OT: Stan Savran

This. Never forget... Savran and GeorgePa
So we should dislike Savaran because George Paterno was a dik? I've watched this clip a bunch of times in the past. Favorite part was old George saying during the actual slow motion replay "now I don't see where this was a late hit" when the Pitt guy was eventually taken down 8 yards out of bounds head first. Not exactly sure what your beef would be with Savaran..Maybe you can give us the quote or fill us in as to what we need not forget about his actions here...
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I wish the guy no ill will. But he was a shill to Paterno and Penn St. for a long time. He got into a big fight with Conomikes and disliked Pitt.
I remember something about that now that you mention it but can't remember the details or what it was even about. I do remember when I covered Pitt for The Pitt News and went to the weekly presser when Foge was HC. There was a rumor that Foge was going to announce he was quitting at the presser so it was packed. Savran never attended the Pitt pressers but he was at this one sitting in the front row and I believe he asked the first question and asked Foge if he was quitting. I remember Foges' response like it was yesterday. He glared at Savran and said, "No I'm not quitting. I'm not a quitter and neither are any of my players".
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Myron Cope, Stan Savran, and Doug Hoerth (non-sports) represented the Golden Years of Pittsburgh Talk Radio.

It’s unfortunate that the young’uns on the board weren’t able to listen & appreciate how good that daily talk shows can be, as compared to what we’re being offered now.
Hoerth could take a call from a janitor and 5 minutes later an MTI professor and not miss a beat.
Any fool can interrupt and berate others when they have a mute button and most fools do. There isn’t sports talk radio in Pittsburgh. There’s only junk.
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I am not sure what is LESS interesting on sports talk? Callers or Athletes? Callers, unless they are really out there, are boring. The only interesting ones are the really idiots. And that is just to poke fun of. But athletes, with their mumbled cliches are the worst. Rarely is one interesting. I would rather hear writers, media covering teams or athletes/coaches that go into media.

By the way, ex Steeler Ryan Clark is the best of this. Brutally honest, but good, and well spoken.
the only good caller i can think of was this dude named Matt From Shaler and it wasnt because he had good opinions but it's because he'd just talk about trying to take girls home from the bar. and he would say something sports related that was completely insane but he did it in a funny manner.

i mean, that's it for callers.
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the only good caller i can think of was this dude named Matt From Shaler and it wasnt because he had good opinions but it's because he'd just talk about trying to take girls home from the bar. and he would say something sports related that was completely insane but he did it in a funny manner.

i mean, that's it for callers.
Oh yeah. Matt from Shaler is a legend. Because he was an idiot. LOL

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the only good caller i can think of was this dude named Matt From Shaler and it wasnt because he had good opinions but it's because he'd just talk about trying to take girls home from the bar. and he would say something sports related that was completely insane but he did it in a funny manner.

i mean, that's it for callers.
Hmmm . Sounds like a frequent poster here .... :oops:;)
Stan was/is a throwback, he has the old sportswriter knowledge and insight, opinionated stances, gruff exterior if you ever met him, does like to hear other opinions to agree or disagree with, too bad the Nitter stuff kinda takes away from all that. And it is too bad to hear about his troubles. I don't know if he smoked or not.
If you smoke, drink, gamble, chase women, or follow Pitt sports , beware, as it could adversely affect your life.
I think of Savran as basically classy guy. He was, though, a HUGE PSU shill and GodPa suck-up. He actively disliked Pitt, referring to the booster club of the time as "The Golden Jocksniffers"

He and Junker were biased PSU'ers.
Yep. He is/was. And Jack Ham is a Nitter through and through. That doesn't make them bad people. Savran like us all, has worts. If being a PSU/B1G shill is a wort. But sports wise, he has no real use for the NBA, he thinks recruiting is ridiculous (as do I).

