OT: McQueary helps accident victim

what is with people that would just drive past it? do they just not care or is there some kind of fear or what?
I feel bad for him as he is the only one at PSU who did anything about Sandusky. He could easily have kept driving past this accident in the other lane, but he stopped to help. I hope he can get back into coaching.

Following in the steps of Jamie Dixon and one reason he and his lawyers are richer today for doing the right thing, but he too remain silent from 2001 to 2011 then told the full truth to Grand Jury. Yet, PSU Cult Dolts and Alumni blame him for telling the truth, and then salute Sandusky's whom was lying, and then Spanier, Curley, Schultz and Paterno for staying silent???? That is on any Penn State Fans that think and stink that way for that Nittany Lying History!
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He banged on his car window as he passed. He didn't know if he had the skills neccesary to help, but he wanted them to know he saw them and help may be on the way.
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Don't feel to bad for the guy. He recouped millions like over $ 7 mill I think+ they just reimbursed him for back Nitter pay.
He's doing well. His mistake was he didn't make a second call to law enforcement after he noticed his Paterno did nothing.
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He did something. He told Joe Paterno what he witnessed. The code was Joe has to know. Big Red Mike wouldn't have $ millions and children wouldn't have been assaulted if Joe Paterno, who was the most powerful and most honorable man on the Penn State campus, took control of the disgusting assault by a longtime football coach and stop a monster. It is so sad because Paterno was a great football coach but it's wiped out by his lack of morality. Now we know he knew well before. Mike McQuerey the only one close to a heroe. He could have said nothing. It makes me sick.
Maybe McQ's experience in Sandusky case has made him realize going to superiors may not get the necessary results. I seem to recall he helped an accident victim some months ago but I can't find anything
Are you still angry she still brings him up...
It is PnnyLiar he used the same story about bringing a date to a Pitt Game and Pitt Fans spit on him????? This is his M.O. it is always a secondary Hearsay Sources he makes up and then says he knows. This is a prime example of what wrong at Penn State Football Culture they created and attracted PSU Non-Graduate Fans like him, a person whose only life is based on a Football Coach and Program proven to lack Athletic Integrity and caused The Penn State The Worst Scandal In College Football History.

Mike McQueary will tell anyone he has faults and made mistakes like anyone, but he also did the right thing, talked to his father and father's friend and they told him to go Paterno first, and Paterno listened and passed it up to Curley, that passed it up to Schultz and Spanier but then those 3 chose to lie to the Grand Jury and called it "Horse Play," that is in direct conflict with McQueary & Paterno Testimony calling it a "Sexual Inappropriate" Touching"!

Only the threat of Prison brought out the Honor in Curley & Schultz telling the court the Emails mention "Coach" was actually Paterno and went on saying Paterno felt uncomfortable to report Sandusky, so Spanier, Schultz and Curley allow Sandusky to do more harm to more victims by staying silent after 2001?

Pnnyliar hates that Paterno and Penn State Program was exposed as the Worst Scandal in Football History and accepts he is actually worst than Ziegler and is laughed at PSU and great he can be played anytime becoming upset with being caught in more lies and is an example of what can happen to when one with less intelligence can't accept a Corrupt Football Culture like created at Penn State with Sneaky Slogans not Deeds that last and succeed!
About 10 years ago, my husband and I were in San Francisco for a very short weekend holiday party. Driving back to our hotel at an 8 lane intersection, we witnessed a driver who screeched from the farthest left lane to the right to make an illegal turn against the light. Unfortunately there was a blind person with a guide dog crossing at the same time. He hit the man and the dog.

We were in the second line of cars at the light but could clearly hear the screams of the man and the dog. We watched in amazement as the first line of cars just drove off - we were in the farthest lane but kind of waited to see who would stay. Thankfully there were others in our line who also stopped and rendered aid. Both the man and dog survived but in retrospect at that moment, both of us thought - WTF - we don't live here, we're leaving early in the morning, let's just keep driving. We didn't, but I can see where you would think the opposite.

