Penn State Gold

You can't wait for a gang that is obviously violent ( they broke the gate to this community) to get in your face before you defend yourself! In light of what is going on with rioters and protestors, you have the right to defend yourself!
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For a smart guy, your observations of this situation are very dumb. VERY.

If the nasty mob (let's stop employing the term "protesters" to people who have violent and criminal intent) that broke into that neighborhood (on their way to hassle the mayor of St Louis, btw) was comprised of the typical demographics of these Marxist/Anarchist punks, about 20% were black. The rest were privileged white twits, majority female, who think they're virtue-signalling their goodness by embracing all this tyrannical WOKE-ness. It's pure evil. They're attempting nothing less than a cultural overturning of the nation that gives them the rights to peaceful protest.

If this shite isn't checked soon, we're going to see lots of shooting battles...

Wow you really covered a lot of ground there, all the far right tropes. YOU are the reason these protests need to happen. YOU are the people that need rehabilitated or shunned.
For a smart guy, your observations of this situation are very dumb. VERY.

If the nasty mob (let's stop employing the term "protesters" to people who have violent and criminal intent) that broke into that neighborhood (on their way to hassle the mayor of St Louis, btw) was comprised of the typical demographics of these Marxist/Anarchist punks, about 20% were black. The rest were privileged white twits, majority female, who think they're virtue-signalling their goodness by embracing all this tyrannical WOKE-ness. It's pure evil. They're attempting nothing less than a cultural overturning of the nation that gives them the rights to peaceful protest.

If this shite isn't checked soon, we're going to see lots of shooting battles...


Looks like we have another contestant for crazy Fox News viewer bingo; where all of the participants use the same five talking points to describe every single situation.

Is there a WOKE reference? Yes! We’re off to a good start.

Is there a reference to Marxism? Yes! Two for two!

Do I see an antifa? Ooo! Surprisingly, no antifa mention? However, you did describe them as Anarchist punks, so we will allow it.

How about a goofy allusion to “virtue signaling?” Yes! You are this close to crazy conservative bingo!

All you have to do now is blame it on Obama or Hillary or blame the “deep state” or the “fake news“ and you are home free.

Also, any reference to the word “narrative” will work. Crazy conservatives love to lecture people about narratives, even though they clearly have no idea what that actually means.

Can I have a narrative? Ooo! No mention of narratives, but that’s OK because you still have one strike left.

If you get this next one, you will officially be the crazy Fox News viewer of the day. How about grossly overstating the power and threat posed by a group of unarmed 20-year-old kids who broke a fence or turning this into an insane gun rights debate?

Yes! You did it! You have won the prize! You too get to be on the wrong side of history.

Way to go!

The clincher was when you called this unarmed group of kids a “mob hellbent on violence and destruction.”


How many violent mobs do you know who don’t have any actual weapons on them?

It seemed to me that the “violent” people were the ones who rushed out with their weapons pointed at these kids who had broken a gate and who had the temerity to march past their home.
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Looks like we have another contestant for crazy Fox News viewer bingo; where all of the participants use the same five talking points to describe every situation

Is there a WOKE reference? Yes! We’re off to a good start.

Is there a reference to Marxism? Yes! Two for two!

Do I see an antifa? Ooo! Surprisingly, no antifa mention? However, you did describe them as Anarchist punks, so we will allow it.

How about a goofy allusion to “virtue signaling?” Yes! You are this close to crazy conservative bingo!

All you have to do now is blame it on Obama or Hillary or blame the “deep state” or the “fake news“ and you are home free.

Also, any reference to the word “narrative” will work. Crazy conservatives love to lecture people about narratives, even though they clearly have no idea what that actually means.

Can I have a narrative? Ooo! No mention of narratives, but that’s OK because you still have one strike left.

If you get this next one, if you will officially be the crazy Fox News viewer of the day. How about grossly overstating the power and threat posed by a group of unarmed 20-year-old kids who broke a fence or turning this into an insane gun rights debate?

Yes! You did it! You have won the prize! You too get to be on the wrong side of history.

Way to go!

The clincher was when you called this unarmed group of kids a mob hellbent on violence and destruction.

How many violent mobs do you know who don’t have any actual weapons on them?

The proper way to roast crazy people.
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This whole story is very complex and has strong roots to the Ferguson unrest all the way back in 2014.

The question here is why were people going to the mayor of St. Louis’ mansion in the first place? What had them so angry? Were they just a violent mob of anarchists/Marxists or did they have a real cause?

You can read any number of articles about it but this is as good a place as any to start.

Basically, a number of the organizers of the Ferguson, Missouri protests have died under very mysterious circumstances. Others have been threatened and still others have had things like pythons mysteriously show up in their cars.

