im looking for the best way out of this, this senseless war needs to end. i care about as much for putin as i do for zelensky. both of those mother F*ckers can drop dead tomorrow and i wouldnt lose a second of sleep. honestly, if both dropped dead today, drinks on me boys..
it seems to me that europe, the left (media mainly) want this to continue forever, paid for by the good Ol US. The polish PM said it best a few days ago: "500 million Europeans are asking 300 million Americans to defend them against 140 million Russians."
Trump is trying to be mediator here and end it. we all know why zelensky doesnt want it but it has to end. throwing bad money hand and fist is doing nothing but extending this, putting us further into debt and stockpiling fatality numbers. the mainstream media wants trump to insult and antagonize Putin. what good would that do?
EIther go 100000% and end this, which has the risks of expediting WW3 or diplomatically get both sides to agree to a seize fire, each side has to agree to concessions and end this. Yeah, it sucks, ukraine would have to give up land, putin and russia would have to take a PR hit and walk away with their tail between their legs but it would be the best ending to a bad sitution..
but instead, dems and neocons want this to go on and on and on and we just keep the money going somewhere, but no one can ask questions on where it goes. way too many politicians getting richer and richer off of this. No thanks..