We missed our early AM flight because we needed to give our witness statements. It ended up not being a big deal as we caught a later flight, but I can see where in the heat of the moment driving away would become an easier choice. No one's perfect.
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It is PnnyLiar he used the same story about bringing a date to a Pitt Game and Pitt Fans spit on him????? This is his M.O. it is always a secondary Hearsay Sources he makes up and then says he knows. This is a prime example of what wrong at Penn State Football Culture they created and attracted PSU Non-Graduate Fans like him, a person whose only life is based on a Football Coach and Program proven to lack Athletic Integrity and caused The Penn State The Worst Scandal In College Football History.

Mike McQueary will tell anyone he has faults and made mistakes like anyone, but he also did the right thing, talked to his father and father's friend and they told him to go Paterno first, and Paterno listened and passed it up to Curley, that passed it up to Schultz and Spanier but then those 3 chose to lie to the Grand Jury and called it "Horse Play," that is in direct conflict with McQueary & Paterno Testimony calling it a "Sexual Inappropriate" Touching"!

Only the threat of Prison brought out the Honor in Curley & Schultz telling the court the Emails mention "Coach" was actually Paterno and went on saying Paterno felt uncomfortable to report Sandusky, so Spanier, Schultz and Curley allow Sandusky to do more harm to more victims by staying silent after 2001?

Pnnyliar hates that Paterno and Penn State Program was exposed as the Worst Scandal in Football History and accepts he is actually worst than Ziegler and is laughed at PSU and great he can be played anytime becoming upset with being caught in more lies and is an example of what can happen to when one with less intelligence can't accept a Corrupt Football Culture like created at Penn State with Sneaky Slogans not Deeds that last and succeed!

One of my all-time favorite Pnnylion stories occurred before last September's Pitt-PSU game. Pnnylion told a story on BWI about the last Pitt-PSU game at which he supposedly beat up four Pitt fans in the bathroom and left them laying on the floor while he returned to his seat to watch the rest of the game.
About 10 years ago, my husband and I were in San Francisco for a very short weekend holiday party. Driving back to our hotel at an 8 lane intersection, we witnessed a driver who screeched from the farthest left lane to the right to make an illegal turn against the light. Unfortunately there was a blind person with a guide dog crossing at the same time. He hit the man and the dog.

We were in the second line of cars at the light but could clearly hear the screams of the man and the dog. We watched in amazement as the first line of cars just drove off - we were in the farthest lane but kind of waited to see who would stay. Thankfully there were others in our line who also stopped and rendered aid. Both the man and dog survived but in retrospect at that moment, both of us thought - WTF - we don't live here, we're leaving early in the morning, let's just keep driving. We didn't, but I can see where you would think the opposite.

We missed our early AM flight because we needed to give our witness statements. It ended up not being a big deal as we caught a later flight, but I can see where in the heat of the moment driving away would become an easier choice. No one's perfect.

I would have done the same, always help..
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One of my all-time favorite Pnnylion stories occurred before last September's Pitt-PSU game. Pnnylion told a story on BWI about the last Pitt-PSU game at which he supposedly beat up four Pitt fans in the bathroom and left them laying on the floor while he returned to his seat to watch the rest of the game.

Maybe it was the ladies room..
One of my all-time favorite Pnnylion stories occurred before last September's Pitt-PSU game. Pnnylion told a story on BWI about the last Pitt-PSU game at which he supposedly beat up four Pitt fans in the bathroom and left them laying on the floor while he returned to his seat to watch the rest of the game.
Love that he is disgraced PSU Fanatic that hates everything Penn State & Pitt & Big Ten because his Worship Paterno's 409 Legacy has Shamed Penn State Name, and they all mock and laugh at him when he attempts to appear under all kinds of other names and nothing he can do can bring back what Joe ruined himself.

