I want to come back and emphasize that myself and a lot of the "book-first" people I associate with
desperately want to like the show. Honest. We want to love it! For me, I don't mind adaptational decisions. I was 100% fine with them cutting out Arianne. What bothers me though, are the wholesale changes to character motivations and themes. That's the stuff that you don't
need to change. Like, the gradual fracturing of Jaime and Cersi's relationship is fascinating. But the show totally botches that. Similarly, Tyrion is one messed up dude. He's super awful, but you want to like him anyway, and that creates this weird moral grey area that makes for an interesting experience. In the show, he's a total Mary Sue. That's the stuff that bothers me more than misappropriated dialogue or adaptational changes.
Yeah. Blackwater was great because it was about the characters first and the action second. Plus, it has my favorite moment in the entire show:
The best episode of television ever? Like, any television? It's not just that Varys movement makes no sense, but there's inconsistent characterization throughout the whole episode. Pretty effects does not a best episode ever make.
I just think the book prophecy is so much darker. There's Cersei killing her friend, the way she ends up sowing the seeds for Marg becoming the younger, more beautiful queen.