O.T. - Judge to unseal records from the UPS sex abuse investigation...(link)

Panther Parrothead

Lair Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jul 6, 2001
Just have to wonder were this is going to go. Would not surprise me to see that paterno and ups higher ups knew about this in the 70's.
The trade off was to protect ups football and buy off the victims. After all how can you have success with honor when you assistant coach was raping
boys! Not much success or honor in that. At least Gamin had the guts to uncover and expose it.
Article On Penn State recently by a Children Protection From Abuse Law Professor;
Three Excerpts & LINK:

Thank You, Penn State

This article, written by Professor Marci A. Hamilton, was originally published on and Hamilton and Griffin on Rights on May 12, 2016.
First Excerpt:
When I then decided on a Master’s degree in fiction writing at Penn State, again I had first-rate professors, like the brilliant Paul West. There, in the English Department, Joe Paterno was a hero because his football program routinely funded major aspects of the English program. This was a remarkable marriage of academics and football, and I was proud of it.

Second Excerpt:
Then when the Sandusky scandal hit, I had to give Penn State at least some credit for not dragging survivors through the scorched earth litigation tactics of too many institutions, hiring a respected outsider, Louis Freeh, to do an independent investigation, and for settling in a fair and relatively straightforward way with as many survivors as possible. No lawyer had a majority of the Sandusky cases and so no one knew what Penn State was doing with all cases, but it was common knowledge that Penn State wasn’t even raising the statute of limitations defense, which is now the mark of the Catholic bishops’ treatment of the victims.

Third Excerpt:
Now I am grateful to Penn State for quite a different reason: thank you, Penn State, for further teaching the public that the Catholic bishops do not own a patent on long-term ignoring and covering up child sex abuse. There were reasons to see parallels before now, as I discussed here, but the latest report tells us that Paterno and other coaches knew over a decade earlier than was originally reported. The bishops fight sex abuse victims in the state legislatures with self-righteous vehemence, and make the argument that statute of limitations reform “targets” them as though they are the only entity that has engaged in the cover up of serial pedophiles. The mighty Penn State puts the lie to their narcissism.
When the Sandusky scandal broke, it proved to the world that the issue of institution-based child sex abuse is a society-wide problem, not one isolated to particular institutions. There have been remarkable moments in the Penn State story, not the least of which is that Joe Paterno himself, before he died, said he didn’t do all he should have done. This was a contrite statement, and he deserves to be remembered for this moment of humanity. What do his “fans” say in response? Of course he did everything because he was Joe Pa! Joe Pa can’t be responsible for covering up for pedophiles!
These silly, mindless defenses echoed the earlier claims that the bishops “meant well” and that they were the real victims of the child predators. To state their early world view mathematically: the bishops = good guys, while the priest pedophiles = bad guys. Of course the more we learned, the more clearly wrong this dichotomy became. The guys perpetuating the abuse and granting leeway for suspected pedophiles to have access to more children also created the conditions for the abuse.
Now, we learn, as a result of the dispute between Penn State and its insurers, that it settled claims of abuse arising as early as 1971. This is well before the abuse dates previously disclosed. In the immortal words of Captain Renault: I’m shocked! Not that claims pre-date the 80s or even that they go back as far as 1971, but that they don’t go back to 1963 when Sandusky arrived on the Penn State campus to be a defensive coach.

Paterno’s dissemblers at the University and in his family declared in response to these new revelations that there was no “clear evidence” that Paterno knew. Really? How is it possible at this late date, scandal after scandal and post Spotlight, for them not to hear themselves? Knee-jerk denial does no one any good, particularly when we are dealing with a confirmed serial child predator. There is a thing called decency.
Read The Rest At The Link:

The last paragraph states the situation in a brief but one line sentence
"So let’s assume Paterno knew in the early 70s. Why would he have kept his knowledge about Sandusky quiet? Well, by the early 1970s, Sandusky had transformed Penn State football into Linebacker U and in 1973 they went undefeated. The program was clearly on the way to the very top, and with Sandusky as defensive coordinator Penn State would win national championships in 1982 and 1986. Paterno knew and chose to keep Sandusky. Why? Because it served his ends.And because children are dispensable, especially the ones in Sandusky’s Second Mile charity, which drew from a population of boys with troubled homes. This is precisely the same reason the bishops let children suffer and the same reason the Solebury School ignored a long history of abuse on its campus, not to mention Horace Mann, Poly Prep, the Boy Scouts, and on and on.

Penn State fans now have a new choice: continue to make Joe Pa a saint despite the facts, or help the survivors find justice by desisting with your empty defenses. Denial that will drag down Penn State even farther or justice for the kids that suffered? To quote Kierkegaard, it is “Either/Or.”

paterno and ups did indeed have a choice in the early 70's, They could have done the right thing and stopped Sandusky. Or the choice that they did take PROTECT THE MIGHTY FOOTBALL PROGRAM!