Tratur, PennyLiar now known as Dumbso can't even make his point in a Bloggers Posts, does anyone think he beat up up anyone but his wife or girlfriend and follows in the steps of Nittany Liars now Convicted Felons and a Paterno Football Program that needed Sanctions to change it's own Culture of Corruption?

Penn State has been cursed attracting such Fans and Pitt Is Bless PnnyLiar is not a Pitt Fan!
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He did something. He told Joe Paterno what he witnessed. The code was Joe has to know. Big Red Mike wouldn't have $ millions and children wouldn't have been assaulted if Joe Paterno, who was the most powerful and most honorable man on the Penn State campus, took control of the disgusting assault by a longtime football coach and stop a monster. It is so sad because Paterno was a great football coach but it's wiped out by his lack of morality. Now we know he knew well before. Mike McQuerey the only one close to a heroe. He could have said nothing. It makes me sick.
McQueary is a class guy and did the right thing on both occasions. I am glad he won his lawsuit against PSU.
Maybe how it all happen just a guess....



NCO-NSA Phone Transcript:

Mcqueary Walks In:

Joe: What Is It? I Don’t Have A Job For You!
Mcqueary: Never Mind That, I Saw Helpless Boy In The Shower Being Sexual Touching
Joe: Where?
Mcqueary: In Lasch Shower?

Phone Rings:
Joe: Hello, Oh Not You Again? Do You Know Who I Am?

Triponey: As Head Of Student Affairs, Judicial Conduct, Title IX And Clery Acts I Can't Control Players That Suppose To Be Students If You Insist On Telling Them Not Cooperate With Investigations.

Joe: I Raise Money At Penn State Who Are You, Again?

Triponey: Unless I Have, Your Assurance Rules, Laws, And Compliances Will Be Obeyed And I Want Your Signed Order Stating That Students Will Have Protection From Your Players. Unless I Return With That Order, Coach, I Am Going To President Spanier.

Joe: Who Is Spanier I Am In Business With Trustees?

Triponey: If The NCAA, Department Of Justice And Education Find Out I Warn You Will Be Held Responsible. There Will Be No Place On Earth That You Name Can Hide. In addition, When Others Find Out You're Be Fired.

Joe: There Will Be No Signed Order. There Will Be No Reports. You Will Not Be Allowed To Return To Your Position To Instigate Anything. I Run All Discipline.

Triponey: You Listen To Me Coach, There Are Survivors In All Scandals

Joe: I Have Never Liked Threats. I Do The Discipline, I Run Everything On My Football Program…But I Will Have No Compunction At Getting You Fired For Your Last Remark.

Triponey: Then Do It. I Know PSU Student Or Anyone Comes On Campus Must Be Properly Treated And Protected.

Joe: Curley Where Is Schultz? Have Him Send This So-Called Administrator To Spanier And Tell Him To Deal With Her.

Old Main Office:
Triponey To Spanier: I'm Relying On You To Reassure PSU Employees.

Spanier: You Just Saw The Dark Side Of Joe, And You Now Must Go, I Have No Time For Troublesome Administrators Do You Know The Money He Brings In To My School?

Triponey: It Is Not Your School It Is Penn State.

Spanier: You Must Go Now!

Joe: Hello, You Know Who I Am The Top Shareholder Someone Better Tell Spanier How It Works Here, She Has To Go Is That Clear? Tell Him I Got Rid Of Sandusky But He Brought Him Back, He’ll Get The Message. Tell Him Emails 2004!

PMA Insurance To Trustee: Hello, We No, Longer Cover Child Abuse Claims Since 1970s On What One Of Our Risk Managers Discovered In 1976?

Spanier To Trustees: I Can't Assume Responsibility For Every Action Never Reported To Me Before I Got Here In 1996. Do You Realize The Consequences Of This Act? We Will Lose The Second Mile I Play Music To Kids Every Year In My One Man Band. We Just Got A Big Grant From Corbett To Build A New Building For The Sole Purpose Of Reducing The Penn State Obligations To Them. She Is Gone But Not The Second Mile, Tell Him Having PSU Players On Cards Is A NCAA Recruiting Violations, After all, please remind him....WE ARE Check MATES Collectors not Inmates?

