OT ESPN is garbage

I just watch for the sports. Could care less about sportcenter, or the other shows. Some 30 on 30's are good. That's about it.
I just watch for the sports. Could care less about sportcenter, or the other shows. Some 30 on 30's are good. That's about it.

Actually....the SC featured documentaries are every bit as good if not better than 30 for 30.

Pin kings......, the story of two high school wrestlers is fascinating.

And " the chicken runs at midnight" will take the toughest guy in town and turn him into a sniveling little beeyotch......

But I agree with you. The actual Sports reporting at espn could not be any more uninteresting
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Just wait until ESPN loses CFB broadcast rights to Netflix, or one of the other non-cable providers. The empire will come crashing down on itself.
-There is no secret why. Lost almost 1 million subscribers in a single month last year a lone.

-My favorite channel as a kid growing up, just talking about sports and teams and showing highlights and talking greatness regardless of team or player.

-Now its all about promotion, All Alabama, the Patriots, the greatness of the Ball family and how finding Tom's stolen Jerseys are the greatest thing since sliced bread, total garbage, all of it,all garbage.

-Why take something so simple, so great, and ruin it with biased over hyped garbage. Cant wait until a new network destroys this channel permanently.

-When the sun rises tomorrow there will be 8 more Alabama related posts, the greatness of New Englands Top 5 backup QB's, and how the Washington Capitals are the greatest NHL team to ever live that cant sniff a cup in its lifetime

-Dam this channel was destroyed by terrible management. Shake my head at this sad lunacy.
But really it's still OK for my purposes, don't watch SC or the talk shows, there are still enough actual GAMES broadcast to make it worthwhile.
Well, and, let's be honest, which "slant" do you think houses more of your sports audience? I don't think it is even close. Hell, just go by tv market data and voting results and it is unbelievably clear. Very, very dumb by ESPN and their powers that be.
I'm to the left of Bernie Sanders on economic issues, and I'm an avid sports fanatic. But I'm also anti-identity politics.
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Spoken by some punk kid that never watched Aussie Rules football, debated endlessly with your buddies whether Gayle Gardner was hot or not, stared at wonderment at the size of Tom Mees's (RIP--attended same swim school as Joe Delaney back in the day) head or knew of a time before Keith Olbermann was known to be a douche....respect your elders Sonny!
Indeed. Where have you gone Lethal Leigh Matthews?

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I'm to the left of Bernie Sanders on economic issues, and I'm an avid sports fanatic. But I'm also anti-identity politics.
Well, economic issues aren't really where ESPN makes their stand. It is all social. However, and we have been over this several times, I do not consider you to be remotely close to an "avid sports fanatic". You openly say you only really watch your teams and don't even care to watch big games if it doesn't involve the teams/programs you cheer for.
I'm to the left of Bernie Sanders on economic issues, and I'm an avid sports fanatic. But I'm also anti-identity politics.
I don't think you answered his argument.

Just because you are a commie and like sports, doesn't mean he is wrong. It is ok to generalize if it is accurate. But it is not valid to cite an exception to somehow prove him wrong.

Castro liked baseball. So there, you have a comrade.
I don't think you answered his argument.

Just because you are a commie and like sports, doesn't mean he is wrong. It is ok to generalize if it is accurate. But it is not valid to cite an exception to somehow prove him wrong.

Castro liked baseball. So there, you have a comrade.
Putin likes Hockey.
The line between editorial and news has been irrevocably blurred, from all sources.
Honestly I am at a loss where to get unfiltered news anymore. If anyone has a suggestion, I'm all ears. There isn't even anywhere on the internet either.

After hearing about the attack in London yesterday, I went online later in the day to find out what happened. Go to and it literally is all about Trump. I get that he is news but he isn't ALL the news. Got home, turned on all the news channels I could think of and literally it was wall to wall about Trump, everywhere. The reason I specifically went to CNN was because they are usually 24/7 on any horrible international event. Nothing.
Honestly I am at a loss where to get unfiltered news anymore. If anyone has a suggestion, I'm all ears. There isn't even anywhere on the internet either.

After hearing about the attack in London yesterday, I went online later in the day to find out what happened. Go to and it literally is all about Trump. I get that he is news but he isn't ALL the news. Got home, turned on all the news channels I could think of and literally it was wall to wall about Trump, everywhere. The reason I specifically went to CNN was because they are usually 24/7 on any horrible international event. Nothing.

