OT: No doubt Pitt would blow their doors off, but...

I was a Duquesne fan growing up, late 60s and early 70s and still root for them when they are not playing pitt. Dukes had good teams back in those days. Would love to see them come back but they have a tough road. Storming Norman Nixon is one of my favorite all time college basketball players. I played against Bb Flannery in high school and the thug Gambridge brothers and Richard Cotten in many summer league battles.

I remember the thug Huggins running BB flannerys head into the basketball post. Bb likely deserved it.

Huggy would never no anything illegal on or off the basketball court.
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I would imagine that place is going to be almost completely empty for the second game. I wonder why they are playing them in that order?
Must be a tv game for Ohio $t. If so, they'd want the start time to be assured. Letting the other game go first risks it running overtime. I would guess if Duquesne is still undefeated, some fans might stay for the first half, just to check them out. I like hoops, so if they were having something like this at the Pete, and Marshall was playing an undefeated St. Joe's, or Richmond team, I'd probably stay for the first half, provided I didn't have something to do. That said, it certainly won't be crowded, but Duquesne is used to that anyway. ;)
I’m not sure if it’s me being young enough to not even recall the last time Duquesne made the NCAAT (looked it up now and geez it’s been nearly 43 years, well before i was born) but I generally root for them to do well against anyone besides Pitt. Not sure how popular that opinion is.

To speak ill on them I will say while they may be improved it does seem like they are the beneficiaries of an easy schedule... and I’m not too crazy about their new branding/logo. Weird looking “D”.
I grew up a Pitt hoops fan and was in college during the heyday of Pitt in the Eastern 8 when Pitt vs. the Dukes was an alley fight. The Dukes were punks. I'll hate them forever. Duquesne’s basketball team any good, or do they just have a weak schedule? Apologies for posting here, I have insufficient privileges for posting on the bb board.
no true Pitt fan would ever say the two words "no doubt" in reference to a potential victory. Ever.