Trustees To Spanier: Forget That Fight….This Must be Covered Up Since It Will Stiffen Resistance To All Our Investors Everywhere And Demoralized Our Fan Base, And They Will Riot Into Avenging Students If Joe Is Fired. You Are Being Insolent, Concern Yourself With Your Well Paying Job; Tell No One About Anything Or You Won’t Be Here Either. You'be Tripped Up Like Poney! Get it!

Spanier: Yes, Sir, I Must Have Success With Honor! I Shall Paint The Mice In My Grand Experiment, I am Still A Doctorate In Family Sociology. If Those Damn Pirates had Not Stolen "WE ARE FAMILY", it could be another Slogan!

Trustees To Spanier: Shut Up, Get In Goose Step After All You Are A South African and not North Western!

Phone Rings:
Paterno: Is She Gone?
Spanier: Signing The Papers Right Now.
Paterno: Good!
Spanier: What About McQuarrie?
Joe: I Just Hired Him And Sign Those Papers Too!
Spanier: OK!
Paterno: Let This A Be A Lesson to You, I Stay In My Playground And Run It, You Stay In Old Main And Play That One Man Blue Band!

Spanier: Yes, Sir!

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McQueary is a class guy and did the right thing on both occasions. I am glad he won his lawsuit against PSU.

People have got to stop boosting up McQueary. All he did was kick it up the ladder. (In fact, that's also what Paterno did.) McQueary was yet another person who had a chance to call the cops and didn't. Let's be honest about what happened here.
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People have got to stop boosting up McQueary. All he did was kick it up the ladder. (In fact, that's also what Paterno did.) McQueary was yet another person who had a chance to call the cops and didn't. Let's be honest about what happened here.
TDT is correct although McQueary is hated by Pro-Paterno Fans and PSU Establishment the facts are he was silent too until called under oath.

PSU Trustee Albert Lord did great damage to PS4RS and the PS4Rs have done themselves in by approving of his speech and not condemning and rejecting it. PSU PS$RS shows they do care about People, Children, and Abuse and actually reflect a darker side of Penn State. One simply cannot have Honor if children are abused in the Defense of Protecting Football, no matter how much good Paterno espoused on Graduation Rates or claiming a clean Program. Clearly, his silence is and will remain a huge mistake.

The Paterno Report is also now in disrepute relying on "Ifs", "Buts", and "Maybes" of Vague Emails on Whm & Why & what meant "COACH" was saying they could have been talking about Sandusky? They said the Freeh Report and its Sealed Names 400 Whsitle-Blowing Employees weer never identified it is all Circumstantial Evidence and they are using that for The Paterno Civil Lawsuit Foundation. Now this has been refuted by Direct Testimony and is now fully defined by Testimony Under oath by Curley & Schultz "COACH" was indeed Paterno. Add in the Clery Investigation and Findings Report & Fines that ID Joe as one of bad influences that refused to allow PSU to enforce Clery & Title IX, and it is a devastating blow to Joe's own commercial name, and nothing Freeh, NCAA or Penn State did to ruined that name values, Joe admitted he did it.The PMA Insurance Sealed documents will support Joe was told in 1976 as well as in 1980s and in 1998 knew something was wrong, but remain silent after 2001 even if he did report it to Curley. Subsequent Children were abused after 2001 due to this silence.

I admire Joe Coaching, building the Program and taking responsibility in reporting it, testifying truthfully before the Grand Jury. But Joe admitting in Hindsight just like Curley & Schultz Guilty Pleas, they should have done more, but Freeh's Findings from 400 PSU Whistle-Blowers about Intimidation to remain silent to Protect PSU Football carries far more weight now. more than ever. Freeh's Truth has a higher ring to it due to Cleary Report & PMA Insurance Lawsuit Rulings along with Curley's Testimony. Joe did not stand up but chose to remain silent to protect his job, seek 409, and ruined his own legacy no one else.

