OT: Interesting read - "The Making of Three Rivers Stadium"

Really cool photos in that article. I particularly liked the old scoreboard at Three Rivers, where they used to show sketches of the players' faces instead of actual photos. That brought back a lot of childhood memories of the Buccos.
There would have been a built-in excuse for the kickers, because of the crazy winds that would have come from the river.
That would have been an interesting view from Mt. Washington.
It was. In the summer of 69 a bunch of us crashed at a buddies place on Mount Washington after attending a twi-night double header against the Cubs at Forbes. We took in that view before we headed for Oakland. I didn’t fare too well that night as I took many trips to visit the porcelain God.
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The original Three Rivers scoreboard was fabulous. Game score and clock on the right, stats and animation on the left. it could be a distraction to visiting batters, perched just above the hitters background as it was. It stretched from LCF to RCF, huge. I think Manny Sanguillen was the only player to hit it with a home run, but I could be wrong about that.