Penn State child molester Jerry Sandusky gives new prison interview

The whole coerced recall thing is inconsistent with how state investigators came to find out about Sandusky in the first place but if you ignore that, how can you not let this man out of jail today?
They’ve been peddling the repressed memory thing for close to ten years now, and it’s been thrown out in every one of his PCRA appeals. Their sole evidence is based on a pretty spurious interpretation of a few portions of the book that was written by Victim 1 and his therapist. But the therapist himself testified that he unequivocally does not use repressed memory theory on his patients, and the victims testified to the same.
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Penn State child molester Jerry Sandusky gives new prison interview

My nephew works in that prison. Says Jerry is sort of on self imposed solitary confinement. Takes his meals in his cell etc. Guys like that prefer to stay away from trouble I guess.
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They’ve been peddling the repressed memory thing for close to ten years now, and it’s been thrown out in every one of his PCRA appeals. Their sole evidence is based on a pretty spurious interpretation of a few portions of the book that was written by Victim 1 and his therapist. But the therapist himself testified that he unequivocally does not use repressed memory theory on his patients, and the victims testified to the same.
Hey, it's up to him if he wants to pursuing that stuff although the Governor using his prosecution to get back at the president of the university is the first time I'm hearing that one.
Eh, most of the people who live in that world already have exonerated Joe. Sandusky wiggling his way out of this doesn't change perception of Joe or Jerry on either side of that bubble.
On the surface it may seem true, but I'm not completely buying in to this theory, if they could they would love to find a way to say "See Joe really was walking the walk, "Success with Honor" to all of us who new long ago that even without the horrific events that took place, the program was sordid and not really any more pure than most other top 20 programs.
Eh, most of the people who live in that world already have exonerated Joe. Sandusky wiggling his way out of this doesn't change perception of Joe or Jerry on either side of that bubble.
That’s not all of it, though. They have all personally exonerated Joe, but that’s not good enough. What they want is for *society at large* to exonerate Joe.

That’s what creates the essential tension: they know that as long as the scandal exists, then society at large will not clear Paterno of wrongdoing and will (correctly) continue to believe that Penn State harbored a pedophile. Which means that the only way out of it is if the entire scandal was a lie, which means exonerating Jerry. It’s the only way for it to all go away. They don’t want Jerry to be freed on a procedural issue. They want him to be declared totally innocent of any wrongdoing, that the victims made the whole thing up, and that the whole thing never actually happened.
This is now like a Bigfoot sighting. Every few years, supposedly new evidence is revealed, yet no one ever sees one or finds a carcass/skeleton of one.
This is of course all bullshit
"They made it all up just to get paid". The battle cry of every convicted sex offender that ever lived.

Maybe he could get some traction for that argument if Mike McQueary hadn't testified clearly about personally observing Sandusky raping a 12 year old boy in the shower. And then Joe with the "I don't want to hear it" when McQueary brought it to his attention. Some really sick $hit.

McQueary put his own reputation, career and personal privacy and safety on the line by coming forward. he is an unimpeachable eyewitness. I guess that's why Jerry focuses on the wrongful motiviations of the victims without mentioning McQueary every time he proclaims his innocence.
That’s not all of it, though. They have all personally exonerated Joe, but that’s not good enough. What they want is for *society at large* to exonerate Joe.

That’s what creates the essential tension: they know that as long as the scandal exists, then society at large will not clear Paterno of wrongdoing and will (correctly) continue to believe that Penn State harbored a pedophile. Which means that the only way out of it is if the entire scandal was a lie, which means exonerating Jerry. It’s the only way for it to all go away. They don’t want Jerry to be freed on a procedural issue. They want him to be declared totally innocent of any wrongdoing, that the victims made the whole thing up, and that the whole thing never actually happened.
This is directed to @Parkview57 , too.

See, that won't happen because at the core of the issue is that given the opportunity to do the honorable thing, Joe failed. Regardless of the outcome the honorable and right thing to do didn't happen because they lost to Toledo. This is where most people see Paterno. Don't lose too much sleep over Sandusky getting exonerated. Not happening.
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For that matter, I can't believe he hasn't been killed in there yet. Max security lifers typically aren't terribly charitable toward pedophiles.
There is only one level lower in the big prisons than pedophiles. And that is snitches/informants. I was reading an article on Whitey Bulger today, and when he was transferred to a particularly notorious Federal Prison in West Virginia, he didn't last a day before he was offed.
This is now like a Bigfoot sighting. Every few years, supposedly new evidence is revealed, yet no one ever sees one or finds a carcass/skeleton of one.

It's one thing to say you have evidence on Twitter, it's another to be sworn in under oath and present that evidence. Funny none of these twitter people ever want to be sworn in.

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