OT: Trump speech

Did he say that about the bantering that both Obama and Biden took during their SOTU addresses - with those zealots yelling out LIAR?
Probably not. But this isn’t whataboutism. If you ask me though, I’d love to trade those two nutbags to you. They act like 2/3rds of the Dems in the chamber last night.
Check your facts bro.

2 can play that game. Elon rigged the swing states with his computers...
You check it, bro, just like the Democratic Party you are clueless. Trump won the popular vote by over 5 million votes, check that out bro
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Did you pay any attention at all to the Dem National Committee meeting? It was so far left, it was near commie.

Fetterman talks a big game but then votes with every dem. I'll take a wait and see attitude about a moderate getting the nod in the dem party.

The GOP is hardly moving right. Trump is not a conservative. He is a populist.

Near commie? The Dems are now pure communist. They're so far left they're in foul territory.
Probably not. But this isn’t whataboutism. If you ask me though, I’d love to trade those two nutbags to you. They act like 2/3rds of the Dems in the chamber last night. don't hear the Dems yelling out insults or just blatant interruptions. And it's quite funny that the Rethuglicans are crying about decorum when they've spent the better part of a decade ignoring it. don't hear the Dems yelling out insults or just blatant interruptions. And it's quite funny that the Rethuglicans are crying about decorum when they've spent the better part of a decade ignoring it.
Project much? I remember Schumer threatening Supreme Court justices. Your side weaponized the DOJ and the FBI because they couldn't tolerate our candidate. You people really need help, calling conservatives thugs is laughable.
You posted propaganda from a propaganda entity but everything you need to better understand what you are posting is in that same article. Or in the small print ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

Haskins writes frequently for and works as a contributor for The Hill, Newsweek, Washington Examiner, and Townhall. He has appeared on television and radio more than 200 times, on shows like Tucker Carlson Tonight, Fox & Friends, and the Glenn Beck Program.

And your wacko side constantly cites CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC. All heavily leftist biased, and grossly inaccurate. don't hear the Dems yelling out insults or just blatant interruptions. And it's quite funny that the Rethuglicans are crying about decorum when they've spent the better part of a decade ignoring it.
So you’re proud of Dems not standing for two mothers who lost their kids to illegal criminals. Not standing to honor a kid who had cancer. Not standing for a mom who got her son back from a Russian prison. Not standing for a girl who was brutally injured by a man in a vollyball match. Not cheering going after cartels.
And your wacko side constantly cites CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC. All heavily leftist biased, and grossly inaccurate.
This is prime example of why there’s so much political discourse in this country right now. Everyone calm down. I don’t care if you’re a liberal, conservative or a moderate, republican or democrat I don’t trust any of them. Take a picture of any politician and ask yourself “would you buy a used car from that person.”
You check it, bro, just like the Democratic Party you are clueless. Trump won the popular vote by over 5 million votes, check that out bro
Man you can't even lie like your Dear Leader...

Trump 77,302,580 votes (49.8%)

Harris 75,017,613 votes

Other 2,918,091 votes

So more people didn't vote for Trump than voted for Trump #mandatemyass
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No what's even worse - parading around a kid with cancer when you just cut cancer prevention, cancer research and cancer treatment programs under the guise of uncovering fraud.
More accurate description of the cancer funds:

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This is prime example of why there’s so much political discourse in this country right now. Everyone calm down. I don’t care if you’re a liberal, conservative or a moderate, republican or democrat I don’t trust any of them. Take a picture of any politician and ask yourself “would you buy a used car from that person.”

Why do you think I am vehemently against politicians running for public office? Look at the mess they always make. Both sides.
No what's even worse - parading around a kid with cancer when you just cut cancer prevention, cancer research and cancer treatment programs under the guise of uncovering fraud.
Fake news bro. You seem more intelligent than simply parroting corporate media talking points.

