Ok. Can we bring back the Locker Room forum now?

100% biden could have stopped this war from ever happening. Both sides didn't want it. America promised Russia 6 countries ago that no more European countries would join NATO. We lied. Allowing Ukraine to join NATO would be considered an act of war by Russia. Trump mineral agreement in Ukraine is a master stroke. We would be right there protecting our interests and Ukraine at same time without them joining NATO.
So how would we get to the minerals under Russian control?
Dem party silenced rfk, silenced Dean Phillips, attacked a political opponent with raiding his home, charging him with things nobody else would be charged with, tried to bankrupt him, took him off ballots around the country. Literally was 3rd world like. Dem party aligns with deep state and has snatched up hundreds of repubs. It's blackmail and bribery. It's so freakin obvious. Then pushed out an elected candidate for someone who didn't receive a single vote. Truly astonishing
Cuckoo. Cuckoo. Cuckoo.
Every single month under biden last 2yrs job performance had to be lowered by thousands. Obama made it legal for campaigns to lie and use propaganda. Biden stopped cities having to report crime data to the fbi every year. DC, LA, MIAMI, DETROIT, AND NY reported zero crime. Cocaine in white house, we all know who's this was. The way the media attacked Nicholas Sandman saying that those white catholic boys were intimidating that native American. Remember that?? Then we see the video of the native American getting in that young man's face. Ohh, and he won millions. Fake news of capital police deaths. Zero capital police died on that day, but 2 conservative women did. 81% of all Americans don't want men in women sports but dems keep pushing it. All this just popped in my head now. Trump killed solemani saving thousands of lives, trump finished off isis. On and on and on. Libs worried about pronouns
No doubt “the left” definitely gets way too caught up in identity politics.

But the right isn’t doing anything to address any of the issues you mentioned. On every point, republicans are in opposition - From cuts to the NLRB, to “repealing and replacing Obamacare” without any alternative.

A question: By how much do you think Trump will slash defense spending?
At least 8% per year.
Every single month under biden last 2yrs job performance had to be lowered by thousands. Obama made it legal for campaigns to lie and use propaganda. Biden stopped cities having to report crime data to the fbi every year. DC, LA, MIAMI, DETROIT, AND NY reported zero crime. Cocaine in white house, we all know who's this was. The way the media attacked Nicholas Sandman saying that those white catholic boys were intimidating that native American. Remember that?? Then we see the video of the native American getting in that young man's face. Ohh, and he won millions. Fake news of capital police deaths. Zero capital police died on that day, but 2 conservative women did. 81% of all Americans don't want men in women sports but dems keep pushing it. All this just popped in my head now. Trump killed solemani saving thousands of lives, trump finished off isis. On and on and on. Libs worried about pronouns
The Supreme Court made the only changes to campaigns … Citizens United…..where are you getting this shit?
Don’t tell me what I wave or what I do. You make a lot of assumptions - a sign of lack of critical thinking abilities.

I don’t get my opinions from Patriot Lady. You do. It’s sad. “My news source is Patriot Lady on twitter.”

You can’t be so unserious as to suggest peace negotiations that don’t involve one of the two combatants are legitimate. Crawling to Saudi Arabia to have Russia dictate their terms to us while Ukraine isn’t even in the room. Pathetic.
Do you pay attention to the real news or only the news the leftist media chooses to feed you?

The Trump administration has repeatedly said that the talks with Russia were exploratory to determine only whether they were willing to negotiate. They have also said that Ukraine would be included.
Could Putin withdraw his troops right now or not? Seems to me that would end the war immediately. That’s where we differ.

What does patriot lady say about why Putin doesn’t withdraw his troops and end the war?
Not patriot lady (whoever that is) but the answer is "he is winning".
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my anger is definitely after those fake christian non profit NGOs getting billions of US tax payer money to funnel illegals into this country.

once again, i dont care about fat middle aged white guys dressing up in drag as long as they stay away from me and my family. not sure how many times i need to tell you this.
You must really be upset at the mega churches that guzzled up the Covid money Trump gave out. ($3,100,000,000,000)

I’ve not had this issue with fat middle aged trans people approaching my family. Seems to be something that you and yours deal with a lot. Good luck!
Neither side is right in this conflict. Both sides are corrupt and need to stop the war to save lives of innocent people.

If this escalates, let's send over the millions of illegal aliens still here trespassing and let them fight. I don't care who they fight for. Just get them somewhere where they can do something productive and stop murdering, raping, being terrorists, and being here illegally. They don't have any rights in the U.S. and aren't entitled to any.
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Funny how the narrative has changed
Fake news
Or is this also another Putin tactic ?
You're such a dupe.

"On Dec. 1, 2021, Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelenskyy signed a decree titled "On certain aspects of the activities of religious organizations in Ukraine and the application of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)." That order recommended several actions specifically against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is historically associated with, but now technically independent of, Moscow: The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate."
The left is losing this in a huge way and there's nothing anyone can say to change that. Both sides in the Ukraine-Russia war are wrong. Trump is trying to work on peace and the left doesn't want that, even though they lie and say they do. The vast majority of Americans want Trump to make this work and end this senseless killing.
This really shouldn’t be hard. The US and all the Western Allies tell Putin to get the f’ out of Ukraine. If he doesn’t, then impose sanctions on him that cripple Russia. The Western Allies can provide the aid to Ukraine if need be and we provide vocal support to back them.
Are you aware that sanctions have already been imposed?

Are you also aware that Europe routinely violates them because they need energy since they went crazy over the greenies?
What American GAF what Putin wants?… I don’t… his senseless and stupid invasion was running out of gas…now Trump can’t wait to be aligned with Him, Iran and Hungary…& help his owner out…

Putin can and should crash and burn with his gas station economy and 20+% Inflation rate…f@ck him entirely… he started something he can’t finish.
What can't he finish? He never intended to take all of Ukraine.
What is your alternative? If you can't trust them to maintain any peace agreement, the logical conclusion is that have to be defeated. The only way to defeat them is to escalate the conflict against a nuclear power with a leader evil enough to use them. Is that your alternative?
People who trust Putin to honor anything haven’t paid attention or are idiots

You don’t expect the arsonist to be the one to put out the fire or make amends… you don’t trust a murdering psychopath to be an honest broker in a “peace” deal…. How many of those has he shredded already? Zero reason for Zelensky to trust any of it. Not even a close call
What is your alternative? If you can't trust them to maintain any peace agreement, the logical conclusion is that have to be defeated. The only way to defeat them is to escalate the conflict against a nuclear power with a leader evil enough to use them. Is that your alternative?
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What is when Fetterman beat him, I thought "great another moderate Democrat is being replaced by another progressive" and now Fetterman has proven to be his own man and not a rubber stamp. Funny how that worked out.
Don't kid yourself. Fetterman has never voted against Democrat leadership except when it didn't matter. His rhetoric belies his actions.
What is your alternative? If you can't trust them to maintain any peace agreement, the logical conclusion is that have to be defeated. The only way to defeat them is to escalate the conflict against a nuclear power with a leader evil enough to use them. Is that your alternative?
The US made a deal with Ukraine to denuclearize and remove their Black Sea fleet with the promise we’d defend them .
The alternative is NATO pushes Russia out of Ukraine Z
Or Putin just leaves