OT: Martavis Bryant...

How is that? I don,t mean to 20mph just slow down to piss them off. If they hit you from behind they are at fault
The state law in Pennsylvania says have to stay in the right lane.. Now if you choose to be a tough guy and hit your brakes... in the left lane you will be cited
The state law in Pennsylvania says have to stay in the right lane.. Now if you choose to be a tough guy and hit your brakes... in the left lane you will be cited
Jees never said anything about slowing down to 20mph just go 55 instead of 70. Why would any one hit there breaks to cause a reck? Any time you are hit from behind 99.9% of the time you will not be sighted. The driver from behind has to be in control of there car at all times. You get hit from behind by another car you should be ok. Now if you are going 25mph in the left lane you could get sited maybe. Any time you are hit from behind tuff to be sited. Whoever hits you has to be in control of his car at all times...not your fault if you are hit from behind.
God I hate people that drive on the line between the two merging lanes to prevent anyone from passing. It’s been proven that the fastest way for traffic to get through a merge point is to stay in your lane and merge at the merge point. If someone is too stupid to realize that then don’t get pissed when I pass you.
I 100% don't agree with you. Traffic will continue to flow when people merge before the merge point while they are still moving at a reasonable speed. When cars go right up to the merge point, it forces traffic to stop and then you have the take your turn situation. And yes, I will not let you in if you do what you say. I remember hearing a talk show on the radio where the host debated this with a PennDot official. The talk show host and the call-in people destroyed the PennDot guy.
I 100% don't agree with you. Traffic will continue to flow when people merge before the merge point while they are still moving at a reasonable speed. When cars go right up to the merge point, it forces traffic to stop and then you have the take your turn situation. And yes, I will not let you in if you do what you say. I remember hearing a talk show on the radio where the host debated this with a PennDot official. The talk show host and the call-in people destroyed the PennDot guy.

Here’s just one article that talks about it, but there are multiple others citing studies that indicate your belief is wrong.
And don’t even get me started on people who try to block me when I’m on my motorcycle. Even if people believe it’s wrong and rude to proceed to the MERGE point before merging, at least give motorcyclists a break. On a hot summer day when people are comfortable in their air conditioned cars, a motorcyclist properly dressed in safety gear and a full helmet is baking in the heat.

I’ve had moms in minivans attempt to run me off the road. Unbelievable that some people believe it is a crime worthy of potentially killing someone over.

Sorry, this discussion struck a nerve.
I 100% don't agree with you. Traffic will continue to flow when people merge before the merge point while they are still moving at a reasonable speed. When cars go right up to the merge point, it forces traffic to stop and then you have the take your turn situation. And yes, I will not let you in if you do what you say. I remember hearing a talk show on the radio where the host debated this with a PennDot official. The talk show host and the call-in people destroyed the PennDot guy.
There is a reason that they call it a merge point. That is where we are supposed to merge, not a mile before or even 200 yds. Those who block the traffic should get a ticket because they are breaking the law. I am upset when the merge point is a mile before the construction site. The shorter the one lane of traffic is, the shorter the delay is.
There is a reason that they call it a merge point. That is where we are supposed to merge, not a mile before or even 200 yds. Those who block the traffic should get a ticket because they are breaking the law. I am upset when the merge point is a mile before the construction site. The shorter the one lane of traffic is, the shorter the delay is.

The entire purpose of the "use all lanes until the merge point" philosophy is that long traffic lines create second and third order effects. Get enough traffic and you'll start to mess up roads that aren't even involved in the condition that's creating the backup. The "use all lanes" philosophy is designed to avoid this by getting the traffic as close to the obstruction (and thus farther from other roads) as possible.

Say you have 2 lanes (one will close at mile 0.0) and a mile of traffic. If you use one lane only, that's a mile of traffic that's backing up all along the route and causing secondary backups on on-ramps, surface streets, in parking lots, etc.. If you use both lanes, it's .5 miles of traffic in each lane and then at least some of the roads along the route - particularly the surface streets and parking lots a mile down the road that have nothing to do with the actual merge or construction - will be unaffected and can go along their merry way.

While the logic of "first in, first out" is what we normally need as a society, in this circumstance it creates totally unnecessary problems.
how do you guys feel about motorcycles who drive between cars. Not crazy dudes passing but when there is traffic and you have two lanes at a standstill, the motorcycle drives down middle?

I don't see it much at all in PA but if you are ever in California, you see it all the time. Only reason it bothers me is safety, those guys are nuts.. One dude opening his door to pour his coffee out or some dumb girl switching lanes to get 2' ahead and that motorcycle guy is dead..
how do you guys feel about motorcycles who drive between cars. Not crazy dudes passing but when there is traffic and you have two lanes at a standstill, the motorcycle drives down middle?

I don't see it much at all in PA but if you are ever in California, you see it all the time. Only reason it bothers me is safety, those guys are nuts.. One dude opening his door to pour his coffee out or some dumb girl switching lanes to get 2' ahead and that motorcycle guy is dead..

Doesn't bother me. You shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff because it's unexpected and presents a huge danger to yourself. But if you want to risk the iron price to look like a cool guy, that's your prerogative.
Doesn't bother me. You shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff because it's unexpected and presents a huge danger to yourself. But if you want to risk the iron price to look like a cool guy, that's your prerogative.
yeah, pretty much feel the same.
how do you guys feel about motorcycles who drive between cars. Not crazy dudes passing but when there is traffic and you have two lanes at a standstill, the motorcycle drives down middle?

