescending remarks towards others not just Pitt. Everyday, on BWI they put down someone or bring up a scandal, failure, or mistake of someone else?

This type of Penn State behavior started against Pitt, but has included Michigan, Ohio State and any other University that they usually attack as the result of a defense mechanism used by their subconscious mind in order to prevent further criticism about them and their belief that Penn State Football has always been pure. Nonetheless, the world knows the truth about Penn State, Paterno, and Football more today from facts under oath rather than Penn State mottos and slogans of yesterday?

These Penn State pounding on the chests Posts are nothing more than a way to cover their feelings of personal inferiority they experience when dealing with someone else or another school as they think are a threat to their own psyche. It seems they feel better when they tear others down.

This reflects on many that type of post on BWI Boards and why banning happens more than meaningful discussions. These Nittany Liars truly believe their single-minded value comes from thinking they are superior. This is why they are shocked to find out Penn State University Culture is not accepted by the outside world.

Um, I'm a third party on this one who hates penn state as much as anyone here but I read all the local boards for recruiting rivals and every single day there's a post on here somehow bashing Penn State, don't get me wrong, they do it over on our board as well and I can't stand it.

If you wanna talk about inferiority aren't Pitt and Penn State traditional rivals? Why wouldn't they post on their board about Pitt's spring game being played at a 3,500 seat stadium? That's smaller than most high school fields and quite honestly is worth talking about.

The reality is that recruiting is a direct representation of the perception of schools and coaches that young men have, we can twist it any way you want but the reality is right now both Pitt and Rutgers are playing little brother to Penn State in recruiting and that is a fact, the only way to overcome that is to beat them on the field so come 2016 I sure hope you guys kick their A$$
Re: Owtie Nails It....These Type Of Fans Can't Stand Themselves!

This thread goes on and all we're talking about is practice.


Not a game…but practice.

Lemmings follow. That's what they do. BFD.
Re: Owtie Nails It....These Type Of Fans Can't Stand Themselves!

All the pressure is on Franklin and Pedophile U.

I'd they don't beat Pitt, RU, and UMD consistently, his act (bs) will get old very quickly.

So far, he is 1-1.

I think this is going to be fun to watch! (Unless your a Pedophile U fan)
Expect a number of Nitwits at our spring game..........

They will be easily spotted with their "409" t-shirts. They're so proud of their victory.
The point of this thread isn't to defend Pitt. We know we have limited fan support. 30+yrs of under achieving will do that to a fan base. What is interesting to me is how poorly they have been over the last 25yrs...yet still see themselves as a perennial top 10 program. They have many advantages over Pitt. Money, large alumni base, $$$...yet still achieve little more on the field than Pitt. They point to the sanctions, but the sanctions didn't stop them from fielding a group of 4* starters last season. It also doesn't explain 25 yrs of mediocre results. I just wanted to point out, PSU has very little to brag about...not insinuating at all that Pitt does!
Re: RUsmrtrthna5thgrdr.......


Sure we are Rivals even if we no longer play each other anymore. Sure a day or week will not go by without a post on the Lair or BWI on Penn State or Pitt. This is not what I am talking about.

As you will come to understand now that you play Penn State every year, when you start to beat them, and grab recruits they want, you will understand this arrogance that exists among some of their fans meaning not just Pitt but Rutgers, Maryland, Michigan, OSU etc etc are below them somehow?

I do not mind if either posts about each other happen on both Boards, so be it. But they used to have a swagger of sinister superiority until the truth came out about Penn State Silence, Secrecy, and Cover Ups on Non-Compliance and Crimes.

They don't have that Swagger anymore and Rutgers experienced that when they became upset with your Fans calling them Ped State and cried about it?

As time goes on, and when Rutgers start beating Penn State more, you will come to understand what most of the Big Ten know now, on the Michigan, OSU, Iowa, Wisky, MSU, and Minnesota Boards, they have many Nittany Liars and are the biggest crybabies in the NCAA and love to post scandals, crimes, and mistakes about other schools, people and programs!

A weekly look at BWI will verify what I have just said and you can check it out too if you go deeper in their previous posts. They now attack their own Trustees and Administrators as well, and ignore the Sins of their Program under Paterno! O'Brien did not just leave he couldn't wait to leave!?

I recognize and respect many good aspects of Penn State University, Sports, and Program, but you have to understand they have always had an inferior complex against Pitt that still leads in many categories over their own Football Program. even after 46 Years of Paterno's Non-Compliance and Trustees LOIC, and Crimes of Sandusky, Spanier, Curley, and Schultz?

By the way, I still do not understand why the ACC did not invite Rutgers when they invited Pitt & Cuse and good luck in the Big Ten nonetheless!


This post was edited on 3/10 10:58 PM by CaptainSidneyReilly
Re: RUsmrtrthna5thgrdr.......

Originally posted by CaptainSidneyReilly:

Sure we are Rivals even if we no longer play each other anymore. Sure a day or week will not go by without a post on the Lair or BWI on Penn State or Pitt. This is not what I am talking about.

