Partridge to NFL

Eek. Feel bad for the transfers who referenced him as the reason they chose Pitt. With that second portal window opening soon, this might be the death knell.
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I think another example of an "old-timer" having enough of this new college football. At one time, I'd say this would be a big loss but it really doesn't matter much. Any diamond in the rough he finds and coaches up will be gone soon after.

It's just yet another avenue that has been taken away from us. There are older transfers out there who get the NIL stuff out of their system and really want to focus on potentially making the NFL. In addition to him being our best recruiter, you saw the Clemson, K State, and Indiana guys reference his coaching prowess as reasons they chose Pitt. Well, that's gone.

We might not be heading for the 90s part 2, because it's all relative and there are plenty of ACC schools who have it even worse. But it's tough to imagine a scenario where 7-5 isn't the ceiling now, unless we get into some lesser league and the big boys want Clemson and company. It's just too many things happening in conjunction with each other.
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Good for Coach P! Onward and upward! Hiring a replacement to keep up our DL level will not be easy but this is the nature of coaching. H2P
Yep good luck to him and I’m sure he’s happy he doesn’t have to deal with this NIL crap anymore. You develop a guy like Sam O and can’t keep him $.

7 years is long in coaching as he never was anywhere longer than 3 before this.
Really nothing you can do. It's an NFL job, and to be honest, I wouldn't want to be dealing with college athletics right now.
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Pitt football is not in a good place right now. Best of luck to coach Partridge- he did a hell of a job here.
College ball is in a freefall right now. No more "building" a program. You've got to be willing to compromise anything to put the best team money can buy on the field. It was fun while it lasted, Charlie. Thanks.
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Yep good luck to him and I’m sure he’s happy he doesn’t have to deal with this NIL crap anymore. You develop a guy like Sam O and can’t keep him $.

7 years is long in coaching as he never was anywhere longer than 3 before this.
Yup. This is the tip of the iceburg As we saw with Hafely I think you’re going to see more guys look for other opportunities
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I know they’re well compensated but having to kiss the asses of teenagers has to get old. In this new world it has to be insufferable. I’d expect any coach worth a crap is dying to go to the NFL now more than ever.
They’ve always had to kiss their ass. But now with money and essentially free agency added to the mix it’s probably made it insufferable. Not only did you have to kiss their ass to get them there but now you can’t coach them up because they may get their feelings hurt and go elsewhere. Now it’s 24/7. 365 and not just during recruiting
This is going to be the most important hire this off season.
Duzz is got to find a big name/former NFL player type who can at least make recruits/transfers, say he is the reason they are coming to Pitt.
Filling coach P's shoes is not going to be easy.
At least we have some Florida guys like OC Bell because Florida recruiting is going to be impacted by coach P's departure.
Happy for Coach P, but what a loss for the program.
Congratulations to Coach Patridge. Maybe we are reading into this too much, but the burnout rate for college coaches has to be huge right now. They have to recruit high school, the transfer portal, and even their own team to an extent. That has to be exhausting and not what they signed up for when they began coaching. Either way, an exciting opportunity for Partridge to make an impact at the NFL level and he'll be missed at Pitt.
Congratulations to Coach Patridge. Maybe we are reading into this too much, but the burnout rate for college coaches has to be huge right now. They have to recruit high school, the transfer portal, and even their own team to an extent. That has to be exhausting and not what they signed up for when they began coaching. Either way, an exciting opportunity for Partridge to make an impact at the NFL level and he'll be missed at Pitt.
Yeah no doubt. Can’t blame him one bit and he deserves all the credit in the world for his efforts. He is a Pitt man.
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