I don't see it much at all in PA but if you are ever in California, you see it all the time. Only reason it bothers me is safety, those guys are nuts.. One dude opening his door to pour his coffee out or some dumb girl switching lanes to get 2' ahead and that motorcycle guy is dead..

Yeah I don't like it. Same with people on bikes who blow through red lights and so forth to then ride in the car lanes slowing down traffic.

It creates a dangerous situation for all involved. If you want to ride a motorcylce or a bike, you should follow the rules as a car would and not be able to go between cars stuck in traffic. By doing that you are creating a huge safety risk mainly for yourself.
tap the breaks and hope something like this happens..

I hate tailgaters also but frankly I just get out of their way as soon as I can. I don't speed but don't drive slow either and will only use left lane to pass. So when someone is tailgating me they are driving like idiots. But even still I simply try to move on.

Most of the time I have my 10 and 8 year old in the car so getting into some kind of confrontation whether it be an accident from getting rear ended or brake tapping creating something like this or pulling over at a red light to yell, etc.. is simply not worth it.

If someone wants to create a dangerous situation for themselves, then so be it.
tap the breaks and hope something like this happens..

I remember driving across the turnpike during a snow storm, this woman was weaving through traffic at high speed, suddenly she flipped over, as we passed her overturned car with her sitting upside down still belted in, I laughed and shot her the finger, I felt no sympathy
only use left lane to pass.
If it's an exit LEFT in heavy traffic, I move over so I don't have to think too much, and I go a speed I'm comfortable with, it's always over the limit, so F anyone that wants me to go faster
If it's an exit LEFT in heavy traffic, I move over so I don't have to think too much, and I go a speed I'm comfortable with, it's always over the limit, so F anyone that wants me to go faster

Yeah I agree with you in general but those situations are few and far between where there is heavy traffic AND an exit left coming up. Sure there are some but I think for the most part that is not going to be anywhere close to the norm for driving on the highway. Most exits are usually right and most times you are not necessarily in heavy traffic.
Yeah I agree with you in general but those situations are few and far between where there is heavy traffic AND an exit left coming up. Sure there are some but I think for the most part that is not going to be anywhere close to the norm for driving on the highway. Most exits are usually right and most times you are not necessarily in heavy traffic.
It is the total norm for a certain area I drive through several times a week. Even if I'm not in heavy traffic I want to get over early so I don't have to think about it.
I hate tailgaters also but frankly I just get out of their way as soon as I can. I don't speed but don't drive slow either and will only use left lane to pass. So when someone is tailgating me they are driving like idiots. But even still I simply try to move on.

Most of the time I have my 10 and 8 year old in the car so getting into some kind of confrontation whether it be an accident from getting rear ended or brake tapping creating something like this or pulling over at a red light to yell, etc.. is simply not worth it.

If someone wants to create a dangerous situation for themselves, then so be it.
I've actually really gotten better with letting this crap go. someone wants to cut in, I give them space, who cares.. Regarding this situation, if you drive in the right and pass in the left, you should avoid the tough guy in the left lane riding our tail.
how do you guys feel about motorcycles who drive between cars. Not crazy dudes passing but when there is traffic and you have two lanes at a standstill, the motorcycle drives down middle?

I don't see it much at all in PA but if you are ever in California, you see it all the time. Only reason it bothers me is safety, those guys are nuts.. One dude opening his door to pour his coffee out or some dumb girl switching lanes to get 2' ahead and that motorcycle guy is dead..

It's like that in Europe, too.
how do you guys feel about motorcycles who drive between cars. Not crazy dudes passing but when there is traffic and you have two lanes at a standstill, the motorcycle drives down middle?

I don't see it much at all in PA but if you are ever in California, you see it all the time. Only reason it bothers me is safety, those guys are nuts.. One dude opening his door to pour his coffee out or some dumb girl switching lanes to get 2' ahead and that motorcycle guy is dead..

Believe it or not, California (where I currently live), contrary to every other state in which I've been licensed, does not require motorcycles to adhere to the standard lanes of traffic like everyone else. The practice you describe (which I find absolutely maddening) is perfectly legal out here! They do it not when just when traffic is at a standstill, but . . . ALL THE TIME!
I 100% don't agree with you. Traffic will continue to flow when people merge before the merge point while they are still moving at a reasonable speed. When cars go right up to the merge point, it forces traffic to stop and then you have the take your turn situation. And yes, I will not let you in if you do what you say. I remember hearing a talk show on the radio where the host debated this with a PennDot official. The talk show host and the call-in people destroyed the PennDot guy.

If it's me, I'm going to take my turn at the merge point. Hit me if you want, tough guy.
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If it's me, I'm going to take my turn at the merge point. Hit me if you want, tough guy.

Some woman refused to let me merge today as I was getting onto 285 in Atlanta with 4-5 lanes in complete gridlock. Finally wedged my way in front of her but I just didn't understand the philosophy of not letting someone get onto the highway when you have nowhere to go anyway. Plus, what's your insurance going to say when the damage is to the rear of my side panel or my rear bumper? That's obviously on you.
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