Pitt Deputy Athletic Director Julio Freire RESIGNS!!

In addition to the fake organic food.

A guy I met thru business used to work for an "organic" food company. As I thought he confirmed there isn't the farming capacity to farm massive amounts of organic foods so they kinda fake it sprinkle some stuff on it, label it organic, charge a high price and rip the snowflakes off.

There was a recent headline about Whole Foods buying organic foods from China. No way those foods are organic its probably grown in toxic wastes.

Its the biggest scam going! Well one of the big ones along with man made global warming!
Your knowledge of organic food is on par with your knowledge of global warming. "A guy I met" told me all about it.
What's the advantage to "organic food"?
There is much written about this topic, but here is one basic explanation:

"A study conducted by the European Parliament’s Independent Research Service, titled “Human health implications of organic food and organic agriculture,” has concluded that eating organic food improves early development, reduces pesticide exposure, strengthens the nutritional value of food, and mitigates disease risks."

The above article, which has links to the study, is here:
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Or, somewhat the opposite, he was hired by Barnes and she may very well want to fill his position with someone she knows from the past and told him to move on. Pretty much SOP if you watch what has happened in the past when Pitt changed AD's.


You are 100% correct.

New ADs want to bring in their own Sr Assistant ADs (n = 1 or 2). This happens with every new AD hire.

No big deal.

Fight the Power
I sometimes wondered if you were a troll and your board persona was just to be negative for the sake of shock. Now I am sure of it. You had me going. But now I'm on to you. Haha. No way anyone can seriously be upset about this. Can you go back to your 200 daily anti Stallings posts now?
Just look at his name. Think about it quite literally. Troll to the Max!!!
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There is much written about this topic, but here is one basic explanation:

"A study conducted by the European Parliament’s Independent Research Service, titled “Human health implications of organic food and organic agriculture,” has concluded that eating organic food improves early development, reduces pesticide exposure, strengthens the nutritional value of food, and mitigates disease risks."

The above article, which has links to the study, is here:

Just like the study you posted, there are countless that conclude no discernible benefit. Now you can buy and eat what you want if it makes you feel better, but the guy eating the exact same non-organic diet as you isn't going to be any worse off than you.
So now athletics are crumbling because Hispanic French guy we never hear of decides to go take. another job? Like probably 1000 other people today in every major employer in the city?

Threads are getting bad. Threads are getting bad.

Looking forward to seeing some different kids play hoops and restart this program
So usual, overreacting by some fans. Do you really think this will have any impact on the overall functioning of the athletic dept.? There are many people that can fill this job and do it effectively. Pitt is like any other school in that some change will take place following a new hiring. Pitt is not in chaos, it is in transition, and may be better off for it. Stay the course.
I swear total chaos going on right now at Pitt. Wouldn't surprise me if Heather ups and leaves all of a sudden too. I mean why not? With Stallings embarrassing Pitt basketball which started with Barnes, then she inexplicably gives him some lame vote of confidence, and now the deputy AD takes a hike???

I think he may have been a problem. I live in the Spartanburg area and he left Pitt for AD at USC Upstate. Was just fired today due to over a dozen coaches complaining of harassment and/or hostile work environment.
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I swear total chaos going on right now at Pitt. Wouldn't surprise me if Heather ups and leaves all of a sudden too. I mean why not? With Stallings embarrassing Pitt basketball which started with Barnes, then she inexplicably gives him some lame vote of confidence, and now the deputy AD takes a hike???

SOOOOOO? He was supposed to also help in major fund raising and was hired by Barnes. You figure the rest out. The sky is not falling.
Very concerning.
Please also let us know what Smizik has to say about it please.
I swear total chaos going on right now at Pitt. Wouldn't surprise me if Heather ups and leaves all of a sudden too. I mean why not? With Stallings embarrassing Pitt basketball which started with Barnes, then she inexplicably gives him some lame vote of confidence, and now the deputy AD takes a hike???


chicken little the sky is falling poker....
Barnes and Julio down by the schoolyard sketching a new Panther logo... Barnes left and took the crayons leaving Julio with but a pencil sketch... and now he leaves, paper floating down Centre Avenue. Back to Square One on the replacement for Dinocat.... We're on our way, don't know where we're goin'....
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I think he may have been a problem. I live in the Spartanburg area and he left Pitt for AD at USC Upstate. Was just fired today due to over a dozen coaches complaining of harassment and/or hostile work environment.

Looks like he's very effective at what he does . . whatever he does.
People are pooh pooing this but I think it shows more chaos right now at Pitt and perception is everything. Not a good thing.
What, if anything do you know about the assistant AD to have any clue if this is good, bad, or indifferent? You are claiming Pitt’s athletic department is in disarray, AND that basically any personal change is bad. It is almost inconceivable that both are true.
What, if anything do you know about the assistant AD to have any clue if this is good, bad, or indifferent? You are claiming Pitt’s athletic department is in disarray, AND that basically any personal change is bad. It is almost inconceivable that both are true.

I wonder if you (and some others here) happened to notice that the post that you are responding to is over 10 months old?
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I was responding to the one about him being fired today from his subsequent job. Guy apparently gets things done quickly.
It doesn't matter who resigned at this point. I'm doubting anyone at Pitt has the ability to make an intelligent decision about a new Pitt coach, when it happens. Look what the Pitt administration and boosters did to the previous coach!! I don't care if it's all different people. I swear that Pitt doesn't know how to hire good people.

We're the laughing stock of college sports for what we did to him and what we have now.
I'm putting Stallings on double secret probation.

What happened to the Pitt I used to know ? Where's the spirit ? Where's the guts ? This could be greatest night of out lives, instead you're going to let it be the worst.

NOT ME ! Barnes, he is deadman. Freire, dead ! Neidermeyer...
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What happened to the Pitt I used to know ? Where's the spirit ? Where's the guts ? This could be greatest night of out lives, instead you're going to let it be the worst.

NOT ME ! Barnes, he is deadman. Freire, dead ! Neidermeyer...

Pitt MD is right. Psychotic, but absolutely right.
Really???? You are worried about the assistant to the assistant athletic director leaving?? Who cares?
I heard that the assistant office manager is thinking of leaving too...
The thing that is really hard to believe (apparently, for some people) is that when a Deputy Athletic Director left 10 months ago the whole University didn't collapse.
