Penn state game is sold out. 50,000 season tix sold

It was a playoff game by every definition of the word, except for by someone who seems to be weirdly wedded to the idea that the number of people at an event is the be all and end all of the discussion.

Just out of curiosity, was the game that set the record a playoff game? You know, since those are the only ones anyone cares about.

The Steelers make the playoffs most every year, so in Pittsburgh, yes, the matchup matters a bit, even in the playoffs. The Jax game of course was the usual sell out but didnt get those few thousand extra SRO tickets to push it over the record.....

Like I said A New England Pitsbugrh AFC championship game destroyes any attendance record.
So people buy seats they never intend to sit in every season.

If this theory is correct, Pitt could have a theoretical on-campus stadium, play all their games at the SS complex, and save a ton of money on renting Heinz.

I don't know why they buy them and don't go, but they do. I'm surprised this is news to you. They're cheap, they go to a few games they want to and don't go to the others.
I know we shouldn't beg Penn State to play us, and if they don't want to play again, so be it.

But it has clearly been a major benefit for Pitt to play PSU. We beat them once, we may beat them again, we sold significantly more tickets than usual, and we grabbed some headlines. There is a minority of our fan base who never wants to play PSU again, but I am not in that group. Hopefully this series can happen again before I am collecting social security.
I’m with you
I know we shouldn't beg Penn State to play us, and if they don't want to play again, so be it.

But it has clearly been a major benefit for Pitt to play PSU. We beat them once, we may beat them again, we sold significantly more tickets than usual, and we grabbed some headlines. There is a minority of our fan base who never wants to play PSU again, but I am not in that group. Hopefully this series can happen again before I am collecting social security.
And hopefully there’s still social security for you to collect by the time you get that old! ;)
Honestly, I couldn't care less if we ever played Pedophile State again...

Honestly, the athletic department doesn't give a rats ass what you think. They makes decisions from a business standpoint, while you make them from an emotional standpoint.

And financially speaking, it makes a lot of sense to try and play them. Which is exactly why you see our AD looking desperate when it comes to them.
Every year, it's easy to get cheap and even free tickets for every game except.... ND, Penn State and maybe WVU if we played them. Every other game, every year, you can show up at the parking lot and get tickets easy and usually under face value. Maybe IF we ever had maybe a 9-0 start and got a College Gameday game on a Saturday night, maybe that could get sold out in advance, otherwise most games have plenty of tickets available.

Right, so seasons when there's not a big game on the schedule like last year, there's no need to buy season tickets because all the games are cheap. With PSU on the schedule PItt fans buy more season tickets. There's no way season tickets were close to selling out last year.
Honestly, the athletic department doesn't give a rats ass what you think. They makes decisions from a business standpoint, while you make them from an emotional standpoint.

And financially speaking, it makes a lot of sense to try and play them. Which is exactly why you see our AD looking desperate when it comes to them.

Again...we gain nothing from Ped St that dont gain from WVU or ND.... sorry not sorry.
The Steelers make the playoffs most every year, so in Pittsburgh, yes, the matchup matters a bit, even in the playoffs. The Jax game of course was the usual sell out but didnt get those few thousand extra SRO tickets to push it over the record.....

So I ask again, was the game that actually set the record a playoff game, since that seems to be all that matters?
Was it a college football Playoff game?? I'm not sure what you are asking?

For some reason you seem to think that for the Stillers to have a better attended game than the Pitt game that the Stiller game must not only be a playoff game, but be a "real" playoff game. The implication is clearly that playoff games are obviously better attended that non-playoff games (and non-"real" playoff games). So that would mean that the highest attended game must have been a playoff game.

Well, either that or your whole argument is dumb.
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Honestly, the athletic department doesn't give a rats ass what you think. They makes decisions from a business standpoint, while you make them from an emotional standpoint.

And financially speaking, it makes a lot of sense to try and play them. Which is exactly why you see our AD looking desperate when it comes to them.