The Pantherlair of course.
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Well, economic issues aren't really where ESPN makes their stand. It is all social. However, and we have been over this several times, I do not consider you to be remotely close to an "avid sports fanatic". You openly say you only really watch your teams and don't even care to watch big games if it doesn't involve the teams/programs you cheer for.

On social issue, sometimes I am on the right of the tea party. But the ESPN people taking stands on social issue doesn't bother me, even if I don't agree with it.

The definition of an avid sports fan is subjective. This weekend I have 2 hockey games and 3 soccer games that I am planning to watch in the next 5 days, and I will watch some of the NCAAs, and I'm attending a soccer tournament my daughter is playing in, I have the DVR set for all that stuff so I can watch it this weekend and into Monday and Tuesday.

Because I am not watching the events deemed "big games" by you and the mainstream, doesn't mean I am not a big sports fan. I'm religiously watching the MASL Playoffs (Major Arena Soccer League), I am a fan of the Baltimore Blast, and I will be attending the Championship Series in person next week, as the Blast have reached the Finals, so as you can see, by MY DEFINITION, I am an avid sports fan, just because I choose the MASL Championship Series, USA/Honduras, Greece/Belgium World Cup Qualifiers, Penguins/Islanders over Duke vs. Kentucky or Gonzaga vs. WVU, doesn't mean that I'm not avidly watching Sports.
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Honestly I am at a loss where to get unfiltered news anymore. If anyone has a suggestion, I'm all ears. There isn't even anywhere on the internet either.

After hearing about the attack in London yesterday, I went online later in the day to find out what happened. Go to and it literally is all about Trump. I get that he is news but he isn't ALL the news. Got home, turned on all the news channels I could think of and literally it was wall to wall about Trump, everywhere. The reason I specifically went to CNN was because they are usually 24/7 on any horrible international event. Nothing.
I'll give you an example of how bad things are.
All the major networks ABC, NBC, CBS, etc didn't cover the Rape of the 14 yr old girl the other day at a Maryland school by an 18 yr old ( they say he was older) illegal immigrant in the men's room room of the school. He was put in 9th grade because he couldn't speak English. That's the school policy! Big story!
Maryland high school thrust into immigration debate amid bathroom rape case

The major networks other than FOX didn't cover this because of their political leaning.
The major news networks shouldn't claim they're news networks! Because they aren't they pick and choose the stories they cover according to what fits their politics!

But the covered the fake rape at a UVA fraternity wall to wall 24/7.
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I don't think you answered his argument.

Just because you are a commie and like sports, doesn't mean he is wrong. It is ok to generalize if it is accurate. But it is not valid to cite an exception to somehow prove him wrong.

Castro liked baseball. So there, you have a comrade.

Neither I or Sanders are "Commies'', we both fully believe in and support the continuation CAPITALISM, but we aren't IDIOTS who want to allow the wealthiest capitalists to rule every aspect of our lives and make every decision just because they have the most money. Big Difference.
so all those Pitt football games you missed through the years and gleefully brag about missing was only because someone else did not provide you a free it all makes sense.

Don't forget pitt79 is also in favor of cheating and having Pitt do "whatever it takes" to produce a winner. But just don't ask him to give up missing buffy run around the soccer pitch in order to actually help the situation ethically by boosting attendance.
Don't forget pitt79 is also in favor of cheating and having Pitt do "whatever it takes" to produce a winner. But just don't ask him to give up missing buffy run around the soccer pitch in order to actually help the situation ethically by boosting attendance.

EXACTLY, 100000000000000000000%, you nailed it!

Pitt sports is mainly just a TV SHOW that I like and it's better if they are winning. And I don't care how they do it.

And me attending the games isn't "about the program", it's just always about me hooking up with some old friends that I don't see a lot, getting drunk at the tailgate party and watching a game that day, with no thought about any other consequences. Sorta like going to the movies or a concert.
Don't forget pitt79 is also in favor of cheating and having Pitt do "whatever it takes" to produce a winner. But just don't ask him to give up missing buffy run around the soccer pitch in order to actually help the situation ethically by boosting attendance.

Let me ask you something Slick, did you like Pitt football more now on the up and up or back when we were landing the Dorsett's, Marino's, Fralic's of the world? Oh and winning 11 games and maybe a national title?
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On social issue, sometimes I am on the right of the tea party. But the ESPN people taking stands on social issue doesn't bother me, even if I don't agree with it.

