Pitt - GT Game Thread

Still have never seen an opposing kicker miss a FG against us in this ‘difficult’ stadium… even a guy who hasn’t made one in two years before this.
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I want to complain about letting them get a field goal after we dominated most of the plays, but that may be the last 3 they get.
It would help if our receivers caught the ball with their hands. You cannot trap the football against your body.
This is a pattern.
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Sorry, but Slovis doesn't have it between the ears. He's not terrible, but he doesn't get it. His decision-making is pure shit if his first read isn't there.
That’s something that can be improved. I remember folks saying the same thing about Pickett his first couple of years.
Sorry, but Slovis doesn't have it between the ears. He's not terrible, but he doesn't get it. His decision-making is pure shit if his first read isn't there.
Before you blame him perhaps you should take a look at the amount of time the guy has to scan the field. This is what happens when you spend the last two games focusing on running the ball. GT is a lot bigger then the previous two opponents and unless cignetti starts throwing the ball downfield a little bit, Pitt may very well be in danger of losing this game.
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Before you blame him perhaps you should take a look at the amount of time the guy has to scan the field. This is what happens when you spend the last two games focusing on running the ball. GT is a lot bigger then the previous two opponents and unless cignetti starts throwing the ball downfield a little bit, Pitt may very well be in danger of losing this game.

A lot of it is pre-snap. You have to diagnose the defense and know where to look. That's what made Kenny so good. Look what he did behind the Steelers sieve of an o-line in the preseason.
Pitt regularly flagged for BS targeting while when it's blatant that our guys are getting killed it's NEVER called.
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If slovis blows this series, put in the backup...either of them that's available.
I'd like to say we're playing with our food, but we haven't exactly been firing on all cylinders all season. We have so much trouble putting together a smooth performance this season.
3 possessions

absolutely nothing

Slovis has to know when to get rid of the ball. Pitt offense has zero momentum
If slovis blows this series, put in the backup...either of them that's available.

He doesn't understand football. There's one dude in the backfield. You don't casually linger right beside him. Take a few proactive steps to where there is literally nobody in the pocket.

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