Sorry, but Society history is is always in changing values and the Confederate Flags, Schools named after Confederate Heroes that fought valiantly in the Civil Rule have been brought down because it was fought in defending slavery. Civil Rights pioneers are now named and honored with Bridges, Monuments, and redefine local, state, and national Hhstory.

In California and Texas when communities chnage from White Texans to Mexican-Americans so do Streets, Schools and that Honor Spanish Speakig Civil Rights PioneersMonuments at Gettysburg have been attacked with acid. In South Tucson, right outside the Courthouse a Statue of Pancho Villa on a Horse Stands for that area now totally dominated by Spanish Speaking Voters. Time changes and History changes Monuments and Honor Victims as much as prior Heroes. The Children Victims will be Honored and out last anything Sandusky, McQueary, and Paterno did as Coaches, as well as Administrators in Curley, Schultz and Spanier did in the past. this is an incontrovertible truth now. They won't be and can't be Honored anymore after what happen at Penn State to abused children.

Sue and her sons and daughters have to come to that understanding. No matter how much they admired their father as they should. Teh pain of trying to revive a history by a Lawsuit even if it wins will still end by putting children first whose stories will come out eventually. It is time to recognize it and end all Lawsuits and bring all together, and ask PS4RS, Trustees, and others to understand even the Best of intentions within People often can overlook a mistake that back in time was not believed and it took too much time now it is known other children became victims during that silence.

No one can bring back any Legacy Darken and connected in the Shadows of Silence whereby Children were Molested and Abused, it just unthinkable, tragic, and understandable the outside world won't permit it. The Slave Trade of the New World, Civil War KKK, Holocaust of WWII and even the Alamo History that defended Slavery against a Corrupt Santa Anna comes out, and so will Diadvantage Children abused at Penn State and anyone associated no matter how great comes after that abuse that happen to the Children whether in 2017 or 2040. The Children Stories will be heard louder than 409 is Honored! Not being mean just outright truthful and reasonable people know it now.

It is kind of like the song "When They Drove Old Dixie Down" by Joan Baez in 1970s. The song is a first-person narrative relating to the economic and social distress experienced by the Southern USA during the last year of the Civil War. They thought they were fighting for States Rights, Economic Self-Determination, and a Culture of Superiority they grew up with on treating other people of Color and Religions less than Equal Human Being and as Property. Being popular in 1970s down not make it popular today knowing what happen to slaves even if the truth that that south suffered economic hardship for decades. Today, they judge it as they brought it upon themselves even though none of us were there? The Lyrics are Appropriate as well as on tragedy of JoePa's Traditions & Legacyn below it....

"Like My Father Before Me,
I Will Work The Land,
Like My Brother Above Me,
Who Took A Rebel Stand,
He Was Just Eighteen, Proud And Brave,
But A Yankee Laid Him In His Grave,
I Swear By The Mud Below My Feet,
You Can't Raise A Caine Back Up,
When He's In Defeat!"

For JoePa's Legacy and Family It Is similar and getting back 409 Wins and knowing he built a Strong Program on Great Coaching Wins should be enough now. Nothing more can be gained due to allowing Sandusky a too long of reigning scourge upon young children whether 1976, 1980s, 1998, or 2001? Silence whether in disbelief, unintentionally, or intentionally is not an act of Courage-Able Honor in any reasonable way in Society Today and under Laws of today & tomorrow. By staying silent even witht graven misjudgment in hindsight won't be acceptable by outsiders nor society. These other Lyrics can apply to the Penn State Scandal surrounding Joe Paterno......
"Like My Father Before Me,
We Are Nittany Lion Fans,
Like My Brother Above Me,
We Thought We Took A Higher Stand,
We Were Just 18 To 89, Proud And Brave,
But The Football Scandal Laid Joe In His Grave,
We Swear By The Mud Below Our Feet,
You Can't Raise Any Joe Legacy Back Up,
When Children End Up Forever Mentally Beaten!

