"Johan Mesofits, post: 1712497, member: 23954"]Nope, but is their much a difference between 11-2 with some blow out losses and more close wins and 8-4 with 11 close games too? If both end up 9-4 and 11-3, is there not much difference either with one more loss by 7, 3, 1 point, or or one by 29 and 3 points and USC outcome? If that is your argument, Western Michigan should be in the Playoffs? Let's wait for the Bowls to play out, shall we, and that is better way to look at all Seasons, not Pre-Bowl only?
Sorry man I tried to have a rational conversation with you but it obviously is not going to happen. This is one of the most idiotic things I have seen written.
Well, you should not argue idiotic statements you can't refute instead of name calling. Some Posters have to ability to go game by game, and some like you can't do it. Western Michigan is 13-0 why are not ahead of PSU at 11-2. Why is OSU ahead of 11-2 team in lost too? There is Hugh difference in 10-2 OSU being invited to win a NCS and PSU not being Invited at 11-2???? One is in and the other joins another 120 out of it.
What is truly idiotic is the season is not over there can be an analysis of all Teams, Games, Final Ranked Teams, Bowl Results and make a good comparison at the end of the season, not now. Most likely that should favor Penn State, WVU and no problem with it.
Is there a difference between 11-2 and 8-4, yes a huge difference. At 11-2 your in the conversation for conference championships and playoffs.
Being in a conversation at 11-2 did not get PSU in the playoffs either. What the difference, only 4 teams got in, and another 120+ FBS Programs did not, PSU at 5 is just the same.
Are you bragging about being in a conversation being relevant to what not getting in NCS and that is winning biggersomehow??? You fine that interesting????
At 8-4 there is no conversation, its just a fan base waiting to find a bowl opponent.
At 11-2 there is no conversation, its just a fan base waiting to find a bowl opponent!
There is a huge difference.
How so, PSU earned a Conference Championship but left out of NCS Invite? I felt PSU should have been in NCS Playoffs! In addition, you are not playing against the Winner of the Pac-12 Conference nor Pac-12 Division in the Rose Bowl? Wisky is playing Western Michigan 13-0, is that big deal too?
Conference Championships matter.
Do they matter more than NCS CFB Committee Invites, How So, the Committee says so, but chose OSU that played one less game?
You call that "Conference Championship Matter" a Rationale Statement, Not in 2016, not for the Big Ten, not for the Big-12, and not for PSU? PSU won the Big Ten, Western Michigan 13-0 won MAC, they matter? Are they playing for the NCS?
What matters now is the top Four in NCS Playofs,
Yep, and everyone else out, no longer matters at all, fans just waiting to see some bowls that won't matter at all, won't stop 1 of those 4 Teams from Winning NCS? How does USC or PSU matter more than BAMA, OSU, CLEMSON, or WASHINGTON?
You want to reference Bama maybe you should read Nick Saban's first goal of every season which is to win your conference.
Well, he did it, Washington too, Clemson too! OU & PSU left out. Now if there were 6 or 8 Teams I would agree with you. Lets hope they go to 6 & 8 Teams.
At 11-2 you would have been ACC champions so yeah its a big difference.
Pitt wasn't and only Clemson matters in NCS now. If VT would have beaten Clemson, VT as Conference Champs would not be in and PSU maybe but "IFs"are illusions.
No one hangs banners for 8-4 but they do hang banners for conference championships.
I agree, hanging the Banner and Winning the Big Ten & Big-12 are something to be proud of and better than 8-4. Yet, if 11-3 versus 9-4 only one game, but the Banners & Trophy are nice too, so is beating a Conference Champs and keep them out of the NCS Invites, that is nice too without a Banner!
But so is beating that Conference Champion and not just one but two even without a Banner or Trophy. OSU beat OU too and that did not help PSU! Had PSU beaten Pitt you would have had the Banner, Trophy, and NCS Invite but PSU lost!
No one remembers how you won games 10 years ago they only remember the end result.
Well, then, no one will remember PSU winning the conference since they won't be part of the end result in 2016, NCS!
PS- OSU was 10-1 not 10-2 and that is why they made it.
PS- PSU was 11-2 not 12-1 and that is why they did not make it! I stand corrected OSU was 11-1, and you do too, not 10-1!
Losses matter Cap no one cares if you lose by 30 or 1 its a L on the record.
Well, the CFB committee cared did they not and that makes you outright wrong again, if Conference Champions matter why is PSU left out? It did not matter that PSU Beat OSU by 3, but it did matter PITT did Beat PSU by 3, and at 12-1 PSU would be ahead of OSU? So the Committee cared!
No participation trophies.
No Conversation Trophies either and the PSU is not in participation NCS trophies either, but hang that Banner you won by 3 and lost by 3 and 39, and it was 2 Losses, no cares you think that matters somehow now?
Do you think OSU losing to PSU by 3 matters now to OSU too? So what is the Big Dif?
PS: PSU has a great Program with much to be admired and I do!