OT: First college football game broadcast live on radio

Threads from 1922:
"Fire Warner!! He can't beat Sutherland's Layfette Boys!"
"Stop playing urban Jazz at the games!"
"Jail the railroad strike leaders! Deport the socialist hordes!"
"OT: Anyone see Nosferatu yet? Pretty good!"
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KDKA also did the first baseball game on radio too. I remember that was in my highschool history book
Yup, just looked it up. It was actually only a few months before of the same year. Pirates defeated the Phillies 8-5. Apparently KDKA was one of the premier radio stations in their day.
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KDKA was the first radio station, which is why they were the firsts with these events.
Really? I didn’t know that... that’s pretty cool actually. Another part of our world that can trace its roots to Pittsburgh.

It looks like their first radio broadcast was during the 1920 election.