OT: Super Bowl Game Thread


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2010
Should be a great matchup and honestly from this time last year to now I’ve completely did a 180 on Tom Brady. I’m honestly rooting for him to win every Super Bowl possible until he retires.

The consensus here at my socially distanced gathering is that Brady wins another one and that’s my thinking also. I’m gonna go TB 31-23. MVP Mike Evans.

We did a pulled chicken platter with about anything you could imagine to pair with it.
Ho-Hum! Why bother. No Stillers, no other NFL team in it that I care an ounce about involved. Going to watch a TV movie.
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I actually wouldn't mind Tom Brady winning another Super Bowl. It would drive the New England fans crazy. After listening to them say for years "It's not Tom Brady that won all those Super Bowls, it was Belichick and his system. We're going to keep winning Super Bowls even without Brady... BTW, the Steelers suck..."
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As much as I like the Chiefs, I'm going with the Bucs tonight. Just a hunch.
I am interested in this game. Much more than last year. I agree, I see Brady and the Bucs pulling this out.
I’m pulling for the Chiefs as a Kansas City resident (and a Steeler fan still rehabbing from Brady’s reign of torment), but I’m excited for what I think will be a legendary matchup. The two QBs that you want on your team come February... what gives?
What genius decided having someone sing America the Beautiful in front of some schmo's in the stands? Guy right behind her holds up his can for perfect product placement. We busted up laughing.
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More than anything physical, losing hair, graying of temples, how I know I am getting older is I have less and less clue who these music artists are for events like this or the Grammy's or SNL.
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More than anything physical, losing hair, graying of temples, how I know I am getting older is I have less and less clue who these music artists are for events like this or the Grammy's or SNL.
Don’t worry I’m younger and don’t have a clue who half these artist are and my friends look at me like an idiot.
The pre game was lame. So far the commercials have been very covidesque. Still waiting for Jim Nance to puke up a fan dual commercial
All those OL problems for the Chiefs (opt outs and injuries) have caught up to them finally. And make no mistake with Mahomes I’m never counting them out. But he’s getting little to no time when he drops back.
Tony Romo is good but CBS over paid him just to keep him. 17 million and Nance makes just under 8 million. Nance is going get a big raise next year.
Brady wanting to spike it here at the end of the half instead of using their last timeout shows you why QB’s can’t be entrusted with those decisions. They literally would’ve been down to 5 seconds or so and would’ve ended up having to kick the FG right there. Would’ve been a horrible decision.
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Did you see Brady's eyes. That man is hungry. That was a death stare.
Beavis and Butthead also checking in on the halftime show

That PI call setting up the TD before half was a garbage call

pass was 15 feet beyond uncatchable...

completely absurd
Did anyone else think the ball was tipped before the defensive holding call in which Honey Badger intercepted the ball?