Changing the subject from the Steeler game, not sure if all you bettors out there realize there were some serious arguments for sports betting to be legal in New Jersey at the Supreme Court yesterday. Basically, current NJ Governor Chris Christie is taking on the NCAA about the current legislation that Bill Bradley got Congress to pass an Act to ban sports betting in certain states to keep the "integrity of the game" in 1992. I read last night that illegal sports betting is estimated to be $150 Billion vs. the legal $5 Billion that Vegas cashes in on each year. Lots of $$$ unregulated today. The issue at hand is does the Federal Government have the power or right to force their will on the States over certain issues. I read that the Supreme Court is sympathetic to NJ and will find the current legislation unconstitutional that could open up the door for sports wagering in a few months. 18 states are ready to roll out sports gaming if that happens, including PA. You may be able to make a wager from your couch or at the Rivers prior to either watching or going to a Pitt/Steeler game next year if this passes in my opinion. Read online. Just wanted to update the bettors.