Now, whether or not this is all just a big coincidence or something more nefarious is not for me to say.

I honestly don’t know what’s happening there?

However, I do know that is NOT a fringe conspiracy theory. A LOT of people believe this is very real and very disturbing.

More to the point, St. Louis’ mayor, Lyda Krewson KNEW that when she doxxed many of the writers of letters of protest to her via a livestream video SPECIFICALLY INTENDED to intimidate them into silence.

I think most would agree that is a pretty reckless thing to do given the circumstances. However, sometimes politicians like to play rough. That’s fine. I don’t mind rough and tumble at all.

However, these protesters showed that they too can play by those rules and they went to her house, in a gated community, to show that they know where she lives as well.

You don’t like it? Tough shit!

Naturally, when they returned serve, they became characterized as “violent mobs of thugs.” When she intentionally broadcast the protesters’ names and contact information to potentially violent evil doers, she was just a public servant doing her best to deal with an angry mob.

If you pay attention long enough you begin to realize that the rules are only for one side. The other side gets to do and say whatever they want.

So, from where I sit, the villain here is certainly not the kids who broke the gate and nor is it even these two Penn State goofs who ran out with their weapons of war to confront these 20 year-old baristas, wait staff and students.

The real villain here is the idiotic mayor of St. Louis who knowingly put people in harms way just to flex on them.
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Bring a group of people up my road and go on the property of the residents and you'll see what gun firepower looks like in Greene County.I guess we're just a bunch of rednecks but you'll be impressed by what we have to protect our lives and property.We have White Trash to content with down here,lots of it.Oops can I say white trash?
Wow can you imagine pointing a gun at people walking past your house because you are afraid of equal rights protesters? I mean... isn’t this kinda the problem in the first place? Little racist men get big cubs and try to intimidate people of color? I’m sure this guy locks the doors when a black guy walks past his car too
what if the recent protests turned into riots and looting. You say the word protest as if that is all that is going on. Get your head out of your ass and look at what has happened.

Wow can you imagine pointing a gun at people walking past your house because you are afraid of equal rights protesters? I mean... isn’t this kinda the problem in the first place? Little racist men get big cubs and try to intimidate people of color? I’m sure this guy locks the doors when a black guy walks past his car too
what if the recent protests turned into riots and looting. You say the word protest as if that is all that is going on. Get your head out of your ass and look at what has happened.

please post anywhere that said these people rioted. Ok... so we looked at what happened. And you’re wrong? Apology accepted
I said recent not necessarily these people. A group of people breaking thru a gate is a crime in itself. They had no idea what they might do or why they were there. Spare me

please post anywhere that said these people rioted. Ok... so we looked at what happened. And you’re wrong? Apology accepted
Wow can you imagine pointing a gun at people walking past your house because you are afraid of equal rights protesters? I mean... isn’t this kinda the problem in the first place? Little racist men get big cubs and try to intimidate people of color? I’m sure this guy locks the doors when a black guy walks past his car too

Dude, they BROKE into the community. The right to assemble does not give you permission to assemble where ever one feels.
Dude, they BROKE into the community. The right to assemble does not give you permission to assemble where ever one feels.
This is a perfect example of two wrongs dont make a right. I have no idea what was said to the couple, but if I lived in a private neighborhood and a group of people broke through the security gate and trespassed (yes crimes that will never be enforced because of the current environment), I would be $hitting myself and assuming that more crimes would follow.

However, these two numbskulls brandishing guns (pointing/waving/etc) with literally no apparent immediate danger is criminal in its own right.

I don’t know why we continue to debate both sides of this argument. Both sides are wrong and an embarrassment to our country.
So why didn't they call Joe? He could have reported it to Gary Schultz, but probably not until Monday. Wouldn't want to ruin his weekend.
And the Red Headed Former QB Coach thought about stepping in to prevent any shooting, but he just slammed his Car Door to scare Karen and Ken, then he went to Paterknew's Grave Site to tell him what he saw. Then the CULT in Creepy Valley turned on the Red Headed Former QB Coach for not doing anything and protect their god.
This is a perfect example of two wrongs dont make a right. I have no idea what was said to the couple, but if I lived in a private neighborhood and a group of people broke through the security gate and trespassed (yes crimes that will never be enforced because of the current environment), I would be $hitting myself and assuming that more crimes would follow.

However, these two numbskulls brandishing guns (pointing/waving/etc) with literally no apparent immediate danger is criminal in its own right.

I don’t know why we continue to debate both sides of this argument. Both sides are wrong and an embarrassment to our country.

Listen, I thought what the homeowners did was stupid. If that was me I would have grabbed my guns too, but I would not have left my house. I would have locked the doors and sat there armed. If truly confronted then I would have taken action.