This article cited by Captain was written by a ups grad, even he sees the facts and the cover up.

Such a shame! This is almost like some government cover-ups from the past, tell a lie long enough and eventually the masses will believe it!
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I'm no fan of Paterno, but I'm not convinced he knew anything about Sandusky back in the 70's. I agree with Noonan that he failed a moral obligation, but need more to convince me he knew back that far.
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I'm no fan of Paterno, but I'm not convinced he knew anything about Sandusky back in the 70's. I agree with Noonan that he failed a moral obligation, but need more to convince me he knew back that far.
The bottom line is that he knew. The date and time he knew is not what is important. He definitely knew and had a chance to do the right thing. Instead, he did nothing.
The bottom line is that he knew. The date and time he knew is not what is important. He definitely knew and had a chance to do the right thing. Instead, he did nothing.

Did nothing.. Repeat.. Did nothing !!

Burn in hell paturdo, you are a piece of garbage!
I'm no fan of Paterno, but I'm not convinced he knew anything about Sandusky back in the 70's. I agree with Noonan that he failed a moral obligation, but need more to convince me he knew back that far.
I think that is fair right now, but many others may differ.

The entire world may know even more in 31 Days when all the Settlements are Unsealed but even then those records will be Allegations, but that could be devastating Allegations nonetheless.

It will just put the entire Joe Knew back into the Court of Public Opinion, and Penn State and Baylor will have to deal with both Football Program Scandals over and over again, because there are still ongoing Criminal Investigations, Title IX Investigations, Criminal Trials pending, Civil Lawsuits and NCAA Implications from Penn State Lawsuits, and Baylor Task Force remedies before the NCAA steps in or resolves the situation.

It will also continue to divide Penn State or perhaps finally unite with a compromise to move on and will bring to the forefront whether the Statue Returns, Or other Paterno's Statues go up, or the inner debates among Alumni & Trustees ends or grow bigger????

It also can impact whether the Pennsylvania State Senate and Governor sign into Law increasing or removing all Child Molestation Statute of Limitation is changed by Law and will add more Cases against Penn State and the Catholic Church of Atoona-Johnstown and elsewhere in Pennsylvania.

One thing for sure, expect every University to continue to double check all Athletic Programs and Compliance's and Potential Past Claims of Athletic Department Cover-Ups, and will not be limited to Penn State or Baylor?

We shall see soon!
The last paragraph states the situation in a brief but one line sentence
"So let’s assume Paterno knew in the early 70s. Why would he have kept his knowledge about Sandusky quiet? Well, by the early 1970s, Sandusky had transformed Penn State football into Linebacker U and in 1973 they went undefeated. The program was clearly on the way to the very top, and with Sandusky as defensive coordinator Penn State would win national championships in 1982 and 1986. Paterno knew and chose to keep Sandusky. Why? Because it served his ends.And because children are dispensable, especially the ones in Sandusky’s Second Mile charity, which drew from a population of boys with troubled homes. This is precisely the same reason the bishops let children suffer and the same reason the Solebury School ignored a long history of abuse on its campus, not to mention Horace Mann, Poly Prep, the Boy Scouts, and on and on.

Penn State fans now have a new choice: continue to make Joe Pa a saint despite the facts, or help the survivors find justice by desisting with your empty defenses. Denial that will drag down Penn State even farther or justice for the kids that suffered? To quote Kierkegaard, it is “Either/Or.”

paterno and ups did indeed have a choice in the early 70's, They could have done the right thing and stopped Sandusky. Or the choice that they did take PROTECT THE MIGHTY FOOTBALL PROGRAM!

This article cited by Captain was written by a ups grad, even he sees the facts and the cover up.

Such a shame! This is almost like some government cover-ups from the past, tell a lie long enough and eventually the masses will believe it!
It is written by recognized Legal Eagle on Children Abuse Law with much experience with those Cases and used in Catholic Church lawsuits. She is not a Penn State Undergraduate but a Penn State Master's Post-Graduate.

Marci stated also she was a admiring supporter of Joe Paterno's contributions to helping Academics at Penn State. I myself feel this deserve recognition and respect as well, no matter what college one is Fan of on Football. It was the brighter side of Joe Paterno to be admired as far as I am concern.

Others will differ and like Graham Spanier once said, there was Darker Side of Joe according to Spanier and I leave that up to others?

I knew after Media Articles and Internet Journal Posts about that Foggy Side on Business Dealings with Trustees, Attacks on Other Coaches & Programs and Schools, and not following and demanding exceptions to his Players from Educational Regulations like the Clery Act, Title IX, NCAA Rules, Conflicts of Interests, and relationships with the Penn State Football Program intertwined with The Second Mile, that are currently some still under DOJ Investigations, Department of Education Negotiations and required Penn State 2012 Reforms under the Freeh Recommendations.

