Northwestern going hard after Lyke

It was the media in Chicago that said that she was one of the three finalists. The people here in Pittsburgh just parroted their reporting.
That is Vuk....he's not a journalist. He sits in his basement and retweets stuff but gets suckers to pay for his site. Biggest scam ever
I was thinking the same thing. Joan doesn't strike me as someone who cares about sports but she does come from the B10 and felt its weird AF that we are spending so much money on volleyball.

Yep. Investing like we do in volleyball, when the football program is in such peril, is a strange decision.

It's like a guy who failed at becoming a rock star, so - knowing he had to have *something* to hang his hat on - he put clown makeup on his face, squatted over an active beehive, and now owns the Guinness World Record for the most stings taken on the ass cheeks in a one-hour time period. It's just odd.

A lot of schools could make this level of commitment to volleyball and pass us up, I imagine, but why would they want to? They have their priorities straight, and their asses are without blemish.
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I think Heather is going to have a very tough time getting a better job than Pitt. People point to the awards she has won but Olympics Sports are over-weighted in those and nobody really cares about them. Football, basketball, and NIL haven't been good enough. And I think the decision to build the volleyball arena with debt financing is a mark against her.
You have made it abundantly clear in 10,000 posts that money is all that matters to you.
Yep. Investing like we do in volleyball, when the football program is in such peril, is a strange decision.

It's like a guy who failed at becoming a rock star, so - knowing he had to have *something* to hang his hat on - he put clown makeup on his face, squatted over an active beehive, and now owns the Guinness World Record for the most stings taken on the ass cheeks in a one-hour time period. It's just odd.

A lot of schools could make this level of commitment to volleyball and pass us up, I imagine, but why would they want to? They have their priorities straight, and their asses are without blemish.
Where would you spend more on football? Don't say hire a better coach than Narduzzi because that ain't happening.
So your argument is that we're good when it comes to football money? No need for any more?

Pretty sure exactly 100% of the people who have any idea how college football works would consider that to be the clown take, Bozo.
Again, where would you spend more money on football?

So far, you have added nothing.
Again, where would you spend more money on football?

So far, you have added nothing.

Because it's such a stupid question that I'm trying to digest the fact that you're actually insinuating we don't need any more money.

Especially with the settlement on the horizon they'll need to cover and the potential new "salary cap" model.

You'd argue the kids from Sandlot could beat the '27 Yankees, because it would allow you to play the role of board contrarian.
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Yes the big two are most important, but of course you miss the big picture...

Heather asked a question to her Big Ten contacts: What will it take for Pitt to be strongly considered for membership in the league?

Answer: Invest in all sports from top to bottom and make them competitive. That is what she's tried to do. That's why it's so important for her to focus not just the top two, but top to bottom. She sees the big picture and Pitt's potential.

She's not like the previous AD's that looked at Pitt as not a big time player and did nothing to upgrade anything. So now we are still playing catch up.

Be careful what you wish for. You might be rooting for Pitt as a member of the AAC...
Well the Big Pretend folks lied to her and she was naive in believing them!
Again, where would you spend more money on football?

So far, you have added nothing.

Should have hired an NIL Coordinator, and entire NIL staff. These programs need someone wining, dining, and golfing with alumni every single day. They cant pay players directly so if they spend $10 million on this department and they only raise $5 million, that's still a win.
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Because it's such a stupid question that I'm trying to digest the fact that you're actually insinuating we don't need any more money.

Especially with the settlement on the horizon they'll need to cover and the potential new "salary cap" model.

You'd argue the kids from Sandlot could beat the '27 Yankees, because it would allow you to play the role of board contrarian.
Its so stupid that you don't have any answer. LOL.
Its so stupid that you don't have any answer. LOL.

Brother, every athletic dept in the universe is looking for ways to make more money. More money = better coaches. Better facilities. Better amenities. An allowance for the redistribution of donor funding to NIL in order to obtain better players. And literally a bazillion other things. Are you lacking this many brain cells? If you can show me proof that your IQ exceeds 20 I will shave an eyebrow off. You don't ever stop and think, "Hmm, maybe it's me" when 99% of this board agrees that you're the worst poster in Pantherlair history?

