Not much of a prediction that they “should” take him back. Only a couple of misguided souls on a Pitt message board tried to make that into some kind of imaginary moral dilemma. The suspense was about what Cockburm was going to do, not whether Underwood would take him back. The fact that Illinois was back on his “list” for the past couple weeks made that kind of obvious.Another Dub for 🐐
Said they should take him back and they did!
You guys have to realize that this is a whole new era. These are 1 year free agents. For example, Jeff Capel has to proactively plan that 7-8 players will enter the portal next season. Does he tell them all they can't come back? Eff no. You have to let them take "recruiting visits" every year now. Its a completely ridiculous rule but it is what it is.