OT: Martavis Bryant...

Millions of dollars going up in smoke. Literally.

The other issue for Mr. Bryant is that you forfeit your entire salary when you're suspended. So Bryant cost himself $150,000 in 2015 and $600,000 in 2017. It will be another $600,000 if he's suspended for all of 2018. That's almost a million and a half dollars - out of a $2.6m deal - to smoke weed. It's insane. His agent should have moved in with him and watched him 24/7.
I guess for me, it's because I JUST DON'T CARE if people get high on their own time. So basically, I side with the players and oppose the rules. I break rules of all kinds all the time in many aspects of life every day and just don't care, "rules" these days have become so anal and over thought, even the NFL game rules are nonsense, you could literally delete 75% of them and nobody would notice.
blah, blah blah...break the rules all you want don't be a whiny beyothch when you are punished for doing so. Feel free to pay that $250 speeding ticket if it makes you feel better and sticking it to authority, hahaha..... .If Bryant wants to be Towelie then good for him and is his personal right much in the same way the NFL has the right to can his ass...
blah, blah blah...break the rules all you want don't be a whiny beyothch when you are punished for doing so. Feel free to pay that $250 speeding ticket if it makes you feel better and sticking it to authority, hahaha..... .If Bryant wants to be Towelie then good for him and is his personal right much in the same way the NFL has the right to can his ass...
I never speed, I hate speeding. Usually the rules I break get me money.
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It doesn’t matter. My employer has a dress code policy, a policy against tatoos and facial piercings. Guess what? You walk around my office, you don’t see tatoos, facial piercings and you see people dressed how the company wants.

You don’t like it, go find some place else to work.

They aren't mutually exclusive. Bryant can be a bonehead and the rule can still be a bad one. But yes, he is either not the brightest or has serious addiction issues.
They aren't mutually exclusive. Bryant can be a bonehead and the rule can still be a bad one. But yes, he is either not the brightest or has serious addiction issues.
I never speed, I hate speeding. Usually the rules I break get me money.
so you are that knucklehead going 55 in a 55 with everyone around you attempting at least 65 thus that you slow up traffic for 10 miles and increase the likelihood of accidents...I think I saw you on 695... 92 Pontiac Grand Am with a "Coexist" bumper sticker...
No, I go maybe up to 65, but if I have an exit left coming up I like to get over early so I don't have to think about it later and F the jerkoff who needs to go 80.
I never speed, I hate speeding. Which is it?
gotta go with the flow in every lane...
don't ever be the fastest person on the road, try not to be the 2nd fastest either. It's like going to a party, don't ever be the drunkest guy at the party, nor the second drunkest and you'll fly under the radar..
Myself, I like to relax while driving if I'm not in a hurry to get there, so going the limit or a few miles over is usually ok for me.

I remember once was driving in Ohio, I got pulled over for going 62 mph, the state trooper asked my why I was speeding, I said I wanted to pass the car in front of me, he said if the car in front of you is going 55, then why would you want to pass him? LOL! It was in the '80s, I think the ticket was $65
I never speed, I hate speeding. Which is it?
To be honest 65 is not speeding in a 55 mile zone, going 65 half the cars are still blowing by you. I hate speeding itself, I'm not even talking about the "limit" I hate these people that need to weave through traffic between every little space 2 feet behind the other car, as if it's the Indy 500.
To be honest 65 is not speeding in a 55 mile zone, going 65 half the cars are still blowing by you. I hate speeding itself, I'm not even talking about the "limit" I hate these people that need to weave through traffic between every little space 2 feet behind the other car, as if it's the Indy 500.
You are right the real a-holes are the ones that ride on your bumper...I like to slow down even more. Yes that’s me they get pissed of at.
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You are right the real a-holes are the ones that ride on your bumper...I like to slow down even more. Yes that’s me they get pissed of at.
I call them "performance drivers", you can see them a foot behind the car in front of them, jockeying for position, waiting for that sliver of day light to suddenly blast through and weave forward to gain a few yards to get there 5 minutes earlier, like they are at Daytona.
Again, whether it's administered by a doctor or if one self-medicates- the benefits of marijuana by far outweighs the negatives of virtually anything else that a doctor can prescribe. In this case NFL is just as dumb as Bryant.

The Endocannabinoid System as an Emerging Target of Pharmacotherapy.

uh, but alas I did not impart that in my post now did I? I remember all the self-medicated lads from my high school days. Glad those honor student's pain was alleviated...I'll give the pot lobby one thing though, they are passionate.
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And the NFL will continue to get sued after the fact and lose money in court. It is what it is.

lol, uh no, the nfl is making money, Bryant isn't. one is a money making machine, the other will be out of football because he'd rather smoke weed.
Right, he came back last year after being out for a couple years.

What was his name? can't remember? Read an article about him, about how his family where druggies or something and he was homeless while playing high school football and just getting high and drunk every night and sleeping at different houses or something like that?
Josh Gordon.
You know it's coming- there's to too many players who are addicted to pain meds, too many lives ruined for it not to happen.