The definition of an avid sports fan is subjective. This weekend I have 2 hockey games and 3 soccer games that I am planning to watch in the next 5 days, and I will watch some of the NCAAs, and I'm attending a soccer tournament my daughter is playing in, I have the DVR set for all that stuff so I can watch it this weekend and into Monday and Tuesday.

Because I am not watching the events deemed "big games" by you and the mainstream, doesn't mean I am not a big sports fan. I'm religiously watching the MASL Playoffs (Major Arena Soccer League), I am a fan of the Baltimore Blast, and I will be attending the Championship Series in person next week, as the Blast have reached the Finals, so as you can see, by MY DEFINITION, I am an avid sports fan, just because I choose the MASL Championship Series, USA/Honduras, Greece/Belgium World Cup Qualifiers, Penguins/Islanders over Duke vs. Kentucky or Gonzaga vs. WVU, doesn't mean that I'm not avidly watching Sports.
So soccer and your teams? That's cool, but people that don't watch even the championship games of any major sports unless their teams are in it, aren't "avid sports fans" to me. Of course you are right, it is all relative and subjective.

Neither I or Sanders are "Commies'', we both fully believe in and support the continuation CAPITALISM, but we aren't IDIOTS who want to allow the wealthiest capitalists to rule every aspect of our lives and make every decision just because they have the most money. Big Difference.
Woah, woah, woah...Bernie Sanders doesn't support Capitalism in the slightest. I'm not saying you don't, but he 100% does not.
Woah, woah, woah...Bernie Sanders doesn't support Capitalism in the slightest. I'm not saying you don't, but he 100% does not.

Yes he does, is he calling for nationalizing private industry? No, not at all - NEVER. In America the perception is if you don't agree with private industry and Wall Street getting their way 110% you are a commie, not true.

Show me an example of Sanders planning to end capitalism? Single payer health care or free public college, or progressive taxation or Wall Street being regulated, government infrastructure projects, NONE OF THAT equals opposition to capitalism.
So soccer and your teams? That's cool, but people that don't watch even the championship games of any major sports unless their teams are in it, aren't "avid sports fans" to me. Of course you are right, it is all relative and subjective.

Who decides what the "major sports" are, World Cup Soccer is the absolute #1 definition of MAJOR SPORTS worldwide. And I always watch the Super Bowl no matter who is playing, and often watch the NCAA football and basketball championships too, but not always. Baseball, I haven't watched an entire WS since 1979, but I just hate baseball. NHL, I don't watch the SCF unless the Pens are in it, NBA, like NHL, I will watch parts of the playoff games/finals when I have nothing else to do. Last year I did watch the Cavs win game 7, that was interesting to me. And now with the dedicated channels, I'll DVR the 1 hour replay version of the playoff games and sometimes watch those the next day. And also in soccer, I basically focus on my favorite teams- I have the USA, Greece, DC United, Olympiakos, and Baltimore Blast as my teams and I like MLS, who I try to watch when I can. And I'd be willing to bet that TIME WISE, I probably put in as much time watching sports as you do, so how am I not an avid sports fan and you are? Simply because of the events I choose to focus on?
Who decides what the "major sports" are, World Cup Soccer is the absolute #1 definition of MAJOR SPORTS worldwide. And I always watch the Super Bowl no matter who is playing, and often watch the NCAA football and basketball championships too, but not always. Baseball, I haven't watched an entire WS since 1979, but I just hate baseball. NHL, I don't watch the SCF unless the Pens are in it, NBA, like NHL, I will watch parts of the playoff games/finals when I have nothing else to do. Last year I did watch the Cavs win game 7, that was interesting to me. And now with the dedicated channels, I'll DVR the 1 hour replay version of the playoff games and sometimes watch those the next day. And also in soccer, I basically focus on my favorite teams- I have the USA, Greece, DC United, Olympiakos, and Baltimore Blast as my teams and I like MLS, who I try to watch when I can. And I'd be willing to bet that TIME WISE, I probably put in as much time watching sports as you do, so how am I not an avid sports fan and you are?
Who decides what the major American sports are? America.
Let me ask you something Slick, did you like Pitt football more now on the up and up or back when we were landing the Dorsett's, Marino's, Fralic's of the world? Oh and winning 11 games and maybe a national title?

Hey I'm not opposed to the bag men. The winning with honor crap is for the birds. But to sit back and say "somebody do something" and then admit you won't do anything yourself to help is a bit hypocritical to me.
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Who decides what the major American sports are? America.
Only in America-nowhere else. But if you are a fan of other sports that aren't deemed "American Major" you can't be an avid sports fan? That's just stupid. It's like saying you aren't a music fan if your favorite artists haven't made the top 40.
Hey I'm not opposed to the bag men. The winning with honor crap is for the birds. But to sit back and say "somebody do something" and then admit you won't do anything yourself to help is a bit hypocritical to me.