What today's generation is really awful about? Is understanding that people from a generation have differing viewpoints. It doesn't make them bad, or "racist" or whatever (less than woke). It is just people came up in different times and values. Doesn't make them right, doesn't always make them wrong either. Just the "OK Boomer" crap has gotten old and tired.
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I think of Savran as basically classy guy. He was, though, a HUGE PSU shill and GodPa suck-up. He actively disliked Pitt, referring to the booster club of the time as "The Golden Jocksniffers"

He and Junker were biased PSU'ers.
I do not wish him harm but just because he has the same disease as my father fought for 10 years does not transform Savran into anything more or less than the sum of his deeds.
I hope Savran kicks this. But I will never have much if any regard for him as a sportscaster or radio or TV celeb. He was pro-PissU and anti-Pitt when I last listened to him. Anyone associated with PissU in any way, as he was, is garbage to me.
Agreed….we all hope he gets better. But it is mind boggling how any Pitt fan thinks he was a good Pittsburgh sports personality when the guy was a fanboy of PS and Paterno. The same goes for Junker. Pitt is the hometown team and should be treated as such. Savran treated Pitt like garbage.
Some of the people that call in to the fan, especially on the weekend when the hosts are a collection of B teamers, well they all need to get a life.
Yeah. And like I said earlier it probably had to do (and usually does) with money ...
Stan was also working for a guy named Nelson Goldberg (a big nit fan and booster) in addition to WTAE. Goldberg founded TCS (an independent TV/radio production company) that produced the nit highlight show and the nit radio broadcasts at that time.

Conomikes is a BIG Pitt guy. As I understand it, John felt that Stan’s work for the nits was too often making him unavailable to perform his Ch 4 sports news spots. So he canned him.

Conomikes and WTAE also canned Jack Fleming. Fleming was the voice of Steelers radio with Myron Cope for many years. He was also the radio voice for the hoopies. John put up with that . . . . until Fleming started openly cheering for the hoopies and against Pitt while broadcasting ( If I recall, Fleming was actually waving a hoopie pennant during a Pitt/WVU BB game from his broadcast position on the sidelines, for all to see).

Times, of course, were very different then. Much less litigious. But Conomikes was the boss at WTAE. The lesson? You don’t 💩 where you eat.

Just me, of course, but I’m with John Conomikes 100% on BOTH of those situations.
Stan was also working for a guy named Nelson Goldberg (a big nit fan and booster) in addition to WTAE. Goldberg founded TCS (an independent TV/radio production company) that produced the nit highlight show and the nit radio broadcasts at that time.

Conomikes is a BIG Pitt guy. As I understand it, John felt that Stan’s work for the nits was too often making him unavailable to perform his Ch 4 sports news spots. So he canned him.

Conomikes and WTAE also canned Jack Fleming. Fleming was the voice of Steelers radio with Myron Cope for many years. He was also the radio voice for the hoopies. John put up with that . . . . until Fleming started openly cheering for the hoopies and against Pitt while broadcasting ( If I recall, Fleming was actually waving a hoopie pennant during a Pitt/WVU BB game from his broadcast position on the sidelines, for all to see).

Times, of course, were very different then. Much less litigious. But Conomikes was the boss at WTAE. The lesson? You don’t 💩 where you eat.

Just me, of course, but I’m with John Conomikes 100% on BOTH of those situations.
Wow . Jack Fleming . Now theres a blast from the past ...
Probably most famous for announcing the immaculate reception ...
Stan was also working for a guy named Nelson Goldberg (a big nit fan and booster) in addition to WTAE. Goldberg founded TCS (an independent TV/radio production company) that produced the nit highlight show and the nit radio broadcasts at that time.

Conomikes is a BIG Pitt guy. As I understand it, John felt that Stan’s work for the nits was too often making him unavailable to perform his Ch 4 sports news spots. So he canned him.

Conomikes and WTAE also canned Jack Fleming. Fleming was the voice of Steelers radio with Myron Cope for many years. He was also the radio voice for the hoopies. John put up with that . . . . until Fleming started openly cheering for the hoopies and against Pitt while broadcasting ( If I recall, Fleming was actually waving a hoopie pennant during a Pitt/WVU BB game from his broadcast position on the sidelines, for all to see).

Times, of course, were very different then. Much less litigious. But Conomikes was the boss at WTAE. The lesson? You don’t 💩 where you eat.

