Unfortunately, too many people think that history started on the day that they were born.History, and the history of Pitt football for Pitt fans, is important and often forgotten. I don't understand why so many people just dismiss history completely. They revise it to suit their narratives. History adds context and reveals the character of the program over the years. Without it, we lose perspective.
A few weeks ago, I got into a lengthy discussion with one of my kids re: who is/was the World’s Greatest Athlete. They came-up with names such as Simone Biles and other current greats, but I countered with names such as Jim Thorpe, Babe Ruth, Bo Jackson, and yes, Bruce Jenner. They defended by noting that the people whom I named can’t be “the greatest”, because all of their records have been eclipsed several times over.
I insisted that the label “great” should be based on an athlete’s performance in comparison to one’s peers and to what degree they were dominant in their era. In sports where there is specific measurement (i.e. time, distance), we should always expect these number to get better - because humans continue to get bigger, faster, and stronger as training methods and knowledge of nutrition get better.