I like the future of this team with the staff. Glasnow will be a #1 pitcher in the big leagues as soon as next year. OK not our #1 but someday. All teams have holes Del, our lineup is as strong as it's been since early 90s. Our 6, 7, and 8 hitter are walker, pedro, and cirvelli. I will take that bottom of the lineup over any team in the major leagues. We have the 3rd best record in the Major Leagues. Let me repeat that, WE HAVE THE THIRD BEST RECORD IN THE MAJOR LEAGUES. Sorry man, but you sound like an angry old man here with this.. You sound like a guy who would bitch about paying high taxes after winning the lottery..
We are in a pennant race, we are selling out the park nightly, we have sick tv ratings.. Times are good my friend.. Went to a few games last week, had an absolute blast. People out and about hours before game time.. I work down here on north shore, streets are blocked off hours before gametime and people are out, enjoying the energy of the team... Enjoy it del, quit looking for things to bitch about because there are about 28 other cities that would trade places with us in a heartbeat.. And as Philly fans can confirm, the good times don't last forever...