Or maybe he comes form a principled standpoint, where ethics aren't trumped by finances. I know it is silly to think that would ever be considered in major college athletics.
Right, so seasons when there's not a big game on the schedule like last year, there's no need to buy season tickets because all the games are cheap. With PSU on the schedule PItt fans buy more season tickets. There's no way season tickets were close to selling out last year.
I never buy season tickets, because basically, I go to one, maybe 2 games per year, and usually, I pair it up with a Steelers game and do a whole PITTSBURGH football weekend, so it never matters exactly which game, so it's harder to get the Steelers tickets, so I secure those first, and take whatever Pitt game is the day before. Like this year I have Steelers/Browns tix on Oct. 28th, So I'll be at the Pitt/Duke game the day before, and I don't have tix for that yet, but that will be no problem, so why worry? lol.
Yup. My thoughts on it: It’s a great game and rivalry, but if they think they’re too high and mighty playing us, WVU is lined up and ready to commit long-term. Play the people who want to play you.

Also, something I was thinking about that’s funny: WVU and PSU play the same amount of conference games and have the same amount of non-conference games. One complains about the schedule being too hard and us not “fitting” into their plan, and the other has actually called us out for not playing them, even when they have other P5 games lined up. I’d much rather play the latter. We want the game, they want the game.

Plus, I think the Brawl is more fun anyways. We may hate each other on the day of the game, but you can respect them and the school. Can’t say that about PSU.
First I agree if PSU doesn't want to schedule a long term deal(at least 6 games every 10 years home and home) just drop them and start a long term series with wvu.
That being said wvu doesn't move the needle the way PSU does. PSU fans do buy season tickets that is true but PSU also motivates Pitt fans to buy tickets as well. PSU and ND are very similar in this way while its true some of their fans buy tickets, Pitt could probably sell those two games out to just Pitt fans because Pitt fans are motivated to go to those games. WVU is different story Pitt fans(ones who weren't going to anyway) aren't going to buy season tickets just for wvu and wvu fans aren't buying season tickets for Pitt just for that one game. So while the game might be a sellout(it wasn't several times in the last 10 games) its not going to do much for season ticket sales.
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That being said wvu doesn't move the needle the way PSU does...So while the game might be a sellout(it wasn't several times in the last 10 games) its not going to do much for season ticket sales.

I went to 3-4 of the games in the 2000s with WVU and if they weren't sellouts, the where damn near close, at least 60000+.
Oh. If you’re right then there is a significant number of fair weather Pitt fans that only want to show up for Penn State or get super excited about 5-7 seasons.
there is. Pitt has a significant number of fans who only want to go to "event type of games" they will watch on TV otherwise. I have said before I honestly believe pitt could sell out ND and PSU games without having a single opposing fan in the seats, because the fair weather/luke warm fans would buy the tickets. Think of it this way Pitt has about 35k to 40k hardcore fans, that will buy tickets to albany or SU but there are a bunch more that are willing to buy tickets to PSU/ND/FSU/bama type of team.
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there is. Pitt has a significant number of fans who only want to go to "event type of games" they will watch on TV otherwise. I have said before I honestly believe pitt could sell out ND and PSU games without having a single opposing fan in the seats, because the fair weather/luke warm fans would buy the tickets. Think of it this way Pitt has about 35k to 40k hardcore fans, that will buy tickets to albany or SU but there are a bunch more that are willing to buy tickets to PSU/ND/FSU/bama type of team.

I know this happens but I’m struggling to believe the single season bump are just casual Pitt fans that just want to see one game. I know quite a few PSU guys that bought season tickets and have been bugging me to buy the rest.
there were several that weren't sellouts, they were close yes but not sellouts. The fact that they didn't even sell that one game out proves the point that WVU does not provide anywhere near the benefit of PSU or ND. WVU helps move tickets for a game. ND/PSU move tickets for a season. Now if season tickets were 3x as much maybe they wouldn't.
Would Pitt sell out vs Notre Dame, Michigan, OSU, or any other large school? Of course they would. Any school that has a fan base that makes the game an “event” and can push 15k theough the turnstiles sells out the game and increases season ticket sales. I don’t see PSU doing anything that any other large school wouldn’t do.

