OT: The Good Nitter

It is brave people like her that keep the check and balance in place and allow justice to prevail. Bravo to her!
You Pittburghers meet an occasional Nitter from time to time
For the rest of us who live in areas loaded with the Nitter fanbase these " Good Nitters" are rare! I posted this before but I was talking to the Superintendent of Schools, two teachers, and a HS wrestling official at the PA State Wrestling Championship.
We swerved into a PSU /PITT football discussion.
The Superintendant said its a crime what happened to PSU football and the players as a result of the Sandusky incident and all others agreed??????????????????????
They never consider that actually happened and don't connect the incident with PSU or PSU football!
This is the way 95% of them think!
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If I had children in that school system, I would take them out!

Joebots are missing the smart genome ~

You Pittburghers meet an occasional Nitter from time to time
For the rest of us who live in areas loaded with the Nitter fanbase these " Good Nitters" are rare! I posted this before but I was talking to the Superintendent of Schools, two teachers, and a HS wrestling official at the PA State Wrestling Championship.
The Superintendant said its a crime what happened to PSU football and the players as a result of the Sandusky incident and all others agreed!
They never consider that actually happened and don't connect the incident with PSU or PSU football!
This is the way 95% of them think!
If I had children in that school system, I would take them out!

Joebots are missing the smart genome ~
My wife has something to do with the school systems in our area. Since she's a freelance writer she helps struggling HS kids pass English and improve writing skills. Mostly the HS football players and wrestlers. She gave up on my message board writing skills but that's a topic for another day.

In our area most educators in schools think that PSU football and the U were screwed.
We know doctors, social workers, business owners who all have the same thoughts.
It's incredible but real!
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No matter how you cut it, the term good nitter is an oxymoron. This lady graduated from UPS but still did the right thing. So she's not a true nitter.
I beg to differ. I was unaware the term Nitter meant anything more than a fan of the Nittany Lions. .Joebots, Cultists, Douche-bags etc. are all radical subgroups of Nitters. All Joebots are Nitters does not equate to all Nitters being Joebots. .No Boolean tautology here. Sorry, looking for some outlet to use the term "Boolean tautology" since I have not used it since Discrete Mathematical Structures UPJ circa 1986. I knew there would be a use for that silly class some day.
All the criticism in this thread and others is worthy and true.

But still, no doubt our new AD wasted little time in calling theirs and begging them to extend the football series.

My pointing this out seems to aggravate. Sorry for that. But it must be said that Pitt and everyone else who chase PSU down to do business with them, who blithely went along with the charade of "discipline" that never really was (and then still got cancelled!) despite the obvious slime are part of the problem.
I beg to differ. I was unaware the term Nitter meant anything more than a fan of the Nittany Lions. .Joebots, Cultists, Douche-bags etc. are all radical subgroups of Nitters. All Joebots are Nitters does not equate to all Nitters being Joebots. .No Boolean tautology here. Sorry, looking for some outlet to use the term "Boolean tautology" since I have not used it since Discrete Mathematical Structures UPJ circa 1986. I knew there would be a use for that silly class some day.
I guess the term nitter means different things to different people.
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There are 117 posts on bwi attacking everything about her. Cults do what they do. It makes me sick.
You Pittburghers meet an occasional Nitter from time to time
For the rest of us who live in areas loaded with the Nitter fanbase these " Good Nitters" are rare! I posted this before but I was talking to the Superintendent of Schools, two teachers, and a HS wrestling official at the PA State Wrestling Championship.
We swerved into a PSU /PITT football discussion.
The Superintendant said its a crime what happened to PSU football and the players as a result of the Sandusky incident and all others agreed??????????????????????
They never consider that actually happened and don't connect the incident with PSU or PSU football!
This is the way 95% of them think!

That's because they choose to remain in denial. There are still apparently many of those among nit football fans that simply refuse to believe it. Even now with Curley, Schultz and Spanier ALL tried and convicted.

But everybody else not part of that cult now knows with absolute certainty what the real "truth" is. There is an indelible stain that will forever remain on PSU and that fraud of a football program that was run for 45 years by Paterno. 30 of those years with Jerry Sandusky as an assistant coach (1969-1999). Then another 12 years until 2011 allowed by PSU to continue to prey on kids as a Professor Emeritus with full access to the football facilities and showers. And Paterno (and others within the top leadership at PSU) knowing all the while that JS was a pedophile but refusing to do a damn thing about it. Absolutely horrific and disgusting. Whether the cultists among the nit football fans will admit to it or not.
The cult in Happy Valley isn't much different from the mindset a lot of people have when dealing with bad things they'd like to deny. They have crafted a conclusion in their mind that Joe Paterno was a saint and did nothing wrong and will distort any "facts" coming out to suit their conclusion.