But hey go ahead and mock a kid with cancer whose day was made yesterday. Most human beings were touched by his story
So you’re proud of Dems not standing for two mothers who lost their kids to illegal criminals. Not standing to honor a kid who had cancer. Not standing for a mom who got her son back from a Russian prison. Not standing for a girl who was brutally injured by a man in a vollyball match. Not cheering going after cartels.
Not surprising 303 has no response to this dreadful display
You sound angry bro! Your side probably shouldn't have put an incoherent man in the Whitehouse and then tried to replace him with a mentally challenged woman.
Check your 401 and get back to me. And wait until the Orange Comrade eliminates a government entity that impacts someone you know. Don't come whining like a jilted school girl talking about "it was only supposed to be the other people".
Lol. Your side ran a low IQ moron because the guy that was in there didn't know where he was or what was going on. It's pretty easy to see why you lost. Gotta love you leftwing loonies. Now the party of spoiled elites doesn't know what to do, so they cry and whine like little brats. It actually warms my heart to see these elitists losing their minds. It is what little babies do when they don't get their way.
Like you and your kind did for the last four years?
Check your 401 and get back to me. And wait until the Orange Comrade eliminates a government entity that impacts someone you know. Don't come whining like a jilted school girl talking about "it was only supposed to be the other people".
My 401 is down slightly but, no worries here. Common sense and America 1st policies are good for this country. My 401 will be just fine.
But hey go ahead and mock a kid with cancer whose day was made yesterday. Most human beings were touched by his story
It was disingenuous since everyone knows GOP cut funding to pediatric cancer research. Selective outrage.
Lol. I never complained at all. In fact, most Republicans actually marveled at how an incoherent man who was good at enriching himself and his family at the expense of the American people could actually get elected.
Actually many Trump Humpers have been whining for the past 16 years. And they’ll resume their whining in a few months. Trump Humpers aren’t Republicans.
It was disingenuous since everyone knows GOP cut funding to pediatric cancer research. Selective outrage.
You clowns keep pedaling that lie to justify being subhumans But hey whatever helps you to sleep at night. Now explain sitting down when the moms whose kids were murdered by illegals were being honored.

Hell even this guy has more brains and humanity than most Dems.

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You might be the biggest hypocrite walking the earth. Jesus would be embarrassed to have you as a fake follower of his teachings.

Struck a nerve huh?? I'm pretty sure if there is an almighty arbiter that pro life wins
Whoa....I find Trump much like Jesus. They both befriended a whore.
God ALWAYS picks someone with many faults to lead
Man you can't even lie like your Dear Leader...

Trump 77,302,580 votes (49.8%)

Harris 75,017,613 votes

Other 2,918,091 votes

So more people didn't vote for Trump than voted for Trump #mandatemyass
POTUS isn't elected by popular vote. The only one that matters is 312-226.
  • Like
Reactions: Pittisit4me don't hear the Dems yelling out insults or just blatant interruptions. And it's quite funny that the Rethuglicans are crying about decorum when they've spent the better part of a decade ignoring it.
Check your facts bro.

2 can play that game. Elon rigged the swing states with his computers...
Trump won 3 election in a row. Zero doubt
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Struck a nerve huh?? I'm pretty sure if there is an almighty arbiter that pro life wins
God ALWAYS picks someone with many faults to lead
NOT saying Trump was sent by God, but your statement is correct:

God has chosen leaders to do his will. Many had flaws. Can you image them today if they ran for office? What would the press say? The following are lowlifes that worked for God:

Elijah – Was suicidal.
Joseph – Was abused and came from a dysfunctional family
Job – Went bankrupt.
Moses – Chosen by God to be his spokesperson - Had a speech problem. (was a serious stutterer). He was also a murderer.
Gideon - God chose Gideon – a fear-driven wimp, to lead his army.
Samson – Was a womanizer.
Rahab – Was a prostitute.
Noah – Was a drunk. After the Flood, Noah got drunk and passed out completely naked.
Jeremiah – Was young.
Ruth - God chose Ruth to be one of Jesus’ ancestors, even though Ruth was childless, a widow, and a foreigner.
Jacob – Was a cheater.
David – Was a murderer and an adulterer.
Jonah – Ran from God.
Peter – Denied Christ three times
Martha – Worried about everything.
Zacchaeus – Was small and money hungry.
The Disciples – Fell asleep while praying.
Paul – A Pharisee who persecuted Christians before becoming one.

That's just a few examples....

Even Dr. Martin Luther King was a flawed man. God doesn't give a sh*t. He chooses people to get the job done. In his eyes we are all sinners...