That's an interesting theoretical debate but Michigan and OSU aren't going to agree to a home and home against Pitt. Notre Dame is automatically on the schedule, and that's a good thing, both economically and because of the history behind it. One thing PSU has that Michigan and OSU doesn't is a larger proportion of alumni in Allegheny County -- and more history as one of our big two/three, maybe our biggest, primary rivals.
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First I agree if PSU doesn't want to schedule a long term deal(at least 6 games every 10 years home and home) just drop them and start a long term series with wvu.
That being said wvu doesn't move the needle the way PSU does. PSU fans do buy season tickets that is true but PSU also motivates Pitt fans to buy tickets as well. PSU and ND are very similar in this way while its true some of their fans buy tickets, Pitt could probably sell those two games out to just Pitt fans because Pitt fans are motivated to go to those games. WVU is different story Pitt fans(ones who weren't going to anyway) aren't going to buy season tickets just for wvu and wvu fans aren't buying season tickets for Pitt just for that one game. So while the game might be a sellout(it wasn't several times in the last 10 games) its not going to do much for season ticket sales.
You have to assume that they’ll all be sellouts once the series restarts since it hasn’t been played in (at that point) 11 years, similar to how it’s been with Penn State since we’re playing them for the first time in 16 years, right? It’s not just a conference game anymore. That season opening Brawl is goung to be fun!

Perhaps that could carry over to season tickets as well, because it’s going to draw similar demand to the Penn State given the reason above?
Would Pitt sell out vs Notre Dame, Michigan, OSU, or any other large school? Of course they would. Any school that has a fan base that makes the game an “event” and can push 15k theough the turnstiles sells out the game and increases season ticket sales. I don’t see PSU doing anything that any other large school wouldn’t do.
Honestly, I don’t think so. I think Ohio State would since they travel well and are close, but Florida State didn’t in 2013 (it was close), and Nebraska in 2004 (40K, although there were weather issues with the flooding) and Texas A&M in 2002 (ranked Aggies only brought in 45K) didn’t, either.

I really do think that only a few schools (PSU, WVU, ND) truly move the needle like that.
The brawl was hurt attendance wise by always being around Thanksgiving. One Palko year it was Thanksgiving night. I personally loved it.

It was announced that the first year its resumed, it is the opening game.
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The brawl was hurt attendance wise by always being around Thanksgiving. One Palko year it was Thanksgiving night. I personally loved it.

It was announced that the first year its resumed, it is the opening game.
That’s a good point Ratking. Moving it up will probably help attendance/tickets as well.
The brawl was hurt attendance wise by always being around Thanksgiving. One Palko year it was Thanksgiving night. I personally loved it.

It was announced that the first year its resumed, it is the opening game.
I always loved it on Thanksgiving Friday, we'd come up to visit from Baltimore, we'd stay at my brother's house and have a big meal at another cousins house on Turkey day, big group, and that family happens to be WVU people, HOOPIES THAT I LOVE! and then we'd either go to the game in person and have a joint Pitt/WVU tailgate if the game was in Pittsburgh or meet up and watch it on TV if it was away. I can honestly say that getting rid of the Thanksgiving WVU games, ruined that holiday for me.
For some reason you seem to think that for the Stillers to have a better attended game than the Pitt game that the Stiller game must not only be a playoff game, but be a "real" playoff game. The implication is clearly that playoff games are obviously better attended that non-playoff games (and non-"real" playoff games). So that would mean that the highest attended game must have been a playoff game.

Well, either that or your whole argument is dumb.

Idk why you think its dumb? I think most Steelers playoff games would break the attendance record. The Jags matchup didnt get the yinzers as excited as their franchise was down for a decade or so.

If you disagree that's fine, but why is there a need for childish insults??
Honestly, I don’t think so. I think Ohio State would since they travel well and are close, but Florida State didn’t in 2013 (it was close), and Nebraska in 2004 (40K, although there were weather issues with the flooding) and Texas A&M in 2002 (ranked Aggies only brought in 45K) didn’t, either.

