2019 is done and my day is a helluva lot better than I envisioned it being for the first 59 minutes and 13 seconds of last night's game.
A man in his 50s whose mood depends upon what a bunch of kids do the night before is a little strange, but not a bad vice overall.
My random thoughts.
1. Heather Lyke is a polished pro. Watch her press conference pre-game and juxtapose that to her predecessor. Night and day.
2. PN needs to learn from his mistakes. Being a HC means he has to manage first his staff and then his players. The thuggery of 2019 IMHO cost us 2 Ws in that it translated into stupid penalties such as the celebration penalty after the Hamlin INT. That stupid move cost us 4 points. PN needs to be tutored in leadership.
3. KP wore gloves last night and I think you'll see more of that. He is a good QB. He could be very good, but the receivers have to catch the ball.
4. Number 82 is an old soul and will be a star next year. Was I the only one who noticed him protect the football on his TD? Wise young man.
5. 2019 was the year of the special teams collapse. Wishing and praying for better results won't work. We need to change our approach.
6. Whether I like it or not, our OLine is physically and mentally soft. I don't think we recruit Baby Huey types...can we get some bad ass back?
7. Stop now with on field celebrations. Now!
8. Any new OC is going to have transition issues so I am not as down on Whipple as are some.....BUT...he has some head scratching calls that need to end AND stop having the QB leave his team and run to the sidelines. Get a signal system in place.
9. We continue to be less than the sum of our parts. Recruiting well is a first step, but the bigger step is to make the most of what you have. We did that in only one phase in '19: our defense. You cannot underperform in 2 of 3 phases and hope to be better than mediocre.
10. Unless and until we overachieve, we will continue to be the butt of Pittsburgh media wisecracks. It is human nature when your older brother and roommate (Steelers) have that kind of pedigree and clout. I don't like 93.7 any more than you all, but I sure as hell can tolerate a buffoon with a headset more than I do losing games we COULD win.
11. H2P
A man in his 50s whose mood depends upon what a bunch of kids do the night before is a little strange, but not a bad vice overall.
My random thoughts.
1. Heather Lyke is a polished pro. Watch her press conference pre-game and juxtapose that to her predecessor. Night and day.
2. PN needs to learn from his mistakes. Being a HC means he has to manage first his staff and then his players. The thuggery of 2019 IMHO cost us 2 Ws in that it translated into stupid penalties such as the celebration penalty after the Hamlin INT. That stupid move cost us 4 points. PN needs to be tutored in leadership.
3. KP wore gloves last night and I think you'll see more of that. He is a good QB. He could be very good, but the receivers have to catch the ball.
4. Number 82 is an old soul and will be a star next year. Was I the only one who noticed him protect the football on his TD? Wise young man.
5. 2019 was the year of the special teams collapse. Wishing and praying for better results won't work. We need to change our approach.
6. Whether I like it or not, our OLine is physically and mentally soft. I don't think we recruit Baby Huey types...can we get some bad ass back?
7. Stop now with on field celebrations. Now!
8. Any new OC is going to have transition issues so I am not as down on Whipple as are some.....BUT...he has some head scratching calls that need to end AND stop having the QB leave his team and run to the sidelines. Get a signal system in place.
9. We continue to be less than the sum of our parts. Recruiting well is a first step, but the bigger step is to make the most of what you have. We did that in only one phase in '19: our defense. You cannot underperform in 2 of 3 phases and hope to be better than mediocre.
10. Unless and until we overachieve, we will continue to be the butt of Pittsburgh media wisecracks. It is human nature when your older brother and roommate (Steelers) have that kind of pedigree and clout. I don't like 93.7 any more than you all, but I sure as hell can tolerate a buffoon with a headset more than I do losing games we COULD win.
11. H2P