"topdecktiger, post: 1868565, member: 3806"
If somebody asks why he got fired, just say, "I reported a child molester to the police, and the school fired me." Trust me, that's not going to put a dent in his resume.
None of that happen that way and trust your hypo is not required, there was detailed investigation, transcripts, and court records that need no trusting hypo? Lawyers did challenge McQueary too.
By the way, how did McQueary's course of action actually work out for him?
He got hired and worked from 2001 to 2003 as Recruiting Coordinator then hired as WR Coach in 2004 until let go on 2011. He was paid $140,000 a year, got a car, expense account,and bonuses if team won, and recruiting budget and after being let go put him on indefinite paid administrative leaves then given a severance.
He's still not working at Penn St, and nobody else will hire him either,
because he sat on the information for 10 years.
All correct but was not hired until after he told Joe them met with Curley that told him to remain quiet it was being dealt with and McQueary was not employed has WR Coach until 2004?
Sorry, you are just full of it with the McQueary business. He went along with it just like everyone else.
He was told by Curley not to talk about it like shows above???
You guys keep saying Paterno ran the entire university.
I don't agree with this totally, Joe had much influence like Freeh, Clery Report found out, but was not in total control of the university. Joe was in business with some Trustees but well respected and his power to raise money he bragged about and why he was considered more valuable than other employees and being in business with some trustees made him special too.
Ok, well McQueary isn't an idiot. He knows that as well as you. Well, he also knows what would happen if he kept it "in house."
Curley told him to keep in house and why he testified to what he saw truthfully and reported it to Paterno that also testified what he was told but Curley, Schultz and Spanier testified they were told it was just Horse Play....Emails caught them more than anything McQueary said..
And that's why I'm arguing with you. When you get into the legal aspect, that's not within the Penn St hierarchy.
McQueary won his case because Penn St lied about him during the cover up.
"That comes on top of the $5 million Judge Thomas Gavin awarded McQueary in November after finding Penn State mistreated him, and left him unemployed, after he was publicly named as a cooperating prosecution witness in the Jerry Sandusky child-sex investigation. Gavin concluded that attorney fees must be awarded in the whistleblower case because the state Legislature never intended that those who win such cases should pay their lawyers out of their own pockets. "I have found that (McQueary) was terminated for his role in bringing to light the criminal conduct of Mr. Sandusky," the judge wrote. "The fact that one who reports such conduct would suffer loss of employment for having done so is contrary to the interests of the commonwealth in protecting children." "I find the award of counsel fees to be appropriate as they advance a legitimate state interest of encouraging individuals to step forward and report such conduct," he added.
He didn't win because they tried to stop him from reporting it or anything. He didn't do anything to report it to authorities. He just kicked it up to Paterno and washed his hands of it.
Curley told him to be quiet and that was what happen! Once Investigators, prosecutors, and Grand Jury came in McQueary held back nothing and told all he knew. Curley & Schultz got indicted not McQueary! Spanier later after Freeh found the Emails and they were part of the PSU Hierarchy!
McQueary won his first case based on wrongful dismissal and for damages in defamation awarded over $7 million by a Jury, and then the Judge added 5 Million as a Whistle-Blowing Case.