But quit the crap about no apparent immediate danger. Criminals en masse broke into the community. The moment that happened, there were criminals on the premises. The two numbskulls as you call them, probably watched the news and see how these things turn out. What they did may have been stupid (again they should have locked themselves in their house) but they had every right to do what they did. Or are you forgetting that the cops and security force abandoned their responsibilities leaving these people to defend themselves on their own?

Plus everyone is stating this was a peaceful protest. How do we not know it was peaceful only because the protesters were scared to behave from these 2 citizens actions? The answer is we don't, but it is entirely possible.

Looks like we have another contestant for crazy Fox News viewer bingo; where all of the participants use the same five talking points to describe every single situation.

Is there a WOKE reference? Yes! We’re off to a good start.

Is there a reference to Marxism? Yes! Two for two!

Do I see an antifa? Ooo! Surprisingly, no antifa mention? However, you did describe them as Anarchist punks, so we will allow it.

How about a goofy allusion to “virtue signaling?” Yes! You are this close to crazy conservative bingo!

All you have to do now is blame it on Obama or Hillary or blame the “deep state” or the “fake news“ and you are home free.

Also, any reference to the word “narrative” will work. Crazy conservatives love to lecture people about narratives, even though they clearly have no idea what that actually means.

Can I have a narrative? Ooo! No mention of narratives, but that’s OK because you still have one strike left.

If you get this next one, you will officially be the crazy Fox News viewer of the day. How about grossly overstating the power and threat posed by a group of unarmed 20-year-old kids who broke a fence or turning this into an insane gun rights debate?

Yes! You did it! You have won the prize! You too get to be on the wrong side of history.

Way to go!

The clincher was when you called this unarmed group of kids a “mob hellbent on violence and destruction.”


How many violent mobs do you know who don’t have any actual weapons on them?

It seemed to me that the “violent” people were the ones who rushed out with their weapons pointed at these kids who had broken a gate and who had the temerity to march past their home.

How about we send the "threat posed by a group of unarmed 20-year-old kids", who were threatening to kill him, his wife, his dog and burn down the house to your home? Please post your address. How was the homeowner supposed to know they were unarmed? How do you know they were, in fact, unarmed?
Bring a group of people up my road and go on the property of the residents and you'll see what gun firepower looks like in Greene County.I guess we're just a bunch of rednecks but you'll be impressed by what we have to protect our lives and property.We have White Trash to content with down here,lots of it.Oops can I say white trash?

I would be worried about someone coming for that washing machine that’s been out in the front yard since it broke down in 1973 too!
How about we send the "threat posed by a group of unarmed 20-year-old kids",

You made a great points but I want to address this statement as I think this right here is the most disturbing stance too many people in this country take.

1st since when are 20 year olds considered kids? I thought one became an adult at 18 years old.

2nd For the average person, early to mid twenties is when a person are at their physical peak. Outside of pro athletes and soldiers, most people will never be stronger, have more stamina, be more agile, with good recovery time then being in this age group. To make it sound like a group of people in this age group can not cause great and deadly damage is very disingenuous.

3rd Crime stats show 18-24 year olds account for 22% of all crime. Broken down to type of crimes, they account for 33% of murders, 33% of robbery, 20% of Aggravated assault, 22% Burglary, 16% of Arson, 19% of simple assault, 24% of vandalism, in this country while only accounting for roughly 10% of the population.

Feel free to check my math in the link below.

Yes we should just ignore these "kids" and let them be and not think twice when they break a gate an enter an area by force.
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Listen, I thought what the homeowners did was stupid. If that was me I would have grabbed my guns too, but I would not have left my house. I would have locked the doors and sat there armed. If truly confronted then I would have taken action.

But quit the crap about no apparent immediate danger. Criminals en masse broke into the community. The moment that happened, there were criminals on the premises. The two numbskulls as you call them, probably watched the news and see how these things turn out. What they did may have been stupid (again they should have locked themselves in their house) but they had every right to do what they did. Or are you forgetting that the cops and security force abandoned their responsibilities leaving these people to defend themselves on their own?

Plus everyone is stating this was a peaceful protest. How do we not know it was peaceful only because the protesters were scared to behave from these 2 citizens actions? The answer is we don't, but it is entirely possible.
Actually, I don’t disagree with anything you said and view your comments to reinforce my points with the exception of “criminals en masse broke into the community”. I mean I guess in the literal sense of the definition of “criminal” you are correct. I’ve cut through many a neighbors yard growing up, so I guess I am in there category as well.