Not at all hypocritical, I don't work there, it's not on me to make them good, I pay for tickets and buy gear sometimes, realistically fans aren't obligated to do more.
Not at all hypocritical, I don't work there, it's not on me to make them good, I pay for tickets and buy gear sometimes, realistically fans aren't obligated to do more.

No. You are a total hypocrite.

You say all the time that you never pay for tickets. You have SOOO many connections, you don't need to. And you won't give a dime, because it's not your "obligation". You just show up to get drunk in the parking lot. Do you feel obliged to help your numerous friends throw their tailgate? Probably not. You have alligator arms I'm sure.

But you make $OOOOOO much money. And have $OOOOOO much influence. But you won't do a damn thing that actually does anything positive for the athletic program. You just bitch and complain about Pitt not doing enough to win. "Win at all costs", in fact.

What do you do to help Pitt win at all costs? Nada.

You're a hypocrite.
Yes he does, is he calling for nationalizing private industry? No, not at all - NEVER. In America the perception is if you don't agree with private industry and Wall Street getting their way 110% you are a commie, not true.

Show me an example of Sanders planning to end capitalism? Single payer health care or free public college, or progressive taxation or Wall Street being regulated, government infrastructure projects, NONE OF THAT equals opposition to capitalism.
You realize Bernie Sanders, himself, expressly stated he was not a capitalist, but a "democratic socialist", right?
Only in America-nowhere else. But if you are a fan of other sports that aren't deemed "American Major" you can't be an avid sports fan? That's just stupid. It's like saying you aren't a music fan if your favorite artists haven't made the top 40.
Sorry, I thought this thread was about the American cable channel ESPN.
you have posted many dumb things before but this one may take the cake. Can't imagine many fans in Alabama, Ohio State, or Penn State would share your opinion.

If those schools had 35 year stretches like Pitt has had, do you really believe they'd be all fired up and obsessed like they are now? And the reality is only a small % of those teams fans do more than buy tickets and gear. In those places those are the pro teams, You think in Columbus, Ohio, a city twice the size of Pittsburgh, that the tOSU fans are all alumni? The Columbus "Yinzer" is all invested in the cities pro team, THE BUCKEYES- I lived there for two years, everyone loves the Buckeyes, a huge % of the fans never even went to school there. I would say MOST fans of those schools WOULD agree with me, you're delusional if you think a large % of their fan base donates money to their football programs.
You realize Bernie Sanders, himself, expressly stated he was not a capitalist, but a "democratic socialist", right?

Democratic socialism does not intend to end capitalism, it intends to exist in parallel, all the capitalist, for profit businesses would still exist, they just wouldn't rule on every issue, like stupid Americans allow them to here and now. I am proud to say I am a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST and fully support the existence of capitalism, like Bernie Sanders does.
No. You are a total hypocrite.

You say all the time that you never pay for tickets. You have SOOO many connections, you don't need to. And you won't give a dime, because it's not your "obligation". You just show up to get drunk in the parking lot. Do you feel obliged to help your numerous friends throw their tailgate? Probably not. You have alligator arms I'm sure.

But you make $OOOOOO much money. And have $OOOOOO much influence. But you won't do a damn thing that actually does anything positive for the athletic program. You just bitch and complain about Pitt not doing enough to win. "Win at all costs", in fact.

What do you do to help Pitt win at all costs? Nada.

You're a hypocrite.

I don't pay for tickets, but I often buy Steelers tickets for the people that give me Panthers tickets, and I will pay for the tailgate party beer or something like that. Just because I am not going to the ticket office and personally buying the tickets, does not mean I am going totally for free.
Democratic socialism does not intend to end capitalism, it intends to exist in parallel, all the capitalist, for profit businesses would still exist, they just wouldn't rule on every issue, like stupid Americans allow them to here and now. I am proud to say I am a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST and fully support the existence of capitalism, like Bernie Sanders does.

Great. And make sure you pay your fair share of taxes. And remember, Bernie paid less percentage in share than you or I. And Donald Trump too.
Can't read anything about Bernie without thinking of this


This is what's really stupid, you have absolutely zero comprehension about what Sanders or democratic Socialism stands for. there will still be rich people, just that they won't decide every issue for everyone else, and people will still have to work, just not for table scraps.