OT: PG reporting on the JS scandal............


Jul 5, 2001
Penn State’s costs related to the Jerry Sandusky scandal are approaching a quarter-billion dollars and growing, five years after the former assistant football coach’s arrest on child molestation charges.
Penn State’s costs related to the Jerry Sandusky scandal are approaching a quarter-billion dollars and growing, five years after the former assistant football coach’s arrest on child molestation charges.

It is probably much more than that when you consider the millions they poured into public relations firms and other similar endeavors. I know during the first couple of years of the scandal they payed more for PR than they did for anything else. I'm not sure if that is mentioned in their article or not.
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It is probably much more than that when you consider the millions they poured into public relations firms and other similar endeavors. I know during the first couple of years of the scandal they payed more for PR than they did for anything else. I'm not sure if that is mentioned in their article or not.
Wasn't there a second round of settlements with another group of kids who didn't join in the first group negotiation? I thought I saw the PSUx paid an average of $6MM or so each to about 9 or 10 more kids, more than the total initial round of settlements.
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Wasn't there a second round of settlements with another group of kids who didn't join in the first group negotiation? I thought I saw the PSUx paid an average of $6MM or so each to about 9 or 10 more kids, more than the total initial round of settlements.

Probably, I can't remember all of their settlements off the top of my head. Without reading the mentioned article, I'm sure the cost is much higher than they've totaled when all things are considered. Another of the biggest things that impact the money total is the undisclosed settlement they made with PMA Insurance for reimbursement of some their liability.
Pa taxpayers get screwed again. I guess that is the only thing ups is good for!!!!
It's super strange to me that they are so quick to cry conspiracy amongst all these different state and federal agencies. Yet they completely dismiss as preposterous the notion that a conspiracy may have existed between four people who clearly had a vested financial interest in burying the child sex abuse scandal.

Like they won't even entertain it as a possibility. I suppose if you live your life on monkey bars the whole world must seem upside down.

That makes no sense whatsoever but I'm not a part of that cult so I'm not supposed to understand the warped mentality there.
Penn State’s costs related to the Jerry Sandusky scandal are approaching a quarter-billion dollars and growing, five years after the former assistant football coach’s arrest on child molestation charges.
Just Measurable Costs Paid Out To Date:
It is far more than that, that is just the Fines and Legal Fees to date and still growing from Criminal & Civil Lawsuits. They are looking at just measurable costs that have been paid out already. In Children Settlements, NCAA Fine, Educational Clery Act Fines, McQueary Court Judgments, Insurance Non-Payment Rulings due to Penn State past of its years coverage's due to knowing far sooner than 1998, and included paying for NCAA Monitor Costs overseeing the Reforms and Freeh Investigations. Many of those costs are over but there is still built in costs not measured as easily but has been very costly. The current Civil Lawsuits are ongoing and those costs won't end until dismissals, settlements, and Judges or Jury verdicts and even more Appeals? There are now added Lawsuits over Criminal Defense Costs as well pending. Contributions are up again
as a sign of progress but that took a few years of losing some too?

Hidden Program Cumulative Costs & Losses Still Growing:
There is still fall out in Higher Costs that keep growing as well on how Big Ten did not share Bowl Revenues and that was cumulative over 5 years. There are other hidden less revenues such as Stadium Attendance Reductions cumulative over 6 years, as well. PSU prior to the Scandal was averaging 106,000 since the Scandal it was down to 98,000 to 100,000 and that hurt Concessions, Property Royalty on lower Nike & Other Penn State Gear Logos reductions and has been since 2012. I bought some Penn State Hats just 2 years ago for a $1.50 each to give to Penn State Friends that would normally cost $15.00 like most schools. My WVU Hats gifts to give to Boosters cost $15.00. USC, Stanford and ND Shirts and Jerseys I was given as Gifts were in the $50.00+ Range. When I donate to Salvation, Goodwill, and Catholic Charities Stores. I often see Brand New Penn State Coats, Jackets, Jerseys, and Work Out Clothes with Price Tags on them of $60-80.00, but discounted for $5.00 Bucks and half of that on certain sales days? It is a great time and places to buy some PSU Friends Top Gifts that cost very little. PnnyLiar is probably finding them in Dumpsters and Reselling them as "Dead Men Walking Paterno Apparel" in his Honor, mixing them with those Discounts Charity Stores, doubling his $2.50 Cost to $5.00 Bucks and taking a Charitable Reduction to boot? Thank goodness for Big Ten Revenues fully restored.