It is time to accept what happen and let Joe Go and remain a Memory in Mourning as each Fans that chooses to remember him their way, the world now based on 3 Independent One by a Former FBI Director with 8 Children of his own Report Used by NCAA To Reform Penn State, One By DOJ-Title IX & DOE-Clery Act Highest Violation Findings in College Athletic History, and finally the Emails that proved in Court of Law Under Oath that Joe was "COACH" that felt uncomfortable to report Sandusky to Authorities and refutes The Paterno Report.

We shall see if more reasonable minds prevail and seek to unite to heal together or will more mud surround the Paterno Name in Civil Lawsuits and shame both Penn State Name and Paterno's further together.

I choose to remember as a Great Coach with some Flaws like all of us, but i will mock those that try to Brand and Bring Back Joe as some kind of Saint that was mistreated.....clearly if anyone has nightmares and felt mistreated it was the Children Victims. Not any Penn State Trustees with 7 to 8 Figures Net Worth!
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  • Like
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People have got to stop boosting up McQueary. All he did was kick it up the ladder. (In fact, that's also what Paterno did.) McQueary was yet another person who had a chance to call the cops and didn't. Let's be honest about what happened here.

Please clarify who was the boss..
One of my all-time favorite Pnnylion stories occurred before last September's Pitt-PSU game. Pnnylion told a story on BWI about the last Pitt-PSU game at which he supposedly beat up four Pitt fans in the bathroom and left them laying on the floor while he returned to his seat to watch the rest of the game.
The last Pitt-psu game before last season's? Must've really been upset about the goose egg the nits laid, glad he at least got to see the rest of that.
About 10 years ago, my husband and I were in San Francisco for a very short weekend holiday party. Driving back to our hotel at an 8 lane intersection, we witnessed a driver who screeched from the farthest left lane to the right to make an illegal turn against the light. Unfortunately there was a blind person with a guide dog crossing at the same time. He hit the man and the dog.

We were in the second line of cars at the light but could clearly hear the screams of the man and the dog. We watched in amazement as the first line of cars just drove off - we were in the farthest lane but kind of waited to see who would stay. Thankfully there were others in our line who also stopped and rendered aid. Both the man and dog survived but in retrospect at that moment, both of us thought - WTF - we don't live here, we're leaving early in the morning, let's just keep driving. We didn't, but I can see where you would think the opposite.

We missed our early AM flight because we needed to give our witness statements. It ended up not being a big deal as we caught a later flight, but I can see where in the heat of the moment driving away would become an easier choice. No one's perfect.

I would have wanted to rip the driver's head off.
But...but...but...Joe is innocent. He did what he was legally obligated to do. 409!!

He did something. He told Joe Paterno what he witnessed. The code was Joe has to know. Big Red Mike wouldn't have $ millions and children wouldn't have been assaulted if Joe Paterno, who was the most powerful and most honorable man on the Penn State campus, took control of the disgusting assault by a longtime football coach and stop a monster. It is so sad because Paterno was a great football coach but it's wiped out by his lack of morality. Now we know he knew well before. Mike McQuerey the only one close to a heroe. He could have said nothing. It makes me sick.
True, but I can see why he did what he did. In his eyes Joe was "God", and God will know what to do in this situation. I'm sureJoe liked that reputation, too bad he didn't know how to handle it.

People have got to stop boosting up McQueary. All he did was kick it up the ladder. (In fact, that's also what Paterno did.) McQueary was yet another person who had a chance to call the cops and didn't. Let's be honest about what happened here.
People have got to stop boosting up McQueary. All he did was kick it up the ladder. (In fact, that's also what Paterno did.) McQueary was yet another person who had a chance to call the cops and didn't. Let's be honest about what happened here.

