O.T. -- Ugly story resurfaces re: Peyton Manning, during his time at Tennessee....

Because statements like this are so helpful...
Sorry, Ski - I often forget that so many brilliant people, yourself for instance, are so utterly incapable of understanding any comment which isn't rock solid concrete.
Sorry, Ski - I often forget that so many brilliant people, yourself for instance, are so utterly incapable of understanding any comment which isn't rock solid concrete.

Or I just thought it was a stupid comment that perpetuates a "boys will be boys" mentality that contributes to the problems universities have with rape.
all men who did NOT pull some vulgar, tasteless, crude stunt at some point in their life between ages 17 and 22, please stand to this side of the line . . . . .

I mean... that isnt even close to apples to apples. That is like talking about gun deaths and gun violence and saying. OK, anyone that hasnt held a gun, step to this side of the line.

Being tasteless and crude isnt the same as rape or force
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Well I'm not going to try to defend the action - if true it's certainly crude and vulgar. But people seem to have lost a sense of proportion about an act which is rape (which is the word being thrown around) versus an act which is crude and vulgar. Everyone constantly seems to be in a race to distance themselves from anyone who does any sexually inappropriate act by competing to see who can shout "villain" the loudest. And make no mistake - if he stuck his butt and genitals up next to an unsuspecting person's head - that was indeed highly inappropriate, crude, vulgar, and offensive. But I believe these sorts of acts have a scale of egregiousness. And while this is - again - crude, vulgar and highly inappropriate, the man was young, and I disagree that it rises to the level of violent sexual attack which demands perpetual reputation damage.
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This is the woman who accused (changing her story enormously after 7 years) Peyton Manning. She seems...stable...




I don't understand anything that is happening in the last comment.
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Well I'm not going to try to defend the action - if true it's certainly crude and vulgar. But people seem to have lost a sense of proportion about an act which is rape (which is the word being thrown around) versus an act which is crude and vulgar. Everyone constantly seems to be in a race to distance themselves from anyone who does any sexually inappropriate act by competing to see who can shout "villain" the loudest. And make no mistake - if he stuck his butt and genitals up next to an unsuspecting person's head - that was indeed highly inappropriate, crude, vulgar, and offensive. But I believe these sorts of acts have a scale of egregiousness. And while this is - again - crude, vulgar and highly inappropriate, the man was young, and I disagree that it rises to the level of violent sexual attack which demands perpetual reputation damage.
Especially when it is 100% fact that she changed her story enormously from her original complaint in 1996 to her 2003 statement and follow up suit. Why would someone (with an apparent history of being suit happy and vulgarity, at the best, and mental instability, at the worst) do that? Only 1 reason that makes much sense to me.
Now Jamie Naughright is claiming he is gay between absolutely manic laughter. This woman is literally insane.


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