University & Athletic Department Coaching & Staff Program Soared:
President Barron and Sandy Barbour and additional New Staffers were paid much more than previous predecessors both those criminally charged and the Reformer's that replace them during the Scandal and the Consultant's Fees were not cheap? Franklin's own Top Ten NCAA Salary & Staffing, Coaches & Staff Contracts are far higher than anything under Paterno, Tarman, Curley, O'Brien, and Joyner. They had to paid off Paterno's Former Assisatnt Coaches including Jay, Bradley, Johnson, McQueary (Lawsuit Costs & Judgment Too) and others after leaving, and New Staffer paid even more to come to Penn State and replace them. They had to Public Relations damage by creating PSU Caravan Coaching Events that were just ended last year, increase Recruiting Summer Camps and Coaching Clinics Costs. Franklin and his Staff Extensions won't be small either. Moreover, they had to pay Big Bonuses to Franklin & Staff on winning the Big Ten. They had to borrow from the University General Fund to do it when they hired O'Brien and Franklin. Even the Sandusky Pension was not saved.

The Penn State Athletic Integrity Sanctions & Ongoing Costs Cumulative:
The Penn State 2012 Reforms were very costly in having to create and revamp the entire Compliance Office, Judicial Affairs, and Policies required by Law and regulations they were ignoring. Penn State under the $8 Million Freeh Investigation and Recommendations had to hire the First Penn State Director of Ethics, First Penn State Athletic Integrity Officer, and many more Staffers with them. Many Children Abuse Experts were brought in as well along with Penn state On Campus Security Department and even Cyber Background Checks are ongoing for Employees and Contributors. The University is also paying every Year and Terms for Employees, Students, and Staffers required to have Campus Protection & Crime Orientation Training on how to Report Crimes, follow New PSU Updated Policies. This includes NCAA Rules Compliance, Clery Act, Conflicts of Interests Disclosures, and even developing a Children's Protection Center that now holds Annual Events, Seminars, and Research Model of more Campus Crime Compliance. There was also deep losses in not charging Admission Fees for a few years to keep up with attracting students.

These are ongoing costs not going away and put in since 2011, 2012, and 2013 and built upon every year hence forth. they still have to deal with added costs the criminal and civil cases will cost them and subsequent Insurance coverage is through the roof and require all these many employees to just work and follow the New Reforms.

At the same time, this is why I admire and accept Penn State University and Football Program and Alumnus of doing everything possible and responsible to correcting their many years without Athletic Integrity In their Football Program and University Non-Compliance with Laws, Rules, and Regulations. Penn State University is now a Model of Compliance and Reforms in my view and deserves a salute on how they handled The Worst College Football Scandal In History.

At the same time, I know and respect other Big Ten fans, Lair Posters, and General Public Football may differ too, and leave that each of you, to judge as you will.

It is not fully over, but the Penn State Football Program now has Athletic Integrity it did nor practice and ignored and confronted it without apologies. To me, Penn state Football deserves respect for finally winning the right way like they did in 2016!

The University still has much to do to resolve pending issues mostly in the courts, and soon the Media & Entertainment will start producing more Books, Movies, and Documentaries on what happen. Let that be the Final Judge as well.

I am just happy Penn State and Pitt are playing on the Gridiron again and welcome the next 3 games and maybe someday even more! WVU too! I know the Divine Light seen with many PSu & WVU Alumni, Booster and Fans, and Can't and Won't keep what happen at Penn State or WVU on the Mylan Labs Presidential Academic Scandal against them. People, Universities, and Football Programs do Reform and it better to play together again, then keep holding judgments, that only ignorance prototypes.

Let's play some Football in 2017 and on Monday 2016 ends!
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Don't you guys know, the costs associated with the scandal are all the fault of the Board of Trustees and definitely, definitely not the fault of the dead football coach who did nothing to stop the abuse for at least 10 years after he was told it was happening, BWI is already on the case, blaming the costs on the BoT.
The Trustees Freeh Investigation and Clery Act Investigations & Fines proved otherwise and they can't deny it, and Joe was Great Coach, but in the Clery report they cite the violations he helped influence.

Even if some PSU Alumni blame Penn State University it does not erase in any way what happen at Pen State University and Penn State had to deal with it to make sure no Coach or one person will ever have that kind of Power Again!

Every time this Link posts below the Penn State Cultist's just attacks the Poster and can't respond with any reasonable intelligence nor acceptance its unchallenged, or refuted, and factual findings. This was also Two Thirds of the The Freeh Report Investigation and Recommendations to reform the Violations.

In 1998, on BWI I posted JVP was staying too long for 409 and should retire sooner not later, and got Banned. I was not trying to become a Prophet, in 2004 they tried to make it happen, and by 2011 the JVP Legacy is seldom talk about nationally and better Forgotten.

Anyone thinking Franklin's Winning can bring it back there problem of lacking values, and it was the Penn State Trustees, President Erickson, AD Joyner and Athletic Integrity Officer Del Giorno that found, approved and hired him. They owe the Penn State Reformers a Debt of Gratitude. Instead they Trash their own University worst than anything posted anywhere on Rivals.

