OT: Trump speech

I watch CNN pal. Watching Scott Jennings school those silly progressives is my only guilty tv pleasure. I don’t have time for anything else. But you go on watching Whoopie, Joy and Sunny like all your fellow bitter and angry unmarried women.

They need to quit calling them progressives. Those on the left don't have a progressive bone in their bodies. They're quite the opposite. Call them regressives instead.
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Nobody is rooting for Russia.

But let's not pretend Ukraine isn't as corrupt as hell and Zelensky is anything other than a wannabe dictator. Perhaps Bill Clinton shouldn't have forced Ukraine to give up its nukes.

BTW, I'm old enough to remember a debate when Mitt Romney said Russia was our greatest geopolitical foe and Obama said something about the 1980s calling and asking for their foreign policy back while fellow Dems applauded in agreement.
Clinton forced them to give their nukes while at the same time proposing an expansion of NATO in violation of a 1991 agreement to never expand.

NATO Enlargement in 1994
We got full blown, true believing, cult members here. Of course, if you ignore the delusional rantings, made up nonsense, lies and not ever taking responsibility for his actions- then squint really hard, maybe do some hard drug, the first felon almost looked.... nah, he's the same fat failure here to wreck the country.
Who says that I ignored anything?

Point out a specific and discuss it. You claim I hate specifics. Back up your claim for once. You never answer any of my questions so I suspect I'll be waiting for a while.
Whatever. I am not your slave.

Many other people lived it and they voted for Trump in '24 for that reason.
You don’t have a reliable source.

A lot of people in the lower and middle class are about to feel the financial pain of the tariffs. We’ll see how those people feel in a few months.
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You don’t have a reliable source.

A lot of people in the lower and middle class are about to feel the financial pain of the tariffs. We’ll see how those people feel in a few months.
A few months is insignificant. Let's see how they feel in 3 1/2 years.

I am not your slave and I have way higher priorities in my life than answering your questions to your satisfaction. How do you justify the groups you cite voting against their interests as you believe?
A few months is insignificant. Let's see how they feel in 3 1/2 years.

I am not your slave and I have way higher priorities in my life than answering your questions to your satisfaction. How do you justify the groups you cite voting against their interests as you believe?
Quit believing fox news etc, the channel that had to pay $800,000 for spewing election lies. Fact check ✔️ H2P!!!!!
Yes egg prices are supposed magically go down after 30 days. You do realize the reason why egg prices are so high is because Biden and his morons had millions upon
Millions of chickens slaughtered because of the bird flue.
68% sound like a lot of morons like smoke up their asses... In haven't been to a Walmart in a long time, but from what I remember, that 68% might be about right.

Now that he got the speech done, he can get back to wrecking the economy which is really popular among the trumptards.
Truly overwhelming support.




Put actual numbers to that. Here's your pennies so we get your dollars. None is which had been paid for as it's sitting in the national debt.

The Tax Policy Center found that households whose earnings are in the top one percent would receive an average tax cut of $61,090 by 2025 while the bottom 60% of American households would receive an average tax cut of less than $500. This represents a 2.9 percent increase in after-tax income for the top one percent, compared to a 0.4 percent increase in after-tax income for the bottom quintile of Americans.

This disproportionate effect also holds for the second quintile (which received a 0.9 percent increase in after-tax income from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) and the middle quintile (which received a 1.3 percent increase in after-tax income from the TCJA).
The tax rate cuts paid for themselves as tax receipts went up afterwards, excepting the covid years. Facts matter.
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marathon not a sprint. Bush the 1st was massively popular after the first gulf war, ended up being a one term president. Trump for that matter too in 2020 until the pandemic. Will be a whole new cast of characters in 2028 also
But the dems of last night have no hope. They a quick shift. Based on the recent Dem National Committee meeting, their only shift is to go harder left.
Yes egg prices are supposed magically go down after 30 days. You do realize the reason why egg prices are so high is because Biden and his morons had millions upon
Millions of chickens slaughtered because of the bird flue.
And who was behind the big corporations that were price gouging to make the Biden term look bad???? Go sip your milk smh.....goon
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"I found it very cowardly that a lot of the Democrats didn't stand, didn't clap, didn't do anything to support anything that Donald Trump is trying to do as President to make this country better. It was VERY shameful to the Democrats.” “They don’t stand for ANYTHING humane. They don’t stand for us as citizens. They don’t stand for our security. They don’t stand for honorable things that we need in this country. And it's just very disgraceful to us as U.S. citizens that those are the people that we have here... It's disgusting."

