Nutting proves again how cheap he is. Cuts Rowdy 4 plate appearances away from a bonus.

Claims it wasn't due to f'ing cheap is this organization. Not defending telez as he probably should have been let go in may before going on a good run for a bit. But to cut a guy the last week of the season and then have the audacity to claim its because the minor league season is over....this guy is such a joke. Pirate fans need to boycott the bucs until he sells.
The sad thing is that if they just didn't want to pay him the money, play him a couple fewer games this month, then play him only once or twice this week, maybe pinch hit him once or twice, and oh, rats, he just missed that bonus. And no one other than him and his agent would have cared.
It’s a smart move if you are using the savings to get better players. But he won’t. But Pittsburgh’s chunky media only care about free food at games.
Unfortunately this group of incompetents does not have the history to allow them the benefit of a doubt. I’m sure anyone in that clubhouse knows what we all suspect. Good news Skenes will get out a year earlier since he will finish in top 2 for ROY.
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It hit the espn headlines. I can’t imagine this went over well in the locker room. Additionally, who would want to come here ?

Next year’s versions of Michal (triple) A Taylor and Rowdy Tellez. They’d be dumpster diving regardless
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Cherington is a lying dog face pony soldier

Having said that I shed no tears for Tubby Telez. Dude was terrible in the field and looked like he was going through the motions. Not the kind of guy you want around Young players to set an example. IMO he was a cancer.

But again the time to do this was way earlier the season. Doing it now just reinforces the joke that this organization is. Legit players like Skenes have to be counting the days hours and minutes until they get to escape
From Nutsack purgatory
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Yeah, Rowdy really, really deserved that bonus…

He actually played pretty well for three months.

Mar/Apr: .198/.283/.259
May: .143/.160/.163 (this is when he should have gotten cut, and Michael A Taylor too, and no one would have batted an eye)
June: .333/.380/.546
July: .297/.338/.578
Aug: .300/.325/.488
Sept: .116/.225/.209
An utterly classless move. Great way to attract future free agents. Wow.
The best way to attract free agents worth a crap is to offer big contracts. And they don’t. So this will be relatively meaningless when all is said and done.Ike I said above there will be another Tellez or Taylor.
The best way to attract free agents worth a crap is to offer big contracts. And they don’t. So this will be relatively meaningless when all is said and done.Ike I said above there will be another Tellez or Taylor.
It's not meaningless. The player's association will likely file a grievance over this and those guys all know that PGH's owner is dog crap. If they do this over a $200k bonus, none of the incentives linked to AB's or innings are worth the ink that lands on the paper. The Pirates load this roster with FA's who make under $200k and have to sign for incentives. This is a tiebreaker that every agent will be certain to mention.