Actually, for him to say anything to a superior that had the potential to cast the football program in a negative light took a pretty large "set" given the environment at the time.
Please clarify who was the boss..

Who was the boss has nothing to do with picking up the phone and calling the police. (Or maybe just beating the shit out of Sandusky at the moment.)

True, but I can see why he did what he did. In his eyes Joe was "God", and God will know what to do in this situation. I'm sureJoe liked that reputation, too bad he didn't know how to handle it.

No excuse. You remember, when this first came to light, everyone said Paterno should have done more. Same holds for McQueary. He was standing right there watching a kid get raped, and didn't life a finger. The chain of command at Penn St doesn't have anything to do with calling the police.

Actually, for him to say anything to a superior that had the potential to cast the football program in a negative light took a pretty large "set" given the environment at the time.

No it doesn't. This is why I have a problem with people about this whole case. I'm fine with people being pissed off at Paterno and Penn St about this. However, when you try to make excuses for others involved, youre just as bad as those guys. You can't have it both ways. If it was wrong for Paterno, Spanier, and co. not to call the police, it was wrong for McQueary also. If nothing else, McQueary could have called the cops and left an anonymous tip. Sorry, but this attitude about McQueary is blatantly hypocritical.
Who was the boss has nothing to do with picking up the phone and calling the police. (Or maybe just beating the shit out of Sandusky at the moment.)

No excuse. You remember, when this first came to light, everyone said Paterno should have done more. Same holds for McQueary. He was standing right there watching a kid get raped, and didn't life a finger. The chain of command at Penn St doesn't have anything to do with calling the police.

No it doesn't. This is why I have a problem with people about this whole case. I'm fine with people being pissed off at Paterno and Penn St about this. However, when you try to make excuses for others involved, youre just as bad as those guys. You can't have it both ways. If it was wrong for Paterno, Spanier, and co. not to call the police, it was wrong for McQueary also. If nothing else, McQueary could have called the cops and left an anonymous tip. Sorry, but this attitude about McQueary is blatantly hypocritical.
I agree that McQueary should also have dialed 911. However no matter what, Joe was in complete control of the football program for decades. Because of that he should have been held to a higher standard than McQueary. And that is also why McQueary was victorious in his whistle blower case. There are levels of undue influence that trickle down in any organization, hence giving protection to someone who is most vulnerable and therefore less likely to step forward.

I don't think it's hypocritical at all to compare them.
I agree that McQueary should also have dialed 911. However no matter what, Joe was in complete control of the football program for decades. Because of that he should have been held to a higher standard than McQueary. And that is also why McQueary was victorious in his whistle blower case. There are levels of undue influence that trickle down in any organization, hence giving protection to someone who is most vulnerable and therefore less likely to step forward.

I don't think it's hypocritical at all to compare them.

Yes, it is completely hypocritical. When it comes to calling the cops, there is no "higher standard." The hierarchy only applies inside Penn St. That goes out the window when it comes to calling the cops. Mike McQueary is an adult. He's as fully capable of evaluating a situation and knowing the proper course of action, just like Paterno, Spanier, Curley, or anyone else. McQueary doesn't get a free pass. The reason people want to overlook McQueary is because they want to make sure all the blame goes on Paterno and the football program, which is the same kind of thinking that caused this whole mess in the first place.
Yes, it is completely hypocritical. When it comes to calling the cops, there is no "higher standard." The hierarchy only applies inside Penn St. That goes out the window when it comes to calling the cops. Mike McQueary is an adult. He's as fully capable of evaluating a situation and knowing the proper course of action, just like Paterno, Spanier, Curley, or anyone else. McQueary doesn't get a free pass. The reason people want to overlook McQueary is because they want to make sure all the blame goes on Paterno and the football program, which is the same kind of thinking that caused this whole mess in the first place.
I'm not "overlooking" him, he is complicit, but sorry, Paterno should have been held to a higher standard.
The last Pitt-psu game before last season's? Must've really been upset about the goose egg the nits laid, glad he at least got to see the rest of that.
You correct sir, it was 2000, right after Sandusky was Investigated in 1998 and retired all of a sudden in 1999, and right after 2001, when they all knew and chose to remain silent in the face of protecting their culture of football.