Just me, of course, but I’m with John Conomikes 100% on BOTH of those situations.
It was the ECAC tournament in Morgantown in 75-76 when Fleming was openly cheering and deriding Pitt fans. I was at the game and sitting behind him. The officiating was really bad and favoring WVU and they won by a few points. We had a pretty good team with Mel Bennett, Tommy Richards, Kirk Bruce. That was the Friday night game. The next night a Pitt fan unfurled a huge sign that said, F*** Fleming when he came in to sit down to do the championship game. Pitt beat someone in the consolation game before that game and then WVU lost to Georgetown in the ship game on a last second shot. We all stuck it to Fleming on the way out past the broadcast area. Looking back we were lucky to get out of there alive!
It was the ECAC tournament in Morgantown in 75-76 when Fleming was openly cheering and deriding Pitt fans. I was at the game and sitting behind him. The officiating was really bad and favoring WVU and they won by a few points. We had a pretty good team with Mel Bennett, Tommy Richards, Kirk Bruce. That was the Friday night game. The next night a Pitt fan unfurled a huge sign that said, F*** Fleming when he came in to sit down to do the championship game. Pitt beat someone in the consolation game before that game and then WVU lost to Georgetown in the ship game on a last second shot. We all stuck it to Fleming on the way out past the broadcast area. Looking back we were lucky to get out of there alive!

Besides being a lousy broadcaster, Fleming was a lousy person and a jerk. Since he did the hoopie broadcasts, that just adds to his jerkiness. I don't care if he did do the Stiller broadcasts because I'm not a Stiller fan anyhow.
Besides being a lousy broadcaster, Fleming was a lousy person and a jerk. Since he did the hoopie broadcasts, that just adds to his jerkiness. I don't care if he did do the Stiller broadcasts because I'm not a Stiller fan anyhow.
Most media can be jerks .. Was there something personal that he did to you that makes you post this ? (Being a lousy person and a jerk)
I mean . Other than a hoopie ... A bit harsh on him don't you think ?
So we should dislike Savaran because George Paterno was a dik? I've watched this clip a bunch of times in the past. Favorite part was old George saying during the actual slow motion replay "now I don't see where this was a late hit" when the Pitt guy was eventually taken down 8 yards out of bounds head first. Not exactly sure what your beef would be with Savaran..Maybe you can give us the quote or fill us in as to what we need not forget about his actions here...

I disliked Savran cause he was lousy. The clip speaks for itself. Austin taken down late, then getting accosted by 6 ups guys and him, and ups got the only penalty.

Pretty easy call there. poopy pants, who didnt see a thing decided run to the mele faster than he ran away from the penn state scandal to flame on our team.

The beauty of it is he died a disgrace to college football :) well, and mankind.
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No denying that . But still, I wish him well ... And he is by far one of the better sports media figures in the Pgh. area . Like him or not ...

Yeah for sure he is up there but behind Hillgrove, Blast, Prince, Cope, Groat, Lange, Fratarre, Beano, Arlin, Walk, Greg Brown, Steigerwald, and of course national pittsburghers like Cowher, Ditka, Marino, Riddick, May... sure there are many others. I put him in the Alby Oxenreiter group of personalities.
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Yeah for sure he is up there but behind Hillgrove, Blast, Prince, Cope, Groat, Lange, Fratarre, Beano, Arlin, Walk, Greg Brown, Steigerwald, and of course national pittsburghers like Cowher, Ditka, Marino, Riddick, May... sure there are many others. I put him in the Alby Oxenreiter group of personalities.
Bob Walk and Greg Brown ? You're stretching it transparently thin there ...
And it's Mr. Steve Blast to you bubba .. :rolleyes: ;)
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Bob Walk and Greg Brown ? You're stretching it transparently thin there ...
And it's Mr. Steve Blast to you bubba .. :rolleyes: ;)

Hah, love the autocorrect.

And yeah, I would certainly put Brown and Walk over Savran. Next year they will both have 30 year anniversaries, plus put in 162 games a year. He had basically the Stan and guy show right?