I really do think that only a few schools (PSU, WVU, ND) truly move the needle like that.

The Buckeyes would bring as many or more fans than PSU would...
College should always be allowed to have higher attendance at Heinz as think how many recruits and donors and people can stand on sidelines vs the more restrictive NFL
College should always be allowed to have higher attendance at Heinz as think how many recruits and donors and people can stand on sidelines vs the more restrictive NFL

As soon as the Steelers have a big time playoff matchup that record will fall...

It's a matter of a few hundred or so extra SRO tickets being made available to the public...not really any significant difference. Idk why people want to make it into a big deal?
As soon as the Steelers have a big time playoff matchup that record will fall...

It's a matter of a few hundred or so extra SRO tickets being made available to the public...not really any significant difference. Idk why people want to make it into a big deal?

Oh I could give a rat's ass. It's silly talk to me
The Buckeyes would bring as many or more fans than PSU would...
Yeah, so we’re on the same page then? I think we had this discussion a few weeks back about scheduling the Buckeyes. Trust me, Penn State brought a good following, but they didn’t take-over Heinz. I don’t want to see this again
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Idk why you think its dumb? I think most Steelers playoff games would break the attendance record. The Jags matchup didnt get the yinzers as excited as their franchise was down for a decade or so.

If you disagree that's fine, but why is there a need for childish insults??

Probably for the same reason some people make dumb arguments on message boards.
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Probably for the same reason some people make dumb arguments on message boards.

It's actually just my opinion..

I feel that a really good Steelers playoff matchup would draw more fans than the Pitt/PSU game...that's all...something about this opinion has really hit a nerve with you because you just refuse to let it die?

Can we just agree to disagree and move on or do you want to carry on with whatever nonsense it is you're trying to prove?
I feel that a really good Steelers playoff matchup would draw more fans than the Pitt/PSU game...that's all...something about this opinion has really hit a nerve with you because you just refuse to let it die?

You keep posting something absurd and I keep pointing it out. You haven't hit a nerve, I'm laughing at you.

"Well yeah, the Pitt - Penn State game was the highest attendance ever in the history of Heinz Field, but I feel extremely confident that if all the stars align and the Stillers play the right team in the right game on the right day where the weather is not too bad then the Stillers could actually draw more."
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You keep posting something absurd and I keep pointing it out. You haven't hit a nerve, I'm laughing at you.

"Well yeah, the Pitt - Penn State game was the highest attendance ever in the history of Heinz Field, but I feel extremely confident that if all the stars align and the Stillers play the right team in the right game on the right day where the weather is not too bad then the Stillers could actually draw more."

Yes, because its just so "absurd" to expect the Steelers to hold the hienz field attendance record.. how "absurd" of me, what was i thinking? lmao you stay being salty bud.
Yeah, so we’re on the same page then? I think we had this discussion a few weeks back about scheduling the Buckeyes. Trust me, Penn State brought a good following, but they didn’t take-over Heinz. I don’t want to see this again
It was fun in '88 when we beat them 42-10 in an all red Pitt Stadium!
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If there was a market for the game, it would be played every year. There isn't one. EOS.

There's clearly a market for it. Penn State just has other options that will be just as profitable and keep the fanbase interested. Pitt will hopefully find games that get their fanbase excited. It's an uphill battle though because Pitt is rarely interested in any of their conference games which makes for the majority of the schedule. Perhaps that would change if Pitt will be in the hunt for their division championship. I was at the Pitt-Cincy defacto Big East championship game and it was a pretty good atmosphere. The Pitt game for 4 years is interesting but it would likely get stale over time if there were no other name non conference opponents. If we were back in the independent days, there'd be no reason not to play every year. It's just a different era. Playing WVU, V-Tech and Auburn will be a lot of fun. Will be fun travelling there as well, especially Auburn. If the series resumes down the road after a break, it'll likely be very interesting again.