You are absolutely right. That's why the public needs to be made aware and constantly reminded when awful things that have been allowed to take place and are intentionally covered up are discovered and proven to have happened.
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The cult in Happy Valley isn't much different from the mindset a lot of people have when dealing with bad things they'd like to deny. They have crafted a conclusion in their mind that Joe Paterno was a saint and did nothing wrong and will distort any "facts" coming out to suit their conclusion.
Good explanation except for one correction.
The "cult" extends way beyond happy valley.
We're 125 miles East of Nitterville in PA and PSU is the team of choice all the way to the NJ border.
The fans in this area are just as "sick" as those located at Ground Zero!
All the criticism in this thread and others is worthy and true.

But still, no doubt our new AD wasted little time in calling theirs and begging them to extend the football series.

My pointing this out seems to aggravate. Sorry for that. But it must be said that Pitt and everyone else who chase PSU down to do business with them, who blithely went along with the charade of "discipline" that never really was (and then still got cancelled!) despite the obvious slime are part of the problem.

You obviously weren't here when the original games were announced. There was a good bit of dissent.
Owt's list of places where something else like this can happen:

1) State College, PA.
2) Tuscaloosa, Alabama
3) Lexington, KY
4) Knoxville, TN
5) Lincoln, Ne
Owt's list of places where something else like this can happen:

1) State College, PA.
2) Tuscaloosa, Alabama
3) Lexington, KY
4) Knoxville, TN
5) Lincoln, Ne
I disagree on this. Although these places do put football above anything else, none of these places have a figure like JoePa who had totally taken over peoples minds like the Happy Valley cult.

No way a child molester would be enabled for 40 years in these other places. Totally different dynamics.
My wife has something to do with the school systems in our area. Since she's a freelance writer she helps struggling HS kids pass English and improve writing skills. Mostly the HS football players and wrestlers. She gave up on my message board writing skills but that's a topic for another day.

In our area most educators in schools think that PSU football and the U were screwed.
We know doctors, social workers, business owners who all have the same thoughts.
It's incredible but real!
Are you near Harrisburg? I am and have the same interactions with them as you do-smart and seemingly normal people until this topic comes up-then they are whacko nutjobs. I think they really have been brainwashed.
I disagree on this. Although these places do put football above anything else, none of these places have a figure like JoePa who had totally taken over peoples minds like the Happy Valley cult.

No way a child molester would be enabled for 40 years in these other places. Totally different dynamics.
The people in the South wouldn't react to child molesters and child molester enablers like the Nitter Happy Valley and surrounding area fans did!
In the South child molesters and enablers have had a history of running into real bad "luck."
Are you near Harrisburg? I am and have the same interactions with them as you do-smart and seemingly normal people until this topic comes up-then they are whacko nutjobs. I think they really have been brainwashed.
About 1 hr East of you but it's all solid Nitter country!
Yup doctors, educators, lawyers, business people, social workers, etc most deny PSU football or the U have anything to do with the issue!
People who haven't experienced it don't understand how off base these people are especially when a few of them get together and the topic comes up.
The cult in Happy Valley isn't much different from the mindset a lot of people have when dealing with bad things they'd like to deny. They have crafted a conclusion in their mind that Joe Paterno was a saint and did nothing wrong and will distort any "facts" coming out to suit their conclusion.
Yes, I can see the parallel with a certain presidential election that was held last fall. Some people refuse to believe the obvious.
About 1 hr East of you but it's all solid Nitter country!
Yup doctors, educators, lawyers, business people, social workers, etc most deny PSU football or the U have anything to do with the issue!
People who haven't experienced it don't understand how off base these people are especially when a few of them get together and the topic comes up.
I disagree on this. Although these places do put football above anything else, none of these places have a figure like JoePa who had totally taken over peoples minds like the Happy Valley cult.

No way a child molester would be enabled for 40 years in these other places. Totally different dynamics.

Bear Bryant/Nick Saban. Adolph Rupp. Tom Osbourne. Tennessee doesn't matter, we have seen people robbed and assaulted by Tennessee football players drop charges because they didn't want to hurt the team for the upcoming season.
So is this the e-mail that started out "after talking it over with Joe"? If he would've made it to trial I don't know if that would've been as damning evidence against him or not, but I think anyone in the public up in the air about him would've definitely thought negatively of him after hearing this.
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