1. don't buy a new build. we did that and i'd never do it again. they go cheap on everything.
2. kitchens and bathrooms: the price tag to redo them is way off the charts. you can fix most things in the house w/out much financial problems. but not kitchens and bathrooms - the costs are absurd. if the kitchens and/or bathrooms aren't good, move along. HVAC as well - if that thing is over 10 years old, you have to consider that it will need replaced in the not too distant future, which isn't cheap.
3. if there's a basement, you need to check for any flooding or foundation leaks or repairs.
4. i don't know your kid situation but if you have or plan on having, you have to move into the best school district you can afford.
5. don't worry about granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. no one cares.
6. outdoors: do you care about gardening? think about the yard. does it have an area to sit outside, either in the front or back? i'm assuming you're young - you'll want to have friends over or even just a place to sit outside to read a book on a nice day. you want a good place to sit, have a grill. think about mature trees in the backyard - they're a delight, if possible.
7. if you have kids, you run out space REAL quick. going from 1 kid to 2 was like exponential shinkage. that was our first house and it got tight, quick. if you're going to be there for a long time, and have kids or going to, think about the house being filled with little guys on a series of rainy days - those days are not great with limited space and little guys screaming and fighting all day.
8. walking: everyone likes to go on a nice walk or run. can you go outside your door and find a nice little place to walk or run? i don't mean a half mile away. i mean, outside your door step. if it's all busy roads around you, you won't take the walks, which is sad.
9. check the roof, gutters, etc. and any slopes. you don't want flooding. flooding sucks.