We're on the brink of adopting a revenue-sharing model with a cap that Pitt would not be able to hit right now.

A retroactive NIL settlement is going to require Pitt to come up with, what, $20M/year or whatever the number is for the foreseeable future.

We're in a conference that is nearing implosion for reasons 100% attributable to a lack of money in comparison to the big two.

We are severely lagging in NIL, and it's already claimed some of our best players off the roster.

And you're honest to goodness asking me why we would want more money? Let me answer the question above: it's you!
Brother, every athletic dept in the universe is looking for ways to make more money. More money = better coaches. Better facilities. Better amenities. An allowance for the redistribution of donor funding to NIL in order to obtain better players. And literally a bazillion other things. Are you lacking this many brain cells? If you can show me proof that your IQ exceeds 20 I will shave an eyebrow off. You don't ever stop and think, "Hmm, maybe it's me" when 99% of this board agrees that you're the worst poster in Pantherlair history?

We're on the brink of adopting a revenue-sharing model with a cap that Pitt would not be able to hit right now.

A retroactive NIL settlement is going to require Pitt to come up with, what, $20M/year or whatever the number is for the foreseeable future.

We're in a conference that is nearing implosion for reasons 100% attributable to a lack of money in comparison to the big two.

We are severely lagging in NIL, and it's already claimed some of our best players off the roster.

And you're honest to goodness asking me why we would want more money? Let me answer the question above: it's you!
What facilities need improved?
What amenities need improved?
We already know your opinion of coaching, so that nonsense is irrelevant.
The school can't spend money on NIL so that shows your lack of intelligence.

You still can't answer any specific needs. You seem to think that Pitt is lacking funds for football when all the evidence contradicts you - new locker rooms, new weight rooms, new amenities, etc. You just like to make stuff up to fit your negative narrative.
What facilities need improved?
What amenities need improved?
We already know your opinion of coaching, so that nonsense is irrelevant.
The school can't spend money on NIL so that shows your lack of intelligence.

You still can't answer any specific needs. You seem to think that Pitt is lacking funds for football when all the evidence contradicts you - new locker rooms, new weight rooms, new amenities, etc. You just like to make stuff up to fit your negative narrative.

You're such an idiot. Like, it's impossible to be this big of an idiot. Yet, here you are: Bigfoot riding Haley's Comet across the sky, high-fiving a unicorn heading in the opposite direction.

I never said the school would spend money on NIL. Read it again, you amoeba.
I’m saying they would have to without receiving any conference money. This fanbase (myself included) isn’t going to do what SMU did.

Pitt would have to take the offer, even with reduced payouts.
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The school can't spend money on NIL so that shows your lack of intelligence.

This is semantics. I've said this from the beginning of NIL.

There are plenty of ways the school could support NIL. The easiest being to direct donors that all Panther Club donations should go to NIL.

Basically everything they do now to fund raise, they could direct to NIL if they had an influx of money or wanted to fund pay for play.

NIL is an afterthought for the athletic department. It's a big problem if you want to compete.
You're such an idiot. Like, it's impossible to be this big of an idiot. Yet, here you are: Bigfoot riding Haley's Comet across the sky, high-fiving a unicorn heading in the opposite direction.

I never said the school would spend money on NIL. Read it again, you amoeba.
You still haven't answered the question.

And you call me dumb.

This is semantics. I've said this from the beginning of NIL.

There are plenty of ways the school could support NIL. The easiest being to direct donors that all Panther Club donations should go to NIL.

Basically everything they do now to fund raise, they could direct to NIL if they had an influx of money or wanted to fund pay for play.

NIL is an afterthought for the athletic department. It's a big problem if you want to compete.
This is even more confusing. The doofus above wants more money spent on facilities and coaches. Much of that comes from donors. But you want donors to be directed to nil. So which is it?

Unlike the govt, Pitt can’t print money.
This is even more confusing. The doofus above wants more money spent on facilities and coaches. Much of that comes from donors. But you want donors to be directed to nil. So which is it?