Joe had gotten a bigger Ego bu then, so much bigger and in Business with PSU Trustees that no one could touch him. It is what Freeh found out interviewing 400 PSU Employees and still under seal as ell as discovered the Emails that led to Guilty Pleas and Convictions as well as Joe's own complicity verified by Curley & Schultz Under Oath.

Joe Moorhead just left Pitt as Graduate Assistant in 1999-2000 for Georgetown, but came up with his now famous Offense "PITT THINK TANK OFFENSE" in 1998-99 he helped design with Walt to beat Paterno 12-0 in 2000.

Joe's Program was falling apart on Compliance Issues too. This was about the time Arrests were being reported in the Newspapers but not followed to report the Records under Title IX & Clery Act and Joe refused to allow PSU comply with a Code of Athletic Conduct as well as not obeying or even having any type Athletic Integrity Agreement and refused to allow PSU Judicial Affairs have any say in disciplining his Players. This is where Joe should have been put under more Institutional Control yet being Business with Trustees often negated it.

Penn State just loved raising more money and making more money and that became the priority and that included Sandusky's The Second Mile where it started to go all wrong along with covering up more and more and shouting down anyone that tried to correct it.

Joe got bigger than his employer Penn State and still today there are Alumni that won't admit it. Joe was the sole reason and made the decision not schedule Pitt anymore. This is how one knows Joe was out of control and thought he was Omnipotent. Even threaten the Big Ten leaving it if they did not implement Instant Ref Replays. PSU was in fear of Joe as well as Worshiping him and many employees intimidated by being fired if anyone challenged him. He was also getting jobs for his relatives. All in the name of Success with Honor???

All fell down after 2011 and traced back to 2001, then 1998, then 1980s and then to 1976 as more and more came out in Investigations and Courts, to where in benefit to hindsight, Joe says she should have done more for children victims, and so did Curley & Schultz Under Oath.

Sometimes what looks like a Great Thing to protect actually can bring you down when no one can correct you, the blind of ambition and pride before any fall, and making a mistake in in 1976 and 1980s in disbelief, as well hearing more and more in 1998 can catch up in 2001, and too late to change it so one remains silent until 2011 when under oath it all comes out and falls apart.

Joe made mistakes and misjudgments some unintentionally and some intentionally without knowing later the full impact, it all caught up at the wrong time too, by then he suffered from cancer and old age is not kind to anyone's mind over time.

True, but I can see why he did what he did. In his eyes Joe was "God", and God will know what to do in this situation. I'm sureJoe liked that reputation, too bad he didn't know how to handle it.
Normally that sounds fair on its face, but Joe was told in 1976, and in the 1980s PSU was informed by PMA Insurance Risk Manager Due Diligence it removed coverage from Children Abuse Defense. Add in 1998 Investigation and Sandusky's sudden Retirement at 55, and then 2001, and then having no one oversee his Program on Discipline, Refusal to adhere to Judicial Affairs Investigations & Outside Investigations, PSU would not comply with title IX or Clery Act for the Fb Program benefit, and the ability to get people hired like his own relatives and some people fired and able to shut down Media or mock them and you got one man out of control no matter how much he talked about Success with Honor in public, but intimidation and one man rule name became more bigger than the university that employed him and they had to remain in silence too.

Only this type of Scandal brought them all down and still blame everyone but claim Joe did the right things at all times, even when he admitted in hindsight he should have done more??? When actually they were protecting Football Slogans not its values as espoused, they caught themselves only because some brave Victims finally came out of their shame.

Today, no coach anywhere can do that anymore, and when found out, they are gone, and any university president trying to protect them to keep Alumni Happy. USC, Baylor, and others prove it and in time they now know how to Reform and Correct it!