No, I am not wading into those waters. I don't feel qualified to wade into those waters. And unlike many others, including Ms. Bell herself, I have the wisdom and humility to understand and accept that reality.
My point was this is a very serious and exceedingly complex conversation. It serves no constructive purpose for anyone to be wagging their finger at any group of people telling them that they need to get their shit together whatever the truth of the matter is we ALL need to get our shit together!
People get very uncomfortable when you say this but the truth of the matter is that we all created this culture together and it is everyone's responsibility to change it. How exactly do we do that? I have no earthly idea. I suppose it begins with dialogue. However, by dialogue I mean respectful conversation – not political rhetoric and certainly not through trite Facebook posts by people who have no idea what the hell they're talking about.
Anyone who wags their fingers at "the black community" without simultaneously acknowledging the myriad factors that have led us to this point is, well, a complete imbecile.
The problem of disenfranchised African-Americans, and indeed disenfranchised poor Americans of all colors, did not happen overnight and it won't be solved through a phucking Facebook post from some self-important, airheaded bimbo.
To try to "solve" the most complex and controversial issue in the history of this country through a Facebook post is ridiculous and demonstrates a fundamental under appreciation for the complexity of this issue. Neither Facebook nor a message board is an appropriate place to have a conversation this complex and important.
Hell, on this message board I can't even get people to acknowledge basic facts about ultimately meaningless bullshit that everyone can plainly see but some refuse to acknowledge for whatever reason.
Just the other day we had a 10 page discussion on whether or not the Pitt football program was a mess three years ago when we went through 39 coaches in three months and phucked up our program to such an extent that we somehow ended up with a younger roster than rival Penn State, which was under NCAA-mandated scholarship reductions (about which they pissed and moaned to the whole world at every opportunity).
Can you believe that? People were actually debating whether or not the program was phucked up - as if that was somehow still in question?
People were like "Yeah, I understand that we went through a bunch of coaches in a short period of time and that we were the butt of jokes across the country, but we still should've recruited better and we should have overcome that and won the conference."
It was ridiculous.
Spoiler alert: The answer is that we grossly phucked up our program and it is just short of a miracle that we did not end up where we did in the early to mid 90s - the last time we majorly screwed up our program.
If you can't get a consensus on something as simple and obvious as that, how in the world can you talk to them about about something as personal and meaningful and complex as race relations?
No, thank you. I'll let somebody else jump into that particular swimming pool. I would much rather have some stranger hate my guts because I disagree with them about the relative competency of one of our former coaches or the ability level of our backup safety than have them hate me for something that actually matters.