This is what Alexis Nungaray, mother of slain 12 year old Jocelyn Nungaray, said after the Trump speech last night about the Dems cowardly, hateful, infantile display of ignorance when Trump honored these great, decent people. This is the definition of the Dem party in 2025.
Trump won even more POC votes for Republicans last night.
How is your 401 doing this morning? All the post election gains are gone within a few days...making that up only get's you back to even. What your thoughts on grocery prices. Why did the MAGA rethuglicans put a stop on their townhalls?
I don't watch my portfolio on a daily basis. It is stupid to do that.

My Republican rep is holding a town hall this weekend in the bluest city in his district - Asheville. I'm thinking you're exaggerating the issue.
And who was behind the big corporations that were price gouging to make the Biden term look bad???? Go sip your milk smh.....goon
What price gouging? Maybe the price gouging that Kamala promised to enforce but never did when she was in office. That price gouging?
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Cough cough

Heavily biased poll from CNN and Mediaite, both far left, liberal organizations. Not to be trusted. Every reputable poll in existence shows the approval for the speech last night was over 70%, some as high as 82%. And Trump's overall approval rating has never been higher. But you far left wackos just keep throwing out your lies and getting proven wrong over and over. Didn't you learn anything from the election?
Cough cough

“Roughly 7 in 10 speech-watchers said they had at least a somewhat positive reaction to Trump’s speech tonight, with a smaller 44% offering a very positive response. That’s lower than the 57% of viewers who rated Trump’s initial address to Congress very positively eight years ago, or the 51% who said the same of President Joe Biden’s initial address in 2021. It also comes just below the 48% “very positive” rating Trump saw for his 2018 State of the Union.”

So Trump had 48% “very positive” rating in 2018 opposed to his 44% this time around but 7/10 still thought it was somewhat positive. Bidens initial address was 51% “very positive”.

“More than 6 in 10 Americans who watched President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address had a positive reaction to the speech, according to a CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, with a smaller 35% reacting very positively.

That pattern of widespread but tempered positivity mirrors the reception for Biden’s speeches in previous years. Last year, 72% of viewers reacted positively, with 34% saying their reaction was very positive – the lowest “very positive” number in CNN’s polling dating back to 1998. In 2022, 71% had a positive reaction, with 41% saying their reaction was very positive.”

I also searched for “bottom of the barrel” in the first CNN article but strangely it was nowhere to be found
His policies are moral. His past is immoral. I look at his policies. In contrast, Dem policies are pure evil.

You might be the biggest hypocrite walking the earth. Jesus would be embarrassed to have you as a fake follower of his teachings.

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But the dems of last night have no hope. They a quick shift. Based on the recent Dem National Committee meeting, their only shift is to go harder left.

lol, things looked pretty bleak in 2019 with the economy humming and the cast of characters at their first debate. We saw how that turned out. And shifting further left? You're on fantasy island. The progressive hero John Fetterman is moving more center, and other top Dems like Beshear, Shapiro, Kelly will never be far left.

Your team, however, is moving further right. That's fine and dandy with Don the con, as he has his cult of personality established. But it may not work with the next candidate. Mastriano was trounced in PA, and the female Trump wannabe, Kari Lake, lost in a state that Trump won. The USA may not fall behind the Trump appointed heir apparent.
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The Democratic Party hasn’t learned a thing, Trump annihilated Harris in the popular vote and the electoral college, and the dems doubled and tripled downed in stupidity, lying, fear mongering, whining and crying is their way of life, their game they played at the trump address was below pathetic