Pitt Day of Giving

Should be giving to Alliance 412

Giving to the Panther club does nothing for player attraction or player retention
I don’t understand the give to both — university is sitting on top 20 endowment
Top 30 endowment.

The athletic portion of which is puny and smaller than many peers.

The athletic department still has to pay for coaches, staff, facilities, scholarships, meals, travel, medical care, etc, etc.
The football championship fund outraised the basketball championship fund by almost 20x. BB raised $12,525, which is pathetic. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the NIL funding profile was similar.

I'd suggest the loudmouth cheap asses who keep complaining about NIL funds needed to keep BB players reach into their pockets and quit expecting others to do it for you. However, I suppose they'll just continue to complain about where other people's money is spent.
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