As you will come to understand now that you play Penn State every year, when you start to beat them, and grab recruits they want, you will understand this arrogance that exists among some of their fans meaning not just Pitt but Rutgers, Maryland, Michigan, OSU etc etc are below them somehow?

I do not mind if either posts about each other happen on both Boards, so be it. But they used to have a swagger of sinister superiority until the truth came out about Penn State Silence, Secrecy, and Cover Ups on Non-Compliance and Crimes.

They don't have that Swagger anymore and Rutgers experienced that when they became upset with your Fans calling them Ped State and cried about it?

As time goes on, and when Rutgers start beating Penn State more, you will come to understand what most of the Big Ten know now, on the Michigan, OSU, Iowa, Wisky, MSU, and Minnesota Boards, they have many Nittany Liars and are the biggest crybabies in the NCAA and love to post scandals, crimes, and mistakes about other schools, people and programs!

A weekly look at BWI will verify what I have just said and you can check it out too if you go deeper in their previous posts. They now attack their own Trustees and Administrators as well, and ignore the Sins of their Program under Paterno! O'Brien did not just leave he couldn't wait to leave!?

I recognize and respect many good aspects of Penn State University, Sports, and Program, but you have to understand they have always had an inferior complex against Pitt that still leads in many categories over their own Football Program. even after 46 Years of Paterno's Non-Compliance and Trustees LOIC, and Crimes of Sandusky, Spanier, Curley, and Schultz?

By the way, I still do not understand why the ACC did not invite Rutgers when they invited Pitt & Cuse and good luck in the Big Ten nonetheless!


This post was edited on 3/10 10:58 PM by CaptainSidneyReilly

I am of the opinion that the B1G had already let Rutgers know they would be getting in eventually, so even with an ACC invite, they may have waited.

BWI slappies like to carry on that the B1G has done nothing for PSU, and yet their research dollars shot thru the roof once joining the conference. There is much more money to be made in research, and as much as our conference brings in for athletics, the research dollars are what make Universities grow.

Even though PSU is a bigger school, I would swap them for Pitt any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. Hell I would swap PSU for Temple just to be rid of the cult stench.
This post was edited on 3/10 11:58 PM by aged_wolverine
Re: RUsmrtrthna5thgrdr.......

Originally posted by aged_wolverine:

BWI slappies like to carry on that the B1G has done nothing for PSU, and yet their research dollars shot thru the roof once joining the conference.
This post was edited on 3/10 11:58 PM by aged_wolverine
Sports are too trite to have anything to do with winning research dollars. Do you really think the NIH, DoD & DoT really take something as meaningless as athletics conference affiliation into account when deciding how to allocate grant money?
full disclosure: I've written those grant proposals and won them. I can assure you that sportsfans may think sports affiliations are that important, but there's some Sheldon Coopers on these grant committees who've literally never heard of the Big Ten.
Re: Aged_Wolverine.......Research Links!

I checked on the Research Dollars Penn State had before joining the Big Ten. They were doing better than some Big Ten Schools. President Eisenhower's Brother Milton did a great job in attracting Research Dollars at Penn State when he was appointed there, especially since the National Defense Highway Act, Nuclear Power, and Agriculture was growing leaps and bounds during his time.

LINK: PSU Research Dollars 1991-2000: Public University Rank 5th Just Behind Michigan!

LINK: PSU Research Dollars 2012: Penn State Drops!

Now they did change the way they ranked schools in these reports above so I'll leave that to better Posters like CrazyPaco to explain it further for both of us. But I see some Big Ten Schools besides Michigan passing Penn State in Research Dollars like Wisconsin, and Minnesota.

Yet, when looking at Penn State Activity Research Reports in 2000 Penn State was $440Million an in 2012 $848 million a jump of 40%, but there was no comparison with other Big Ten Schools in those Reports?

This Link PSU increased 40% from 2000 to 2013:

Other LINKS:

2000 Penn State Annual Report Of Research Activity: $440 Million

2013 Penn State Annual Report Of Research Activity: $848 Million

CrazyPaco knows far more than myself, but when I did look it up when Penn State joined was already up there, how it is doing much better since 1993 in comparison to other Big ten Schools and other Universities outside the Big ten would need a re-check. CarzyPaco is the best source for this analysis unless you have some Links?

I am not sure that had much to do at all with joining the Big Ten either. The Big Ten likes to brag about that aspect of the Big Ten when inviting Schools to join, but it did take Nebraska when it was kicked out of the AAU Top Research Universities? In fact, Penn State was admitted to the AAU in 1958 with Purdue and before Michigan State, Maryland, and Rutgers So far, the Big Ten Research Prowess has not been able to bring back Nebraska to the AAU?


The Big Ten moved to add Penn State for Football that increased their footprint and TV Markets, not just for Academics? In addition later, Nebraska, Maryland, and Rutgers.

The same for all Conference Expansions and in the case of the Big-12 to replace NU, CU, A&M, and Missouri with WVU & TCU. ACC replacing UMD with ULou too.

However, the biggest reason I do not believe the big ten is interested in inviting schools with Academics or Research is the simple fact that Notre Dame has been asked a few times and they are not an AAU Member either, just like Nebraska? Therefore, I submit to you it is about Football not Research?