In addition others aspects of the Penn State Football Scandal are currently in Discovery in Private Civil Lawsuits brought by Lubrano, Trustees, Paterno's, PS4RS, Former Players Alumni and Penn State against their PMA Insurance Cases.

The Unsealed Documents could impact on every one of these Lawsuits depending what is in the details? Many wanted all information to be released and demanded transparency and are about to get some more at Penn State.

As far as I can see and i follow it, Baylor University Task force is going to go out and cover up nothing and put it all out, and then Baylor University is going to give itself Self-Imposed NCAA Sanctions to get ahead of all what happen under Art Briles Coaching Regime. The want to get out any and all cover-ups ASAP with their own Independent Baylor Task Force Investigation Findings.

They are making sure they don't make mistakes that happen at Penn State but they just have to look at the past 8 years of Briles Football Era, not all 46 years of Paterno Football Era, to be fair and balance.

It is one thing to investigate the last 8 years of alleged Women Sexuals Attacks, versus the last 14-19 years since 1998 Grand Jury Findings and subsequent Lawsuits, and now 46 years of Allegations under Paterno Era under Penn State versus their PMA Insurers on who will pay what and when after one ruling PMA is not responsible for 1992 Coverage to PSU, and a pending decisions on 1971 to 1992 Coverage?

As stated many times, Settlements are the way to go on the Civil Lawsuits in my opinion over Trials, and it is dawning on all Parties they have gotten into far more trouble now. I say this because the MEDIA will be given all Settlements Documents Redacted without Victims names and addresses, and we have to see what Allegations will come out?

Well, no matter what, the calls for Transparency, Demand for all the Truths, and the Civil Lawsuits are about to get their what they wanted, and it may be they will learn it is more than what they wanted?

The MEDIA will report all they want and how they want and investigate more than they ever wanted, and it will be the Court of Public Opinion, that will far full of foggy opinions decided by the average person that reads it? There will be no Verdict based on Facts challenged or vetted in Courts of Criminal and Civil Laws until later. And those may be by Pleads, Dismissals, or Trial or decided by a Civil Settlement or Dismissed on Summary Judgments or Trials?

We shall see in 29 Days?

The bottom line is that he knew. The date and time he knew is not what is important. He definitely knew and had a chance to do the right thing. Instead, he did nothing.
Well, already there is another Article that came out in the COURT OF COLLEGE FOOTBALL PUBLIC OPINION without even waiting on all Penn State & Baylor Investigations, Firings, Criminal and Civil Lawsuits and NCAA it is and it is just an opinion that finds both Football Programs guilty by what he read and experienced when he went to those games at Baylor & Penn State.

Expect more to come and it will not be pretty and never wish it on any one or university or Football coach or football program, as far I am concern. This could have wide future revelations on all of CFB as well and go to unexpected Universities and Program either or a National investigation as is being done by DOJ on Title IX?

Article & Excerpt & Link:

Barfknecht: Penn State, Baylor Have Bubbles Burst By Recent Scandals
Column by Lee Barfknecht / World-Herald staff writer

Many college towns that sit a fair distance from major metropolitan areas have their quirks. That’s what makes those burgs interesting and fun to visit ................
In most cases, such sights and sounds charm those of us who love college athletics.
But in two places during nearly 40 years of travel to write about sports, I got an uneasy feeling from my visits.

Baylor and Penn State.
All college towns are distinctive and can be insular. But never have I sensed two schools and their communities more “in their own bubble” than these two.
Is it just coincidence to have had those feelings and later learn Baylor and Penn State were involved in arguably the biggest scandals in college athletics the past 15 years?
I claim no magic powers of discernment. This is simply an observation about what I’ve seen, heard and experienced in both places compared to other schools from coast to coast.
Those who think I’m a flatland rube casting stones can straighten me out through the email address at the bottom of this column.
My point is when the buy-in to winning games and preserving an area’s culture and icons is so great that loyalty turns into lunacy — and subsequent stomach-turning criminal behavior — somebody has to make it stop.
In the handful of trips I’ve made to Penn State, the idolatry surrounding head football coach Joe Paterno jarred me. And that comes from someone who knows about coach-worship, having covered Tom Osborne at Nebraska since 1979.
David Jones, the wickedly good columnist at the Harrisburg Patriot-News, frequently has written about “Joe-Bots,” referring to Pennsylvanians who robotically trusted everything Paterno said and did.
When word came out that Paterno had long-term knowledge of former assistant Jerry Sandusky’s sexual assaults on minors and did little about it, many Joe-Bots suffered fried circuitry. Yet support for Paterno and reinstalling the statue of him outside Beaver Stadium goes on. That’s creepy.
Recent events at Baylor ring that bell, too, with the tagline being “In Art We Trust,” meaning football coach Art Briles.
The Bears, in their first 10 years in the Big 12, played 80 conference football games. Their record: 8-72.................

..............Read The Full Link And Comments And That Will Give You Some Public Opinions On Upcoming Verdicts In The Court Of Public Opinion?

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