How can anyone justify prescribing synthetic heroin over legal medical marijuana?

NFL is getting sued in court because players want to smoke weed? On what grounds are they suing?
You know it's coming- there's to too many players who are addicted to pain meds, too many lives ruined for it not to happen.

How can anyone justify prescribing synthetic heroin over legal medical marijuana?
That's true, if there is ever a group of people that need safe, non addictive pain killers it's NFL players
You know it's coming- there's to too many players who are addicted to pain meds, too many lives ruined for it not to happen.

How can anyone justify prescribing synthetic heroin over legal medical marijuana?
hey, im not disagreeing with you that the nfl should let it go, just that Bryant is an idiot. maybe he plays the "im an addict" card here to avoid a lifelong suspension, its worth a shot.

Not a lawyer but cant imagine an employee suing their employer because they cant use an illegal recreational drug though, that would be pretty far out there. my company doesn't let me drink a 1/2 case of beer at work and beer is legal.
I doubt he is doing it at work, I can't imagine doing any sport under the influence of weed.
Lol. Good point. Although I’ve talked to a lot of people who tell me that it’s very common for basketball players to smoke weed before games.
A number of PGA golfers smoke weed before events to deal with the pressure.

Lol. Good point. Although I’ve talked to a lot of people who tell me that it’s very common for basketball players to smoke weed before games.
You know it's coming- there's to too many players who are addicted to pain meds, too many lives ruined for it not to happen.

How can anyone justify prescribing synthetic heroin over legal medical marijuana?

They won’t win a penny. Every person who picks up a prescription is by law mandated to be given a patient education sheet that describes the side effects and risks of taking that medication. It’s not the job of the nfl or prescriber to explain addiction.
im fine with going the limit as long as you are in right lane. nothing pisses me off more than people driving in the passing lane..


Is that worse than not merging into a lane at the MERGE POINT and backing up construction trafffic for miles because you want to merge at the first sign of a gap between cars?
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The other issue for Mr. Bryant is that you forfeit your entire salary when you're suspended. So Bryant cost himself $150,000 in 2015 and $600,000 in 2017. It will be another $600,000 if he's suspended for all of 2018. That's almost a million and a half dollars - out of a $2.6m deal - to smoke weed. It's insane. His agent should have moved in with him and watched him 24/7.

He also pushes back when ge can become a free when/if he comes back, he’ll be playing for crap salaries, not a new deal.
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And that's why drug manufacturers never lose a lawsuit...:rolleyes:
They won’t win a penny. Every person who picks up a prescription is by law mandated to be given a patient education sheet that describes the side effects and risks of taking that medication. It’s not the job of the nfl or prescriber to explain addiction.
Pretty much what they're doing.
Pay him during this window, but with each passing season, his skills/value diminish and his ability to command the ridiculous $ he seeks becomes even more unlikely.
Then you either jettison him, or he comes to his senses and accepts a contract more in line with reality.
Isn't this season his contract year?
Is that worse than not merging into a lane at the MERGE POINT and backing up construction trafffic for miles because you want to merge at the first sign of a gap between cars?

God I hate people that drive on the line between the two merging lanes to prevent anyone from passing. It’s been proven that the fastest way for traffic to get through a merge point is to stay in your lane and merge at the merge point. If someone is too stupid to realize that then don’t get pissed when I pass you.
Isn't this season his contract year?
I think this is the last year they can tag him, then he either signs or is a FA.
But the point is, he'll have another year of wear and tear on him and another year older. He's looking for a deal worth over $14 million/year.
It is extremely doubtful, not impossible because there are some idiot owners out there, but highly unlikely that he'll be offered anything close to that in the FA market.

So, keep him this year, then give him a reasonable offer. If he takes it fine, if he walks, next man up.
I think this is the last year they can tag him, then he either signs or is a FA.
But the point is, he'll have another year of wear and tear on him and another year older. He's looking for a deal worth over $14 million/year.
It is extremely doubtful, not impossible because there are some idiot owners out there, but highly unlikely that he'll be offered anything close to that in the FA market.

So, keep him this year, then give him a reasonable offer. If he takes it fine, if he walks, next man up.

To be honest, I would break ties altogether after this year. He is a walking time bomb, he has miles on those legs, ride him this year and be done with him.
To be honest, I would break ties altogether after this year. He is a walking time bomb, he has miles on those legs, ride him this year and be done with him.
Yeah, that's pretty much how it will probably work out.
That said, for the right price he's a talented player. He's a grinder and also a very good receiver.
Plus, sitting out camp and the two shortened seasons have probably extended his shelf life a little bit.
Certainly not worth $14 million, or close to it. Shame the franchise tag requires the Steelers to pay that much, but have to follow the rules for now.
RB value has diminished significantly in the NFL. Teams have done great just shopping the leftover market.
And it amazes me that people still have a problem with smoking weed.
Maybe so - but the rule is the rule and you’re weighing a 60 minute buzz against a season’s pay worth $1M or so? That’s just nutz.

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