They were numbskulls for waving their guns around as they did. Not for seeking out their guns/protection. As you state, these people were going to be on their own without any help. I don’t know if they were in immediate danger or not. Thankfully nothing happened that would have made the situation worse for both sides. But plan for the worst and hope for the best under those circumstances.
For a smart guy, your observations of this situation are very dumb. VERY.

If the nasty mob (let's stop employing the term "protesters" to people who have violent and criminal intent) that broke into that neighborhood (on their way to hassle the mayor of St Louis, btw) was comprised of the typical demographics of these Marxist/Anarchist punks, about 20% were black. The rest were privileged white twits, majority female, who think they're virtue-signalling their goodness by embracing all this tyrannical WOKE-ness. It's pure evil. They're attempting nothing less than a cultural overturning of the nation that gives them the rights to peaceful protest.

If this shite isn't checked soon, we're going to see lots of shooting battles...

Future Karen’s in training for the other side....
So you’re saying they weren’t involved in a violent situation and chose to point weapons at people they didn’t fear (and each other). That’s a pretty dangerous precedent.

How do you know they didn't fear them? I will agree they were wrong for pointing the weapons, but they were not wrong for being out there with them, though I find it stupid they chose that course.
Actually, I don’t disagree with anything you said and view your comments to reinforce my points with the exception of “criminals en masse broke into the community”. I mean I guess in the literal sense of the definition of “criminal” you are correct. I’ve cut through many a neighbors yard growing up, so I guess I am in there category as well.

They were numbskulls for waving their guns around as they did. Not for seeking out their guns/protection. As you state, these people were going to be on their own without any help. I don’t know if they were in immediate danger or not. Thankfully nothing happened that would have made the situation worse for both sides. But plan for the worst and hope for the best under those circumstances.

I use the word criminals for 1 reason, they broke through a gate causing damage. Also in my mind there is also a difference between 1 or 2 people cutting through my yard vs a group of 500 people breaking through a gate. YMMV.

As for the rest of your comments I agree.
How do you know they didn't fear them? I will agree they were wrong for pointing the weapons, but they were not wrong for being out there with them, though I find it stupid they chose that course.

Personally, I don’t know what they were thinking. Quite possible they weren’t, to be honest. He suggested that this wasn’t out of fear but as a deterrent.
THEY BROKE IN! THEY TRESPASSED! I heard they did get on their grass, I haven't seen it. They were scared for their safety, the rioters are unpredictable

If the BLM felons trespassed and were on personal property (on their grass), they could have been shot and it would have been justified. If a trespasser is on my property and I give that person a warning to leave immediately and they don't, I can shoot them legally. That's what should have happened to these rioters/fascists.
If the BLM felons trespassed and were on personal property (on their grass), they could have been shot and it would have been justified. If a trespasser is on my property and I give that person a warning to leave immediately and they don't, I can shoot them legally. That's what should have happened to these rioters/fascists.

Not sure what state you are in but in PA no you can't. You have to be threatened and feel life or serious bodily harm will happen to your or another. Someone standing on your grass is no reason to shoot someone.
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Wow you really covered a lot of ground there, all the far right tropes. YOU are the reason these protests need to happen. YOU are the people that need rehabilitated or shunned.

Think of WTF you just wrote: I need to be rehabilitated? Shunned?

Because I despise organized intimidation of people? That I despised self-described Marxist-trained organizations who are not trying to work within the American system, but to overthrow it? Ever hear of the 2nd Amendment? Nah... we don't need that. Let's REHABILITATE those people whose opinions don't align with ours... can't wait until you're told what to think, what to say, when to say it. It's coming with punks like you siding with these monsters.

You'll prove yourself to be the that very important element of a revolution: the Useful Idiot. Signaling your sympathy and support for a violent revolution, only to find that they'll cut your throat faster than those who they're trying to intimidate, but who won't fold. Like Jeff Bezos finding a Jacobine guillotine lying in front of his house a week ago... like the Seattle Mayor who permitted private property to overrun for a month, only to have the mob turn on her home, too. (it was so peaceful that only 2 young black kids were killed by the peace protesters in WOKE-adeishu).

I don't cede any passion or effort in calling out PSU as a weird and sick cult. But I sure as hell wouldn't look at the horrible position that those two people found themselves in and then ridicule them? I'm sure you're too woke to own a gun. That you'll trust the police (if any still exist) to protect you from those cute little protesters (threatening to kill you, your dog, your family).

BTW - I do NOT own firearms. I'dda been out there with a crowbar or ax.
I would be worried about someone coming for that washing machine that’s been out in the front yard since it broke down in 1973 too!

Knowitall all my broken appliances from in front of my trailer are gone now.My twp. had a clean up in June and they hauled them away for free.In Greene County our homes are our Castles so beware when trespass down here.