Unlike the govt, Pitt can’t print money.
What's so confusing? The initial question was where could Pitt spend more on football. The answer is direct the donation to Alliance 412 for football.
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What's so confusing? The initial question was where could Pitt spend more on football. The answer is direct the donation to Alliance 412 for football.
I don't know what any AD could do with football at Pitt that Lyke hasn't done. NIL is never going to save the program because we don't have that kind of fan base. There will be some tough decisions in the next few years and whether or not Pitt wants to try and keep up with this arms race will be a big part of where the school stands in five or ten years. It's a legitimate conversation they'll need to have. Pitt has a great tradition but just about everything since Jock Sutherland quit hasn't been great or it hasn't been sustainable. Now it's going to take a gigantic investment to make it both great and sustainable and I just don't see how that's happening.
Again, where would you spend more money on football?

So far, you have added nothing.

I'll add something. The pay for staff. The last two defensive coordinators for PSU have been former P4 head coaches. They don't come cheaply. Our most recent coordinator hire came from FCS. While I love thinking outside the box on Bell, this is still a riskier (and much cheaper) hire than going out and spending the money on a proven coordinator or previous head coach at this level.

Also programs in the SEC add former head coaches as "analysts". This would take money as well.
I don't know what any AD could do with football at Pitt that Lyke hasn't done. NIL is never going to save the program because we don't have that kind of fan base. There will be some tough decisions in the next few years and whether or not Pitt wants to try and keep up with this arms race will be a big part of where the school stands in five or ten years. It's a legitimate conversation they'll need to have. Pitt has a great tradition but just about everything since Jock Sutherland quit hasn't been great or it hasn't been sustainable. Now it's going to take a gigantic investment to make it both great and sustainable and I just don't see how that's happening.

i hate to start this debate again but I think she really needs to look at the tarping argument at Acrisure. The yellow seats are getting worse, and increasing season ticket sales in the era of the 80inch HD TV doesn't seem like it will happen.
i hate to start this debate again but I think she really needs to look at the tarping argument at Acrisure. The yellow seats are getting worse, and increasing season ticket sales in the era of the 80inch HD TV doesn't seem like it will happen.
I will never believe that tarps is what will save Pitt football or somehow make it better. But I also don't think it matters because I don't think the school has any control over that.
I don't know what any AD could do with football at Pitt that Lyke hasn't done. NIL is never going to save the program because we don't have that kind of fan base. There will be some tough decisions in the next few years and whether or not Pitt wants to try and keep up with this arms race will be a big part of where the school stands in five or ten years. It's a legitimate conversation they'll need to have. Pitt has a great tradition but just about everything since Jock Sutherland quit hasn't been great or it hasn't been sustainable. Now it's going to take a gigantic investment to make it both great and sustainable and I just don't see how that's happening.
I'd hope they were having the conversations now. The way things are, you have no chance to compete without an NIL war chest. You pretty much need a sugar daddy that makes Bickell look like me.

If reports that OSU spent $20m on football NIL this year are true, it's only going to get worse.
I will never believe that tarps is what will save Pitt football or somehow make it better. But I also don't think it matters because I don't think the school has any control over that.
Really? Are the Steelers going to send armed guards to stop them? I can assure you that if Heather Lyke and Pitt wanted to tarp some seats for the games and then remove them after the games, they would do so! From what I understand, Narduzzi is against it!
Also programs in the SEC add former head coaches as "analysts". This would take money as well.
I thought Alabama brought all those fired head coaches in as analysts because: (1) they are still being paid by the school that fired them; (2) giving them a position as analyst instead of coach means that old school must continue to pay them--if you hired them as a coach and gave them a salary, the old school's obligation goes away; and (3) everyone wanted to have the connection to Saban and national championships on the resume, so all these guys would volunteer to be analysts at Alabama. No ex-head coach would be jumping to do that at Pitt, no offense to Narduzzi but he isn't Saban.
Really? Are the Steelers going to send armed guards to stop them? I can assure you that if Heather Lyke and Pitt wanted to tarp some seats for the games and then remove them after the games, they would do so! From what I understand, Narduzzi is against it!
My understanding is that tactical nukes aren't out of the question because the Steelers want a new stadium and this would be perfect cover.

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