Joe was a Great Coach but just forgot the Rules did apply to Players as they were Students and everyone feared to confront him, until the Penn State University Football Program Scandal exposed it, and he was fired, and then died, and the 409 ended up being a Scandal Clean Up, not a Legacy Win.

No one can refute it anywhere especially at Penn State when Penn State admits it happen. The Clery Investigation was over 1200 pages I might add took years to resolve beyond the legal deadlines.


Excerpt Not Full Article:
Historic Fine for Penn State

Identifying a football culture that protected athletes and officials, the Education Department will fine Penn State U nearly $2.4 million for failing to notify students about assistant coach charged with sex abuse and for failing to disclose other campus crimes.

In its report, the department also “identified numerous instances where cultural and climate factors in the football program adversely affected campus safety operations, primarily involving the student conduct process.” University officials told the department’s investigators that there was “a discernible sense among some athletes that the rules did not apply to them equally,” and that Paterno “repeatedly resisted attempts” to discipline his athletes through the typical student conduct process.

The department described the program as though it had “walls built up around” it.

“What ensued was an overlong and dysfunctional standoff between the football program and student affairs officials with the president positioned somewhere between the two sides,” the department stated. “Some members of the football team, aware of the conflicts, took the program’s attitude toward the student conduct process as license to break the rules.”

The department said its investigation "showed that some victims were afraid to come forward if the assailant was a Penn State athlete," and that some who did come forward "were subjected to threats or other pleas" to drop the charges. "In both cases," the department stated, "the validity of Penn State’s crime statistics, a key component of the disclosures required by the Clery Act, were adversely affected." In addition, the report said football administrators kept a list of prominent local lawyers to provide to football players -- but not to other students -- who were facing disciplinary actions.

In 2002, a Penn State football player was accused of sexual assault and was suspended for two semesters. Unbeknownst to the student conduct officials who suspended the student, the player was still allowed to travel with the team and play in the Capital One Bowl that year. In numerous other cases, “athletic department and football program officials questioned the nature or severity of sanctions imposed for various offenses.”

In 2007, a group of football players allegedly broke into an apartment to confront a man who had reportedly disrespected a teammate. Paterno, through his personal assistant, sent an email to the president and athletic director, saying, “I want to make sure everyone understands that the discipline of the players involved will be handled by me as soon as I am comfortable that I understand all the facts.” Later, when one of the players failed to appear for a meeting about the incident with a student conduct official, the athlete said that Paterno had told his players that if they visited the student conduct office, they would be “thrown off the team.”

In 2009, another football player was accused of sexual assault. When he reported to the student conduct office to discuss the incident, according to the department report, his first question was, “Does football know I’m here?”

Failing to Retain Records
The department’s investigation also revealed that, from 2008 to 2011, Penn State “did not have sufficient staff to ensure compliance with the Clery Act,” and so it largely ignored its Clery-related responsibilities. The university did not retain records related to campus crime statistics from 2008, 2009 and 2010, though the Clery Act requires colleges to retain records for at least three years. And from 1998 to 2008, it did not develop, publish or distribute a comprehensive drug and alcohol prevention program, as required by the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.

The department’s $2.4 million fine is not the only sanction that Penn State has received for failing to appropriately respond to Sandusky’s crimes. In 2011, the National Collegiate Athletic Association announced a similarly historic series of sanctions against the university. Though the NCAA does not have rules specifically dealing with sexual abuse, the association’s leaders decided to fine Penn State $60 million, bar the football program from postseason play for four years, reduce the team’s number of scholarships by 10 per year for four years and vacate all football victories from 1998 to 2011.

The decision led to several lawsuits against the NCAA, and soon the association began rolling back many of the sanctions. It ended the scholarship reduction and postseason ban two years early.

The $60 million fine became the focus of one lawsuit, which was originally meant to determine where the penalty should be spent but gradually became a referendum on the NCAA’s authority to impose sanctions in the first place. As part of a settlement in that case, the NCAA restored the 112 football wins it had previously vacated.

In its statement Thursday, Penn State said it has since improved its procedures for addressing sexual assault and other crimes on campus.

“The university recognizes that Clery Act compliance cannot be an end unto itself, but is rather part of a broader culture of compliance,” said Penn State. “We will continue our numerous and vigorous efforts to create a culture of reporting, safety and accountability, and have integrated compliance at every level.”
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It's super strange to me that they are so quick to cry conspiracy amongst all these different state and federal agencies. Yet they completely dismiss as preposterous the notion that a conspiracy may have existed between four people who clearly had a vested financial interest in burying the child sex abuse scandal.

Like they won't even entertain it as a possibility. I suppose if you live your life on monkey bars the whole world must seem upside down.

That makes no sense whatsoever but I'm not a part of that cult so I'm not supposed to understand the warped mentality there.
Ain't that the truth ....H2 PITT !!!

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