OT: MTV 120 minutes Enjoy

One of the most underrated bands of the 90s. Even their reunion album is awesome.
So here is my story and I will stick to it. Louise Post and I are about the same age. So we were going to the concert that night, and figured let's go early to ensure we knew were the venue was (in Atlanta). Veruca Salt was in their having some drinks, unloading their equipment so we all struck up a conversation and were having drinks. I mean we were all about the same age, so it was call and I hit it off with Post. My buddy did with Nina Gordon. I had some drinks and had some flirtations and it came concert time. So I was there and it was hot because it was August in Atlanta. So she had a bottle of water and spit on me. She pulled me onstage, we hugged....and well..................that was it.

A few weeks later I learned she was dating this Grohl guy. Oh well. So she was my rock goddess.
So here is my story and I will stick to it. Louise Post and I are about the same age. So we were going to the concert that night, and figured let's go early to ensure we knew were the venue was (in Atlanta). Veruca Salt was in their having some drinks, unloading their equipment so we all struck up a conversation and were having drinks. I mean we were all about the same age, so it was call and I hit it off with Post. My buddy did with Nina Gordon. I had some drinks and had some flirtations and it came concert time. So I was there and it was hot because it was August in Atlanta. So she had a bottle of water and spit on me. She pulled me onstage, we hugged....and well..................that was it.

A few weeks later I learned she was dating this Grohl guy. Oh well. So she was my rock goddess.
A really good story.
So here is my story and I will stick to it. Louise Post and I are about the same age. So we were going to the concert that night, and figured let's go early to ensure we knew were the venue was (in Atlanta). Veruca Salt was in their having some drinks, unloading their equipment so we all struck up a conversation and were having drinks. I mean we were all about the same age, so it was call and I hit it off with Post. My buddy did with Nina Gordon. I had some drinks and had some flirtations and it came concert time. So I was there and it was hot because it was August in Atlanta. So she had a bottle of water and spit on me. She pulled me onstage, we hugged....and well..................that was it.

A few weeks later I learned she was dating this Grohl guy. Oh well. So she was my rock goddess.
I believe your story. I'm sure its very hard for kids today to believe this...but things were much more casual with bands back then. I saw Oasis at the Metropol in 1995 with like maybe 50 other people crowded around a small was literally right before they played Letterman and broke big in the States. Noel gave me his pick at the end of the show. The were playing arenas 6 months later. What a time!

Louise sings and is the inspitation on Everlong. You can hear it. Never knew until someone asked her about it on IG recently. To think she never made a big deal about one of the biggest songs of all time. Pretty amazing

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