No question, as far as Sports is concern, Penn State TV Money has rocketed like all Big Ten Schools, but the Penn State Scandal put it in the red a few years but came back this year. Winning went down in Penn State Football after joining the Big Ten. I believe it also led to the Non-Compliance. LOIC, and Crimes brought on by Spanier, Curley, and Schultz and not just Sandusky's Crimes.

Joe was playing players suspended by the university because he needed them to sin in the Big Ten and we know Penn state was not in Clery/Title IX Compliance either until 2012 and added an Athletic Integrity Agreement & Officer, Athletes Code Of Conduct and a Director of Ethics and compliance that same year too?

We also know the Big Ten never checked on them having the same compliance rules as the rest of the Big Ten and why the Big Ten gave them sanctions as well. If the Big Ten was so big on research for these schools they would have done a better job in researching what PSU & NU was not doing and did not have before bringing them in for Football Reasons more than Research?

My point was Michigan Ohio State, Iowa, and Wisky were not hated by the Penn State CULTure the first few years it joined the Big Ten as they dominated most of the Big Ten.

Yet, after the Big Ten Schools came back to dominate Penn State all of sudden you guys became the target of Penn State Arrogance and Hate as well, and many banned and why you post on the Lair today. If Rutgers starts to beat Penn State and take more recruits from Penn State they will be targeted as well.

My comments on Rutgers not being invited to the ACC was my personal judgment that Swofford was foolish not inviting them and the Big Ten inviting them was a smart move since it open New York City to the Big Ten footprint.

Pitt and Notre Dame are better fit in the ACC joining more Private Schools that are closer to their undergraduate size. well, Penn State being an Land Grant and far larger in undergraduates fits better in the Big Ten with schools more like their size including NU, UMD and Rutgers. Northwestern is the only fish out of that water!


This post was edited on 3/11 4:04 AM by CaptainSidneyReilly
I get enjoyment out of watching my Panthers play FB & BB for that matter!

I could care less how many cult members are at their house of worship.
The Nitters must have had some mid - or end of winter communication from their "leader" Frankie on the " mother ship."

We live in Nitter country and its always a tip off when you notice people out all over the place in the middle of winter with new Nitter garb on.

They glare at my wife and I with our Pitt stuff on.

I usually say " wait until 2016." I have about $ 300 on the line with Nitters from the local volunteer firehouse social hall!

Fyi the Nitters are real concerned about the 2016 game. That would be a devastating loss for them!


This post was edited on 3/11 6:25 AM by goat123

This post was edited on 3/11 8:13 AM by goat123

This post was edited on 3/12 4:04 PM by goat123
Honestly-who cares? When I want to hear NAMBLA's supporters position on something, I'll just go straight to the source.
I don't get why you guys care about rivals fans talking smack on Pitt over the internet.
I am all for calling hypocrites on the carpet or making fun of PSU, but honestly, who cares about what they say about us. The attendance thing is always their "go to" card, but in all honesty, who cares. They tout their 70,000 at their spring game. Who cares. I guarantee that if they had a JoePA dedication ceremony for bringing back the statue, hundreds of thousands of people from across the country would come worship at the altar. And in the end, that is all you need to know about the type of people some of you are obsessing about...
The Pedsters' self-worth and identity is so tied to attendance at a football game that it is amusing to watch them stutter and stammer and make excuses for why Alabama came in turned laerge portions of the stadium Crimson a few years ago. Whatever happened to the "107,000 Penn St. fans" that day? Guess they came dressed in Crimson and wearing houndstooth hats.

This post was edited on 3/12 1:53 PM by Joe Pa Thetic
It is my understanding that pedophiles and their enablers just LOVE to watch teenage boys wrestle around with each other in the off-season.
I think it is interesting reading their board from time to time. The act like it is the 1980s and they are a good national team. Right now, their program is no different than a Rutgers, a Maryland, and dare I say it.....a Pitt. They are a regional team that simple has a large alumni base given the community colleges Penn State runs across the state.

In terms of playing them, they are actually pretty low among the priority teams in terms of quality on the field that year. From the 2016 schedule, I would put them in terms of "on the field play appeal" behind Oklahoma State, Clemson, Miami, Duke, GT, and VT (maybe even UNC). They have some appeal historically, but on the field again I have to say this is not the 1980s. They were 6-6 this past year including getting whacked by Northwestern and a pretty weak schedule overall. The years prior were not too different when you take into account the extra number of home games played and terrible OOC.

Personally if I get good money for my club seats, I probably will just watch the game while tailgating outside the stadium or go to Mullens. Im sure some white mid-50s PSU alumni who saved his money from taking care of mowing the putting green at Sewickley Heights Golf Club will spend his families vacation money for those tickets.

This post was edited on 3/12 7:59 PM by pittengineer75
Re: They are right. PSU could easily get triple that number

They don't have OSU at home this year so there goes the sellout that they rely on.
PSU is not a football factory.
It is a Scooby Snack for big ten elite.