I looked but couldn't find anything on how much Akron borrowed in loans etc vs. how much funding they raised in donations to fund that stadium. which in the end is the key. There's nothing wrong with building a 60-80 mil stadium on campus if you can be realistic with how much is being borrowed.
Example of doing it well: Tulane- 100% privately funded 30k seat stadium
Others that aren't having $ issues: FAU (borrowed 63% of the cost, but haven't sold naming rights yet, which will affect that %)
As long as Temple builds their repayment/debt around realistic projections on revenue from attendance and AAC tv deals, it'll be fine.
Example of doing it well: Tulane- 100% privately funded 30k seat stadium
Others that aren't having $ issues: FAU (borrowed 63% of the cost, but haven't sold naming rights yet, which will affect that %)
As long as Temple builds their repayment/debt around realistic projections on revenue from attendance and AAC tv deals, it'll be fine.